Beleidigungen, Vergewaltigungsfantasien, Morddrohungen – So werden Berliner Abgeordnete eingeschüchtert

Politiker aller Parteien werden täglich mit Hass überschüttet – vor allem im Internet. Eine Dokumentation des Hasses. Von Hass-Nachrichten sind alle Parteien betroffen. Laut einer Umfrage des RBB sind 94 Prozent aller Landespolitiker schon einmal beleidigt worden. Mehr als die Hälfte davon ist eigenen Angaben zufolge regelmäßig bis zu fünf Mal in der Woche betroffen – vor allem Politiker von Linke und AfD. Wir dokumentieren einige Beispiele.Der Sprecher für Verfassungsschutz seiner Fraktion findet deutliche Worte gegen Rechts- und Linksextremisten. Von beiden Seiten bekommt er Hassbotschaften, Morddrohungen. Mehrmals im Jahr gibt es Angriffe auf sein Wahlkreisbüro. Schreiber engagiert sich für die Rechte von Schwulen und Lesben. Facebook: „also, mit deinen Judenohren würde ich dich sofort abschieben! mit verachtung“ Facebook: „Ja, ein richtiger gutmenschennazi der leuten wie dir in den arsch fickt und deine familie zuschauen lässt, im nächsten brennenden flüchtlingsheim bist du“ Twitter:
„(…), Ihr findet @TomSchreiberMdA in der Rue Charles Peguy in Mühlhausen“ (Anmerkung der Redaktion: Fundort der Leiche von Hans-Martin Schleyer) (…) „Für dich machen wir den Ofen noch mal an !!!!! Du elendes Stück Dreck !!!!“ Helm zieht den Hass von Rechtsextremisten an wie wenige andere im Berliner Parlament. Bei den Linken ist die ehemalige Abgeordnete der Piratenpartei heute Sprecherin für Strategien gegen Rechts. Sie erhält Morddrohungen und Vergewaltigungsfantasien – teils unter den Klarnamen der Absender. Auf Facebook existierte eine Seite, die „Stadtverbot für Anne Helm“ hieß. Facebook: „Die Schlampe wollte ich damals schon schlachten! Wenn man die Adresse rauskriegen könnte…….. Mal sehen!“ Facebook: „Skin her alive!“ (Auf deutsch: „Häutet Sie lebendig!“) Twitter: „Die sollte vergewaltig werden! Oder schneidet die Brüste ab.“ (…) Mail: „Ich werde dich Töten du elendige Dreckshure! Nicht mit MIR! DU BIST TOT!!!!! Ich freue mich darauf dir langsam und sadistisch deine erbrämliche Existenz zu nehmen, ich werde dich Tag und Nacht quälen Linkes gesocks!“

via tagesspiegel: Beleidigungen, Vergewaltigungsfantasien, Morddrohungen So werden Berliner Abgeordnete eingeschüchtert

White Nationalists and Neo-Nazis Applaud Recent Spate of Antisemitic Attacks

White nationalists and neo-Nazis largely supported a series of antisemitic attacks that sparked fear and outrage across the New York metropolitan area at the close of 2019, a Hatewatch review of their correspondences determined. The statements from organized racists are noteworthy due to the racialized nature of two prominent attacks that took place in December 2019: The suspects accused in both incidents are black. Two black suspects allegedly shot and killed four people in a Jersey City, New Jersey, kosher supermarket on Dec. 11, 2019, and another allegedly attacked Hasidic Jews at the home of a rabbi in Monsey, New York, on Dec. 28, 2019. Both incidents brought renewed attention to a spike in antisemitic hate crimes taking place not only in and around New York City, but also nationwide. Hate crimes targeted Jews above any other group in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago during 2019, according to research conducted by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism (CSHE) at California State University, San Bernardino. White nationalists, who regularly produce a deluge of propaganda that is both antisemitic and depicts black people as violent criminals, used the attacks primarily to focus on sharpening their attacks on Jews. “If it’s an altercation between a black and a white, my sympathy goes for the white,” white nationalist podcaster Michael “Enoch” Peinovich said in a Dec. 30, 2019 broadcast of his show “Strike and Mike.” “But If there’s an altercation between a black and Jew, it happens differently.” Peinovich stopped short of endorsing the Dec. 28 machete attack on his show but nevertheless admitted to laughing at what he described as a video of a man punching an Orthodox Jewish person. Neo-Nazis on the messaging app Telegram praised the attackers outright. One channel run by a pseudonymous internet personality referred to the suspects as “based Synagogue Stabbers” after the Monsey machete attack. One neo-Nazi channel on Telegram attached to a group that promotes committing acts of terrorism republished a list of “non-white heroes” written by someone going by the name Bobby Bowie on Dec. 11, 2019. The list included the names of the suspects of the Jersey City shooter attack next to the tagline, “3 K***s, 1 Cop,” referring to the victims of the attack. Another Telegram channel that traffics in neo-Nazi propaganda posted a series of videos following the attacks that highlighted black speakers voicing criticisms of Jews, appearing to portray them as allies in a shared struggle. Commenters on the private forum for the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer took a similar tone about the story across dozens of posts in the aftermath of the Monsey attack. “What a fantastic end to 2019,” a pseudonymous poster going by the name WhiteShariaEnforcer. “Black k*** slayers sending white pills to the goyim.” “White pills” refers to an event that is positive or hopeful for white nationalists. “Goyim” refers to non-Jews.

via splcenter: White Nationalists and Neo-Nazis Applaud Recent Spate of Antisemitic Attacks

Hitler impersonator Harald Zenz arrested in Germany after trying to get into brewery in Nazi outfit

A man impersonating Adolf Hitler was arrested by police after trying to get into a brewery in Germany. Harald Zenz was stooped outside of a bar in Munich, where he was reportedly wearing a Nazi outfit – decorated with symbols and fake memorabilia – which is forbidden in public in Germany. The man – who also goes by the name of Harald Hitler – is believed to be a supporter of the far-right and Nazi ideology, and members of the German Workers Club had reportedly reserved a 10-person table, which staff later cancelled. Zenz was previously arrested in 2017 having visited Hitler’s birthplace, Braunau am Inn, in Austria.

via perthnow: Hitler impersonator Harald Zenz arrested in Germany after trying to get into brewery in Nazi outfit

King County says 2 local men accused of neo-Nazi ties are still in Texas – #schauhin #terror #atomwaffen #awd

A man accused of being part of a neo-Nazi group in Washington state appears headed for federal prison. But his friend remains unaccounted for. King County say he is the leader of “Atomwaffen Division” in Washington. King County officials say they remain concerned that members of the neo-Nazi group “Atomwaffen Division” (which means ‘atomic weapons’ in German) are taking steps toward “ideologically-motivated violence.” Last October, officials obtained an extreme risk protection order (available under “red flag” laws in many states) to seize nine firearms from Kaleb Cole’s home in Arlington, Wash. They said Cole is a leader of the neo-Nazi group. Cole did not appear at court hearings to contest the seizure. In November, Cole was found in Texas when police pulled over a car he was traveling in. Inside the vehicle were firearms and marijuana. King County Prosecutor Dan Satterberg said they issued a warrant for Cole’s arrest after the incident in Texas, citing “unlawful gun possession.” (…) In seeking the ERPO, King County and the Seattle Police Department claimed that Cole “is a self-admitted member of the Atomwaffen Division,” and is believed to be the cell leader in Washington who has helped organize “hate camps.” Officials pointed to video clips and photos on Cole’s personal cell phone. They argue that the photos showed members of Atomwaffen Division in Washington state training with high-capacity weapons. And they said the evidence suggested Cole had “gone from espousing hate to now taking active steps or preparation for an impending ‘race war.’”

via kuow: King County says 2 local men accused of neo-Nazi ties are still in Texas

DOJ says man linked to neo-Nazis used 'swatting' against journalists, government officials – #terror

Federal authorities believe a Virginia man tied to a neo-Nazi organization is behind a series of bomb threats and “swatting” attacks targeting journalists, government officials and others, according to The Washington Post. John William Kirby Kelley appeared before a federal court in Alexandria on Friday, shortly after being arrested. According to The Post, officials have been investigating Kelley since 2018, when he allegedly called Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Va., claiming someone armed with an AR-15 had hidden pipe bombs around campus. Through that incident, officials were able to access Kelley’s phone records, discovering chat logs with members of the group. The group practiced “swatting,” a form of harassment where one makes false reports of violence or weapons to police in an attempt to get victims set upon by SWAT teams.

via thehill: DOJ says man linked to neo-Nazis used ‘swatting’ against journalists, government officials

White supremacists, satanists, and terrorists: The true story of NZ's 'hideous virus' of a book – #4chan #terror

Gunman shot dead by police as authorities look for a second suspect following shooting in annual California food event. The final hours of Santino Legan’s life were filled with anger and hatred. On July 28, 2019, the 19-year-old stormed the Gilroy Garlic Festival near San Jose, California, killing three people and injuring 19. As he drove to the festival, armed with a semi-automatic rifle and six high capacity magazines, he made a series of Instagram posts lashing out at the world around him. The last thing he ever posted on the internet was a book recommendation: “Read Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard.” Those words have been uttered countless times in the darkest corners of the internet. On 4chan, 8chan, and Stormfront, angry young men push it onto other angry young men, claiming it will change their lives and open their eyes. The book reads pretty much how you would expect given its fanbase: furious rants about how white people are superior and women should be subservient, encouraging violence and rebellion. Might is Right never had any mainstream publishing success, but for 130 years it has survived and thrived in the shadows. It has been cited by terrorists, screamed at Klan rallies, and become the bible for an entire religion. The book’s author, Ragnar Redbeard, has always had an air of mystery around his identity. That’s just the way his biggest fans like it. The intrigue adds to his allure, helping to grow his legend. But it’s not true. Historians know who Ragnar Redbeard was. His real name was Arthur Desmond, a failed politician from Napier. And until recently it was still available to buy here. This is the story of what may be New Zealand’s most notorious book.

via stuff co nz: White supremacists, satanists, and terrorists: The true story of NZ’s ‘hideous virus’ of a book

Nach Abstimmungspanne NPD-Politiker scheitert mit Abwahl-Widerspruch ein zweites Mal

Erst nach einer Welle der Empörung wählte das Dorfparlament von Waldsiedlung in der Wetterau den NPD-Politiker Jagsch als Ortsvorsteher ab. Sein Widerspruch dagegen stand nun ein zweites Mal auf der Tagesordnung – wegen einer Panne. Es bleibt dabei: Der NPD-Politiker Stefan Jagsch ist als Ortsvorsteher von Altenstadt-Waldsiedlung (Wetterau) abgesetzt. Bei einer Sitzung des Ortsbeirats am Samstag stimmten die anwesenden Mitglieder einstimmig gegen Jagschs Widerspruch, wie das Gremium mitteilte. (,…) Im Dezember hatte der Ortsbeirat den Widerspruch Jagschs schon einmal abgelehnt – bei einer Gegenstimme von Jagsch selbst. Dabei waren seiner Nachfolgerin aber zwei Fehler unterlaufen, wie Bürgermeister Norbert Syguda (SPD) dem hr sagte.Die neue Ortsvorsteherin Cyrulnikov und Jagsch hätten zwar wie vorgeschrieben nicht an der Beratung teilgenommen, aber an der Abstimmung über den Widerspruch. Das sei ebenso nicht korrekt gewesen wie die Weigerung, einen anderen NPD-Politiker in der Sitzung sprechen zu lassen. Dieser aus Waldsiedlung wohne Mann habe als Mitglied der Gemeindevertretung sehr wohl Rederecht gehabt.Die Panne müsse man einer so jungen Ortsvorsteherin nachsehen, sagte der Bürgermeister. Die Abwahl wird voraussichtlich aber noch das Verwaltungsgericht Gießen beschäftigen. Jagsch hatte bereits angekündigt, Klage einzureichen.

via hessenschau: Nach Abstimmungspanne NPD-Politiker scheitert mit Abwahl-Widerspruch ein zweites Mal