#FBI investigating foreign #bitcoin payments moving to alt-right before #Capitol riot: report – #terror

As conservative extremists have been pushed off of major networks, they have increasing turned to bitcoin as a way to receive money. This trend intensified greatly around the fatal 2017 “Unite the Right” rally that terrorized Charlottesville, Virginia. Some bitcoin payments may reveal the sources of funding for the January 6th insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. “The FBI is investigating whether foreign governments, organizations or individuals provided financial support to extremists who helped plan and execute the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, one current and one former FBI official told NBC News. As part of the investigation, the bureau is examining payments of $500,000 in bitcoin, apparently by a French national, to key figures and groups in the alt-right before the riot, the sources said. Those payments were documented and posted on the web this week by a company that analyzes cryptocurrency transfers. Payments of bitcoin, a cryptocurrency, can be traced because they are documented on a public ledger,” NBC News correspondent Ken Dilanian reported Saturday. “On Dec. 8, Chainalysis reported, the donor sent 28.15 BTC — worth about $522,000 at the time of transfer — to 22 separate addresses, many of which belong to far-right activists,” NBC News reported.

via rawstory: FBI investigating foreign bitcoin payments moving to alt-right before Capitol riot: report

siehe auch: Nach Kapitol-Stürmung Bitcoin-Spende an US-Rechtsextreme aufgetaucht. Nach der Stürmung auf das Kapitol, sind Berichte aufgetaucht, die eine großzügige Bitcoin-Spende aus Frankreich an Rechtsextreme in den USA offenlegen. Das Online-Medium yahoo!news schreibt in einem Exklusivbericht, dass Rechtsextreme in den USA eine großzügige Bitcoin-Spende erhalten hätten, einen Monat vor der Erstürmung des Kapitols. Demnach seien am 8. Dezember 28,15 BTC (500.000 US-Dollar) auf 22 Wallets verschiedener Persönlichkeiten und Organisationen aus dem rechten politischen Spektrum des Landes transferiert worden.