Instead of having racist imagery or neo-Nazi screeds, the website for a budding neo-Nazi collective now just relentlessly ridicules the racists. The extremists who visit the website planned by Pax Aryana, a budding neo-Nazi group, won’t find the racist imagery or stuffy pseudo-intellectual screeds when they land on its page. Instead, they’ll find hats. Lots and lots of hats. The reason for this abundance of caps is that the online neo-Nazi publishing collective has had its website stolen out from under them by milliner-loving anti-fascists. “We don’t want to put a cap in you,” reads the now hat-focused site. “We want to put a cap on you.” Joshua Fisher-Birch, a researcher at the Counter Extremism Project, told VICE World News that, despite the mocking website, Pax Aryana is no joke. He said the collective is part of “the Terrorgram propaganda community on the communications app, which is made up of extreme neo-Nazi channels and affiliated media that promote violence and acts of white supremacist terrorism.” The group has several Telegram channels including one with over 3,500 followers and, at the end of last year, released a “principles and strategy for advocating for decentralized accelerationist violence.” “They’ve also released several other documents promoting fascism, anti-Semitism, racism, and guerrilla warfare,” said Fisher-Birch. It appears Pax Aryana didn’t have the foresight to secure the domain—despite naming one of its chats explicitly the now-stolen url. This allowed anti-fascists to buy up the website and clown on the racists. A video ( set to “Send in the Clowns” by Frank Sinatra and “Entry of the Gladiators,” better known as “that Circus song”) is embedded prominently on the homepage to mock the neo-Nazis.
via vice: Anti-Fascists Steal Website From Neo-Nazis, Tell Them to ‘Enjoy Prison’