A video has appeared on Russian Telegram channels that claims to show the murder of the former Ukrainian MP and linguist Iryna Farion, as well as the “manifesto of the Ukrainian Autonomous Revolutionary Racist”, the group which is allegedly claiming responsibility for the murder. Ukrainian law enforcement officers are currently investigating the video. The video was posted on Russian channels late on 24 July. It includes a short clip purporting to be of the murder at the end of a lengthy video titled “Manifesto of the Ukrainian Autonomous Revolutionary Racist”. The entire video is watermarked “NS/WP”. The segment allegedly showing Farion’s murder lasts for no more than 10 seconds. As the camera is covered up for most of the time, it is difficult to discern any details. However, screams and a gunshot can be heard, and the location of the incident is briefly visible. The Astra Telegram channel compared a screenshot from the video with a photo from the crime scene, and the two images do look similar. NS/WP stands for National Socialism/White Power. Russian channels label it a neo-Nazi group. The video is not on NS/WP’s Telegram channel, but it does contain a link to another channel, ODERINT DUM METUANT (Latin for “Let them hate, so long as they fear”), which features a nearly four-minute-long video containing the “manifesto” and alleged footage of Farion’s murder. The lengthy text scrolls down against a background of views of Kyiv. The basic idea in it is that “there should be no war except racial war,” which the author proposes that everyone should wage together. The group also pledges to “punish everyone who sold the country after the Maidan [i.e. the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine in 2014 – ed.].”
via pravda.ua: Alleged assassination video of former Ukrainian MP Iryna Farion appears online, neo-Nazi movement claims responsibility – photos