Man interrupts Kalispell protest with Nazi flag

Flathead Valley residents taking part in a peaceful protest at Kalispell’s Depot Park on Tuesday said they were intimidated by a man displaying a Nazi flag. Love Lives Here In The Flathead Valley community organizer Cherilyn DeVries said the man made threatening remarks toward protesters for 45 minutes. The protesters, who are not affiliated with Love Lives Here, meet weekly at Deport Park voicing concerns about President Trump’s administration. DeVries said protesters acted properly by contacting authorities and not escalating the encounter. Love Lives Here made a Facebook post about the incident and said: “Fortunately, everyone is safe, and the people at the rally let this man know that his views do not represent Kalispell or the Flathead Valley. White nationalists seek to divide communities and intimidate people who have faced discrimination for generations, and now they are trying to divide Kalispell.”

via krtv: Man interrupts Kalispell protest with Nazi flag