A teenage neo-Nazi obsessed with death filmed himself assaulting three teenage girls by spraying them with liquid in terrifying random attacks, a court has heard. The boy was just 14 when he threw a mystery liquid at two girls as they sat enjoying the sunshine in a south-west London park on May 18 last year. He carried out a similar attack eight days later, targeting a girl as she walked to a study session for her GCSE exams. The Old Bailey heard the attacks were inspired the boy’s rapid descent into far right extremist ideology, and a dark trend with a group called the “Maniac Murder Club” for random violent attacks on strangers. Police found videos of the attacks on the boy’s phone and computer, including edited versions with a Swastika added, Russian language commentary, and a death metal soundtrack. Officers also found a vast amount of far right extremist material, including videos of executions, torture, rape, mutilation, and extreme violence. He wrote about wanting a race war and the eradication of 60 per cent of the world’s population to leave only white people. The boy had also collected BB gun parts, Nazi fridge magnets and badges, and a rubber gas mask, and used an alias online which included the Nazi code 1488 – a reference to Adolf Hitler. Mr Justice Jeremy Baker sentenced the boy, now 15, on Friday to a three-year youth rehabilitation order, putting him under “intense” surveillance and supervision for the rest of his childhood. The court heard the boy was wearing a blue surgical face mask when he carried out the first random attack on two girls as they sat together on the grass in a park. He is heard breathing heavily in the 24-second clip he made himself, running up to the victims and spraying a liquid at one of the girls in an attempt to hit her face.
via evening standard: Neo Nazi boy, 15, sprayed girls in terrifying random attacks