Russian propaganda outlets claim Ukrainians took hostages on Russian territory. But a Russian nationalist was reportedly at the center of the chaos. Russia’s Vladimir Putin has called an emergency meeting of the Security Council after a supposed attack by Ukrainian saboteurs on Russian territory early Thursday that was apparently led by a notorious Russian nationalist. Lawmakers confirmed the meeting shortly after Russian propaganda outlets churned out a hodgepodge of horror stories claiming Ukrainian “saboteurs” had burst into the Bryansk region on the border, shot up a bus, and taken hostages. In a huge plot twist, however, a group of Russians led by a well-known Russian nationalist claimed they were behind the attack. The story of an attack by “Ukrainian saboteurs” is “all a lie by Kremlin propagandists,” the group said on Telegram. (…) Multiple independent Russian outlets identified the man as none other than Denis Kapustin, otherwise known as “White Rex,” a Russian neo-Nazi who just a few months ago admitted to previously cooperating with Russian security services. “I was for sure an agent of the Kremlin,” Kapustin told Russian journalist Oleg Kashin of his dealings with Russian authorities when he used to organize mixed martial arts tournaments throughout Russia. He said he was “invited” to Ukraine in 2015 and in 2017 made his way there to join Ukrainian troops fighting against Russia. Ukrainian authorities have denied involvement in events in Bryansk, saying it is either a “provocation” by the Kremlin or an act carried out by Russian partisans. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters the Security Council meeting would be held Friday and that it was not yet clear if the “terrorist attack”’ would “influence a change to the status of the ‘special military operation’” against Ukraine.
via daily beast: Putin-Hyped ‘Ukrainian Terror Attack’ Actually Led by Russian Neo-Nazi
siehe auch: Ukraine War: Putin Says ‘Neo-Nazis’, ‘Terrorists’ Shot at Civilians in Bryansk Region. Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has said the situation in the Bryansk region is “under control” after it reported an attack by Ukrainian “saboteurs” who crossed the border. “An inspection of the area is being carried out, and a large number of explosive devices of various types are being demined,” the FSB said. (…) One person has been killed in the shelling of a car by “Ukrainian saboteurs” the head of Russia’s Bryansk region, which borders Ukraine, claimed Thursday. Bryansk region Governor Alexander Bogomaz said a sabotage and reconnaissance group from Ukraine crossed the border and fired at a moving car in the village of Lyubechanye, killing one person and injuring a 10-year-old child. The child has been hospitalized, he said. Russian National Guard officers are currently engaged in clashes with the saboteurs, with civilian casualties reported, the state-run TASS news agency reported, citing law enforcement agencies.