#Amazon urged to withdraw ‘obscene’ children’s book by executed Nazi

The Holocaust Educational Trust has complained to Amazon about its sale of the antisemitic Der Giftpilz. The Holocaust Educational Trust has criticised Amazon for selling an antisemitic children’s book by a convicted Nazi official. The organisation has written to Amazon to express its concern over the continued sale and promotion of Der Giftpilz. Der Giftpilz or ‘The Poisoned Mushroom’ by Julius Streicher was first published in German in 1938. Streicher was the founder and publisher of the virulently antisemitic Nazi newspaper Der Stürmer and was executed for crimes against humanity following the Nuremberg trials. Karen Pollock MBE, Chief Executive of the Holocaust Educational Trust, said: “This book is obscene. It is worrying that distinguished publishers like Amazon would make available products that promote racist or hate speech of any kind, let alone those from the darkest period of European history. We have already raised our concerns about similar issues over the past decade. “As the Holocaust moves from living history to history, our survivors regularly raise the concern that Holocaust denial and antisemitism still persist. “We urge Amazon to do the right thing and remove this material from sale immediately, audit what else it may be on sale, and review their policies to prevent this ever happening again.”

via thejc: Amazon urged to withdraw ‘obscene’ children’s book by executed Nazi
