New details emerge on alleged white supremacist ‘#Terrorgram’ leader based in #Sacramento area

By all available accounts, Dallas Humber barely socialized with her Elk Grove community — she didn’t own a home, raise kids or work a salaried job. But on the vast internet, Humber tapped into a nearly unlimited global network to attempt to solicit assassinations of U.S. government leaders and encourage white supremacists to unleash terror attacks upon minorities, authorities said. The 34-year-old was indicted Monday after federal prosecutors said she helped lead a chat on messaging app Telegram that provided detailed instructions on how to create bombs and created an list of assassination targets including a senator, federal judge, state officials and more. A court document filed Tuesday by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Sacramento, arguing for her continued detention, revealed more information about Humber’s background and arrest last week. Among the new details noted by prosecutors: that Humber was found with a trove of firearms, some of them 3D-printed; that she was an ex-fugitive chased by police two years ago; and that she has corresponded with a white supremacist mass shooter who murdered nine people at a South Carolina church. Humber pleaded not guilty Monday to 15 charges related to overseeing a group named “The Terrorgram Collective.” Humber and her co-defendant, 37-year-old Matthew Robert Allison, of Boise, Idaho, are accused of encouraging violence against U.S. officials and spreading white supremacist ideology consumed by followers, some of whom went on to commit terrorist attacks overseas. The United Kingdom designated “The Terrorgram Collective” as a terrorist organization in April. (…) When Humber was arrested Friday, federal authorities found domestic terrorist patches, Nazi paraphernalia, 3D printed firearms, 3D printers, ammunition, trigger extenders, SIM cards and flash drives, according to the court filing. Humber is in touch with her parents but does not have her own family, and she works an “unsalaried job,” according to the federal court filing. It appears Humber may have been married at one point. Humber said in a June 2022 Terrorgram Collective post that she and her husband “caught our first case together a few months after we started dating,” and were involved in a high-speed chase with police, prosecutors said. They were fugitives for a month, the court filing said. The court document did not specify where exactly Humber was arrested, nor did the Justice Department on Monday. Public records list Humber’s most recent address as a home in Elk Grove. Humber appears to have dedicated her life to spreading the white supremacist ideology. She called white supremacist Brandon Russell while he was in custody and vowed to never quit their worldview, the court filing said. “It’s a lifelong commitment,” Humber said, according to prosecutors. Russell, a member of a neo-Nazi group called Atomwaffen, was sentenced in 2018 to five years in prison for possessing an unregistered destructive device and for unlawfully storing explosive material while living in Tampa. He was also indicted last year in connection to plotting to attack electric substations in Baltimore. Even Telegram banned Humber and Allison’s accounts, channels and chats for posting extremist content, but they continued to create new ones. Both employed “sophisticated technologies” to hide their true location and frequently changed account names, the court filing said.

via sacbee: New details emerge on alleged white supremacist ‘Terrorgram’ leader based in Sacramento area

siehe auch: California woman accused as white supremacist group leader, plotted terror acts online: prosecutors. A California woman has been arrested on charges of co-leading a white supremacist terrorist group focused on inciting and plotting hate crimes here in the U.S. and around the globe. (…) Prosecutors said Humber and Allison posted hate rhetoric encouraging members to carry out attacks against those deemed as enemies of the white race. They’re also accused of posting instructional videos and manuals on how to create bombs, chemical weapons, and weapons of mass destruction.  According to the 37-page federal indictment unsealed on Monday, on various dates, Humber posted: “WE NEED TERROR SHOOTINGS ARSON BOMBINGS STABBINGS DEAD TARGETS NOT FOILED PLOTS STOP TALKING START KILLING.” The post was marked with swastikas;

FRÜHERER AFD-ABGEORDNETER: Mit Sturmgewehr posiert: Staatsanwälte prüfen Fall Müger

Der frühere hessische AfD-Abgeordnete Müger hat sich in einem Tiktok-Video gegen Migranten ausgesprochen – in Kombination mit Schüssen aus einem Sturmgewehr. Nun ist er nicht nur ohne Partei, ihm droht möglicherweise ein Ermittlungsverfahren. Teilen Merken Drucken Nach dem umstrittenen Video des früheren AfD-Abgeordneten Maximilian Müger, in dem er sich missbilligend über Migration und Ausländer äußert und dann mit einem Sturmgewehr mehrere Schüsse abgibt, prüft die Staatsanwaltschaft Darmstadt nun Ermittlungen gegen ihn. Wie ein Sprecher der Behörde der F.A.Z. mitteilte, wird der Fall „derzeit einer Überprüfung hinsichtlich der strafrechtlichen Relevanz, insbesondere im Hinblick auf den Tatbestand der Volksverhetzung, unterzogen“. Davon wird auch abhängen, ob ein Antrag auf Aufhebung der parlamentarischen Immunität des Abgeordneten gestellt wird. Dies sei bisher noch nicht veranlasst. (…) Nach Veröffentlichung des Videos auf Tiktok hat der hessische Innenminister Roman Poseck (CDU) den Mitschnitt scharf kritisiert und von einem „weiteren Beispiel für die Radikalisierung der hessischen AfD“ gesprochen. Es werde „der Eindruck erweckt, dass Migrationspolitik mit Waffengewalt betrieben werden soll. Das ist nicht nur hoch gefährlich, sondern auch menschenverachtend. Solche Aktionen heizen das gesellschaftliche Klima an und sie erhöhen das Risiko, dass es zu tatsächlichen Gewaltausbrüchen kommt“.

via faz: FRÜHERER AFD-ABGEORDNETER: Mit Sturmgewehr posiert: Staatsanwälte prüfen Fall Müger

Neo-Nazi terrorist group using Steve Bannon account to radicalize people

As the presidential election approaches, a recently designated neo-Nazi terrorist group is covertly seeding violent propaganda on to mainstream social media channels – exposing tens of thousands of unknowing followers to radicalizing messages – according to background research and a report provided to the Guardian by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD). One of those channels on Telegram purports to be associated with Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast, with an administrator claiming in group chats discovered by ISD to have had direct contact with the longtime Trump ally who is well-known for playing footsie with extremists and admitting to fomenting revolution. The UK government listed the Terrogram collective as an official terrorist entity in April. The move spiked public interest in the shadowy network of violent neo-Nazi propagandists on Telegram that preaches accelerationism, which demands followers hasten the collapse of society through acts of terrorism. Terrorgram has already had success inspiring adherents. The Bratislava shooter who killed two people outside of a gay bar in 2022 cited it in his manifesto. Just last week, a teenage suspected supporter in Turkey carried out a mass stabbing at a mosque. Followers of Terrorgram in Canada and in the US have already been subject to terrorism-related charges in recent years. “The Terrorgram’s use of non-overt spaces serves to expose a wider audience to terrorist content, which risks drawing unsuspecting subscribers of these larger channels into more overtly violent extremist communities,” wrote Steven Rai, an analyst who monitors the far right and authored the report at the extremist watchdog, in the report. Rai says there are three channels masquerading under the guise of acceptable rightwing content, sharing clips from CNN and MSNBC, but then occasionally sharing conspiratorial content and racist or violent memes. But the administrators of the channels, who he suggests are alleged Terrorgram operatives looking to indoctrinate people, then tell followers to go further down the propaganda rabbit hole and join the chaotic group chats that push harsher ideas.

via guardian: Neo-Nazi terrorist group using Steve Bannon account to radicalize people

Ärger für rechten Aktivisten – Tanz-Video für AfD-Werbung gestohlen: “Bin angewidert”

Ein vermeintlicher TikTok-Guru der AfD fordert dazu auf, Videos fremder Menschen für AfD-Werbebeiträge zu nutzen. Jetzt distanzieren sich AfD und “Identitäre Bewegung” von ihm. Neuer Ärger in der AfD: Im Netz fordert ein parteinaher Social-Media-Experte zum Fälschen von TikTok-Videos auf. Nutzer sollen Beiträge von Frauen und Mädchen, die eigentlich zu anderer Musik tanzen, mit einem AfD-Song hinterlegen. Das Ziel: das Vortäuschen eines Social-Media-Trends und Reklame für die Partei. Der Mann hinter der Idee war früher für Maximilian Krah tätig und gilt als überzeugter Unterstützer der Partei. Accounts der Parteijugend teilten die Videos der jungen Frauen in den vergangenen Tagen begeistert in den sozialen Medien. Eine britische Tänzerin ist eines der Opfer des Schwindels und reagiert empört: “Ich bin absolut angewidert und fühle mich verletzt.” (…) Mit seinem jüngsten Anleitungsvideo hat er den Bogen jetzt aber womöglich überspannt: Darin erklärt er minutiös, wie sich beliebte TikTok-Tanzvideos anderer Nutzer umbauen und mit einem Lied versehen lassen, das für die AfD wirbt – und zwar ohne Rücksicht auf Urheber- und Persönlichkeitsrechte der TikToker, die die Tänze ursprünglich ins Netz gestellt haben. Konkret geht es darum, das Lied “Deutschland braucht die AfD” unter jungen Menschen populärer zu machen. Bereits seit Juni geistert der Song durch soziale Netzwerke. Mit entsprechenden Bildern unterlegt, soll das Werk von den Algorithmen der Netzwerke möglichst oft möglichen vielen Nutzern angezeigt werden.

via t-online: Ärger für rechten Aktivisten Tanz-Video für AfD-Werbung gestohlen: “Bin angewidert”

He Worked for a Law Firm Consulting on an Anti-Trans Supreme Court Case. Then We Asked About These Racist Posts

A WIRED investigation reveals that one of two lawyers known to have worked for or with Lawfair, a firm working on a case that could affect minors’ access to gender-affirming care, has ties to accounts with long histories of posting white supremacist content. Lawfair, founded by the well-known litigator Adam Mortara, is a boutique right-wing firm currently engaged by the state of Tennessee to provide counsel on a contentious Supreme Court case that could affect the availability of gender-affirming care for transgender minors across the country. Aside from Mortara, the only other lawyer known to have worked or done work for the firm is a project-based contract attorney named Christopher Roach. He no longer does so, after WIRED asked questions about his apparent ties—revealed exclusively in this story for the first time—to online accounts with a long history of posting white supremacist and antisemitic content. “America, frankly, would be a much more civilized, safe, wealthy, and orderly place, but for its minorities,” wrote one of the accounts. Mortara, a former Clarence Thomas clerk and current lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School, founded Lawfair in 2020. While working with a different firm, he was the lead trial lawyer representing Students for Fair Admissions in its case against Harvard, which later advanced to the Supreme Court—a ruling that gutted affirmative action. He is also, according to an appointment letter provided to WIRED by Tennessee’s attorney general’s office that was addressed to him through Lawfair LLC, currently being retained for $10,000 a month by Governor Bill Lee to “assist the State and the Office of the Attorney General with complex and sophisticated litigation, regulatory matters, and client advice.” Specifically, the firm is working on a case about whether the state’s ban on gender-affirming hormone care for transgender minors is in violation of the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause. If the court sides with Tennessee, it would significantly impact access to treatments like puberty blockers and hormone treatment. The case was picked up by the Supreme Court in June, and arguments are set to be heard this fall.

via wired: He Worked for a Law Firm Consulting on an Anti-Trans Supreme Court Case. Then We Asked About These Racist Posts

‘Tate raped and strangled us’ – women talk to BBC

21 hours ago Share Oana Marocico & Ben Milne BBC Panorama EPA Two women who say they were raped and strangled by the controversial social media influencer Andrew Tate have spoken to the BBC about their experiences. Another woman has alleged, for the first time, she was raped by Mr Tate’s younger brother, Tristan – also an influencer with millions of followers. The Tate brothers, aged 37 and 36, currently face charges in Romania of human trafficking and forming an organised group to sexually exploit women. Andrew Tate is also charged with rape. If found guilty, the two men could be jailed for more than 10 years. They strongly deny the charges against them. Andrew Tate is currently under house arrest in Romania. In addition to the charges he already faces, prosecutors are considering new allegations against him, including having sex with a minor and trafficking underage persons. Both brothers are also being investigated for trafficking 34 more women. Now, in a new BBC Panorama programme, two British women not involved with the Romanian case against the Tate brothers, have given detailed first-hand accounts of alleged rape and sexual violence by Andrew Tate. The allegations date back at least 10 years, to when Mr Tate was living in Luton. Another British woman has made a new allegation of rape against Tristan Tate, saying he put his hands around her throat as he did so. (…) She says after the attack, Mr Tate sent her disturbing text messages and voice notes about rape and sexual violence.

via bbc: ‘Tate raped and strangled us’ – women talk to BBC

siehe auch: Two Women Go on Camera to Accuse Andrew Tate of Rape and Abuse The controversial social media influencer under house arrest on human trafficking charges in Romania is facing allegations from two British women. Misogynist social media influencer Andrew Tate is facing allegations that he raped and strangled two women. After attacking one of the women, Tate allegedly wrote her a text that read: “I love raping you.” The victim also claimed he texted her: “Are you seriously so offended I strangled you a little bit?” The shocking claims about Washington DC-born Tate, 37, were reported by the BBC. They are separate allegations to the charges he is currently facing in Romania, where he is under house arrest accused of human trafficking and forming an organized group to sexually exploit women. A third woman told the BBC that she was raped by Tate’s younger influencer brother Tristan, 36, who also faces trial in Romania. Both brothers deny the charges. The rape claims against Tate were made by British women who dated Tate when he was living in Luton, England, about ten years ago.

roma: Two members, aged 21 and 18, of the neo-Nazi and supremacist group AAST arrested – #TheBase

The State Police of Milano, Cagliari e Vicenza has executed two precautionary measures of the obligation to remain in residence and house arrest against a twenty-year-old of Romanian origin and an eighteen-year-old Italian member of the Russian accelerationist network – present on Telegram – called AAST. The measures carried out today come at the end of a complex investigative activity developed in the last year – under the direction of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Milano e Cagliari with the coordination of National Anti-Mafia and Counter-Terrorism Directorate – by the local Digos in synergy with the Service for the Countering of Extremism and Internal Terrorism of the Central Directorate of the Prevention Police – Ucigos. (…) In particular, it emerged that the eighteen-year-old cagliaritano, today subjected to the precautionary measure of house arrest, is enrolled in AAST and within the connected to a supremacist terrorist association called The Base, attributable to the international program “White Suprematist Extremism”, which have as their primary objective the committing acts of violence with the aim of terrorism and subversion for reasons of racial hatred. Her violent nature had already revealed himself as a minor; in fact, in 2022, he was subjected to a personal, local and computer search delegated by the Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of Cagliari after having threatened a schoolmate with a knife, who had reprimanded him for hearing him praise Hitler. Even after he came of age, he continued to engage in conduct of discrimination and racial hatred, in addition to other crimes, such as child pornography, cyber extortion in the subspecies of “sextortion”, theft of digital identity for extortion purposes. In fact, it has been ascertained that the suspect maintains a dense network of virtual relationships with other Internet users, all orbiting around the supremacist galaxy, trying to gain credibility in these environments through the sharing of accelerationist propaganda content as well as through the commission of certain criminal acts on the territory, which he then sends to the administrators of the groups he frequents. In this context, the aforementioned has made himself available to implement the association program in his own city and in his own nation, informing himself and training through the training courses provided by the aforementioned organizations on the Telegram channels dedicated and has searched the web several times information on weapons such as guns, tonfa, crossbows, tasers, deterrents and knuckle-dusters, comparing himself with other Internet users on how to obtain a gun; furthermore, he was the author of attempted aggravated extortion, sexual violence and child pornography against various individuals, including a 15-year-old, asking for money by threatening to disseminate sexual images and videos of her on WhatsApp and forcing her to perform sexual acts online and, subsequently, to forward them on Telegram in a group chat.

via la milano: roma: Two members, aged 21 and 18, of the neo-Nazi and supremacist group AAST arrested

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