Finnish neo-Nazi admins racist #Telegram channel, shares arson tips with UK rioters – #terror

An Yle probe has uncovered the prominent role played by a Finnish man on a Telegram channel fuelling the anti-immigrant riots in the UK. A young Finnish man with a background in neo-Nazi activities has played a prominent online role in the organisation of anti-immigrant riots in towns and cities across the UK over the past two weeks, an Yle investigation has found. (…) The riots are usually arranged via social media, especially the instant messaging service Telegram, with one of the most prominent such groups co-administered by the Finnish man at the centre of Yle’s investigation. Yle discovered the man’s identity and tracked him down to an apartment building in the south of the country. He is in his twenties and has run a neo-Nazi channel on Telegram. Yle is not publishing the man’s name because he has not been convicted of a serious crime nor, based on the information available at the time of publication, is he currently suspected of any. Finnish neo-Nazi shared arson tips The estimated 14,000 members of the ‘Southport Wake Up’ group on Telegram planned tactics and outlined ‘targets’ — such as immigration-related charities, advice centres and solicitors — before the channel was closed down. The Finnish neo-Nazi was a co-administrator of the group as well as a regular contributor. One of his posts shared instructions on how to commit arson, which originated from a Russian-Ukrainian neo-Nazi group, according to the British anti-fascist research group Red Flare. “Something fun for you to read,” the Finnish man wrote when he shared the arson instruction file. He also gave the group members advice on protecting their identities as well as participating in discussions about the selection of so-called targets (…) Yle’s investigation also revealed that the Finnish man has for years run a Telegram channel used to spread Nazi ideology. On this channel, he claimed that he does not encourage people to commit violence or terrorism, but at the same time, he urges the destruction of “the accursed Jews”. He also calls himself a National Socialist and he has previously published posts praising Adolf Hitler. In one video, he speaks as he is walking around Helsinki synagogue. (…) His Telegram channel has more than 300 followers from a range of different countries. He is also active on platforms such as Gab and Odysee, as well as having at least five accounts on X, formerly Twitter. In addition to Nazi-related material, he has also published Hamas propaganda videos.

via yle: Finnish neo-Nazi admins racist Telegram channel, shares arson tips with UK rioters

siehe auch: Neo-Nazi who posted arson threats is in private chats of Patriotic Alternative. We can exclusively reveal that the neo-Nazi behind widely-publicised arson threats to immigration-related services, is in the private Telegram chats of fascist group Patriotic Alternative (PA). Using the pseudonym “Mr.AG” an abbreviation of “AryanizedGoebbelboo”, this Finnish neo-Nazi remains an active member of the private PA Gaming group chat on Telegram, which only has 181 members. The user was also active in PA leader Mark Collett’s main Telegram chat prior to its deletion. Posts by the user have been shared by key figures in PA including Yorkshire regional organiser Sam Melia, former national fitness officer Kristofer Kearney and longtime member Darren Harrison (aka “Saint Harrison”).