#Liebig34 – jW Exklusiv: Tätliche Angriffe vor »Liebig 34« ausschließlich von »#Sicherheitsleuten« – #Padovicz #Brecheisen #Kuhfuß

Aggressive Padovicz-Schlägertruppe bedroht Passanten mit Brecheisen, Stangen und Schaufel. Die tätlichen Angriffe in der Berliner Liebigstraße am Montag abend gingen ausschließlich von »Sicherheitsleuten« des Immobilienunternehmers Gijora Padovicz aus. Das zeigt ein vierminütiges Video, das während des Vorfalls aufgenommen wurde. Im Internet kursiert bereits seit Dienstag abend ein einminütiger Ausschnitt des Clips, jW hatte am Mittwoch Gelegenheit, die vollständige Aufnahme anzuschauen und mit einem Augenzeugen zu sprechen. Wie bereits in der Dienstagausgabe berichtet, hatten am Montag nach 22 Uhr vier Personen Passanten mit einem Brecheisen – einem sogenannten Kuhfuß –, einer Schaufel, Latten und Stangen massiv bedroht. Eine Frau hatte vor dem am Freitag von der Polizei geräumten Hausprojekt »Liebig 34« eine Kerze entzündet, was zu dieser aggressiven Reaktion führte. Bei den Angreifern handelt es sich laut Tagesspiegel um eine Gruppe Tschetschenen, die derzeit »im Auftrag der Unternehmensgruppe Padovicz« das Haus »bewohnen, um es zu entrümpeln und zu bewachen«. In dem vierminütigen Video ist zu sehen, wie die vier Personen der Schlägertruppe Umstehende – vornehmlich Anwohner – bespucken, sie schubsen und ihnen auch ins Gesicht schlagen. In mindestens einem Fall geht der Schlag gegen den Kehlkopf. Besonders aggressiv tritt der Anführer auf, der zwischendurch in gebrochenem Deutsch brüllt: »Das ist mein Lieblingsfirmaprojekt.« Anschließend reihen sich die vier Schläger vor der Baustelle auf, manche telefonieren. Noch vor Eintreffen der Polizei kommt ein weißer Renault-Transporter mit Berliner Kennzeichen angefahren, der eine Passantin streift und dann stoppt – offenbar zur Unterstützung der vier »Sicherheitsleute«.

via jw: Liebig 34 – jW Exklusiv: Tätliche Angriffe vor »Liebig 34« ausschließlich von »Sicherheitsleuten«

Hass im Netz – Youtube geht schärfer gegen QAnon-Videos vor

Ausweitung der Regeln gegen Hassbeiträge angekündigt – Verschwörungserzählungen würden für echte Gewalt sorgen. Im Vorfeld der US-Präsidentschaftswahlen bemühen sich die großen Plattformbetreiber derzeit sichtlich verstärkt darum, gegen Hassinhalte vorzugehen. Nach Facebook verkündet nun auch Youtube eine härtere Gangart gegen QAnon-Verschwörungserzählungen und deren Anhänger. Mit einer Ausweitung der eigenen Regeln bezüglich Hassinhalte und Belästigung will Googles Videoplattform die Verbreitung entsprechender Videos eindämmen. Konkret werden verschwörungstheoretische Inhalte untersagt, die gezielt gegen Einzelpersonen oder Gruppen gerichtet sind – und so die Gefahr bergen, dass sie zu echter Gewalt führen. Als Beispiel nennt man etwa “Pizzagate”, eine QAnon-Verschwörungsbehauptung, die prominenten demokratischen Politikern unterstellte, Kinder im Keller einer Pizzeria gefangen zu halten. (…) Es ist also davon auszugehen, dass es zu einer großen Löschwelle von QAnon-Beiträgen kommt, richten sich diese doch zu weiten Teilen gezielt gegen einzelne Personen und Gruppen.

via standard: Hass im Netz – Youtube geht schärfer gegen QAnon-Videos vor

Twitter geht gegen alle Völkermord-Lügen vor

Facebook möchte ausdrücklich nur Lügen über den gegen Juden gerichteten Holocaust löschen. Twitter geht weiter. Twitter möchte Tweets löschen, die den Holocaust leugnen – oder andere Völkermorde. Das hat das Unternehmen am Mittwoch bestätigt. Eine formelle Änderung der Twitter-Regeln gibt es dazu nicht. Vielmehr handelt es sich um eine Auslegung der bereits bestehenden Richtlinie zu Hass schürendem Verhalten. Damit geht Twitter weiter als Facebook. Dessen Chef Mark Zuckerberg hatte 16 Jahre ausdrücklich geduldet, dass auf seiner Plattform der Holocaust geleugnet wird. Es hat bis Montag gedauert, dass Zuckerberg und sein Datenkonzern ihre Einstellung ändern: Den Holocaust zu leugnen ist auf Facebook nicht länger willkommen. Allerdings hat sich auf Nachfrage heise onlines ergeben, dass sich Facebooks Verbot ausdrücklich nur gegen Lügen über den gegen Juden gerichteten Holocaust richtet. Die internen Überlegungen Facebooks waren von antisemitischen Attacken gegen jüdische Personen ausgegangen, und erkennen das Leugnen oder Herunterspielen der Schoah als Teil dieses Problems. Somit bleibt es auf Facebook beispielsweise zulässig, zu behaupten, den als Porajmos bekannten Völkermord der Nazis an Roma habe es nicht gegeben. [Update 10:35 Uhr]: Am Donnerstag hat Facebook heise online mitgeteilt, dass das neue Verbot für Leugnungen und Verzerrung aller Aspekte des Holocaust gilt, auch wenn Nicht-Juden betroffen waren. Ob damit auch die über den Holocaust hinausgehenden Vernichtungsprogramme der Nationalsozialisten gemeint sind, bleibt weiter offen. Lügen über Völkermorde verübt abseits der Nazi-Zeit sind wohl weiterhin nicht erfasst. [/Update]

via heise: Twitter geht gegen alle Völkermord-Lügen vor

Outrage over armed neo-Nazi protest in Santiago, Chile

“Chile did not end its military dictatorship to accept these challenges to its democracy.”. Antisemitism watchdog Simon Wiesenthal Center has called on the Chilean authorities to take action following a public demonstration by armed neo-Nazi groups in Santiago. The demonstration, held Saturday to protest a new constitution, saw numerous armed neo-Nazi protesters present, with at least one notable protester wearing a shirt that said “F**k You Israel” over a Jewish star with a cancel sign, according to local news outlet Lanacion. “To see uniformed Nazis marching in Santiago – in ideological lockstep with antisemitic leftist pro-Palestinians – is a step to the abyss,” Simon Wiesenthal Center international relations director Dr. Shmuel Samuels said in a statement. “Chile did not end its military dictatorship to accept these challenges to its democracy.” “How long will we have to wait for the protection of Jewish citizens in Chile?” Simon Wiesenthal Center Latin America director Dr. Ariel Gelblung added. “Hate knows no boundaries. It is neither from the Right nor from the Left. Hate is devious. It calls for legislative action. If not immediate, it will be too late to regret.”

via jpost: Outrage over armed neo-Nazi protest in Santiago, Chile

Ex neo-Nazi calls for solidarity with Jewish, Muslim women – #28

One of the first conspiracy theories she engaged with was that “Jewish people had control over the media and society as a whole.”. A former Blood & Honour white supremacist Neo-Nazi female has called for greater solidarity with Jewish and Muslim women in the UK, as hate crimes hit a record high, as well as white supremacist activity and conspiracy theories. Lauren Manning, 30, was for over five years a member of the Canadian division of Blood & Honour, a notorious Neo-Nazi and white supremacist group founded in 1987 in the UK. While beginning her first UK engagement with Nisa-Nashim, the UK’s Jewish-Muslim women’s network, Manning said that “the best thing [Jewish and Muslim women] can do during these times is to try and stand together as much as possible, and help each other where possible.” (…) During the event, Manning told her story and described how she grew up in a middle-class Canadian neighborhood, but turned to a life of drugs, alcohol, crime and ultimately white supremacy at the age of 17 after suffering abuse, losing her father at a young age and leaving home. She explained that “instead of choosing self-acceptance, I chose self-hatred, and woke up each morning wanting to be someone else.” Manning continued, explaining how the extremist group Blood and Honour had a problem with “everybody” and that one of the first conspiracy theories she engaged with was that “Jewish people had control over the media and society as a whole” – and that because she had never met a Jewish person before, “it became a fear of the unknown itself.” Manning said that she chose to leave the group after five years after a fellow member was murdered. An earlier initial attempt to escape failed when she was beaten and hospitalized. “The groups see women as subservient, meaning we were to bear the children and take care of domestic stuff. There was endless pressure on me to have children to continue the white race.”

via jpost: Ex neo-Nazi calls for solidarity with Jewish, Muslim women

EXCLUSIVE: #SPLC Podcast Reveals Secret Recordings from Neo-Nazi White Supremacist Group, #TheBase – #terror

Recordings of over 100 people, including the hate group’s leader Rinaldo Nazzaro, reveal their recruiting tactics and plots The latest episode of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)’s podcast Sounds Like Hate published today with exclusive and never-before-heard recordings from a neo-Nazi white supremacist group, The Base. Titled Baseless, this three-part story takes listeners through 83 hours of secret recordings as 100 men apply for membership into The Base, revealing the group’s recruiting tactics, violent plots and efforts to avoid law enforcement. “We want things to accelerate, we want things to get worse in the United States,” said Rinaldo Nazzaro, the leader of The Base in the recordings. “And from that point by virtue of the chaos that ensues, that would naturally present some opportunities for us … law and order starts breaking down, power vacuums start emerging…for those who are organized and ready, to take advantage of those.” The analysis of these recordings used machine learning to find patterns in what was said. According to podcast producer and co-host Geraldine Moriba, “there’s nothing coded here. These are expressions of malcontentment with a real goal to destroy our nation. Little did I know when I agreed to investigate these stories the president would tell white supremacists to ‘stand back and stand by,’ and they would be emboldened to the point of openly pursuing their accelerationist plans.” Listen to the latest episode, Baseless, of the Sounds Like Hate podcast. SPLC Senior Analyst Cassie Miller, who has also listened to some of the recordings herself and is featured in the series, adds: “That kind of violence … is very much the core strategy that defines the group. It’s something that they really don’t talk about very often on their calls because they’re worried about being implicated with incitement. The really remarkable thing about that moment in the call is that they actually go on to explain this strategy to this potential recruit.”

via splcenter: EXCLUSIVE: SPLC Podcast Reveals Secret Recordings from Neo-Nazi White Supremacist Group, The Base

siehe auch: Violent neo-Nazis recruit former soldiers for doomsday prep: report. A violent, neo-Nazi group called The Base is recruiting current and former U.S. soldiers — and is planning a military response to what it believes will be the collapse of society, according to a new report. “Our mission’s very, very simple. It is training and networking, preparing for collapse,” the white supremacist group’s leader, Rinaldo Nazzaro, was taped telling prospective recruits in an audio recording obtained by the Southern Poverty Law Center. “We want to be in a position where we’re ready, we’re prepared enough, ready enough that we can take advantage of whatever chaos, power vacuum, that might emerge,” he tells the prospects, NBC News reports of the SPLC’s chilling tapes. “We want to try and fill that power vacuum and take advantage of the chaos.” The SPLC, which monitors hate groups, has amassed 80 hours of tapes involving the white supremacist group and its leader, Nazzaro, NBC says. On the tapes, the U.S.-born Nazzaro says he runs the group from an apartment in St. Petersburg, Russia, where he lives with his Russia-born wife — raising the potential of foreign influence, NBC says. On the tapes — recorded starting in November 2018 — 20 percent of more than 100 prospective recruits to The Base said they were active-duty military or had served in the military in some capacity; Secret recordings of neo-Nazi terror network The Base ‘show the group actively recruiting US military members as they prepare for the “impending collapse” of US society and the coming race war‘. The Base is collective of hardcore neo-Nazis operating as a paramilitary group They want people with military expertise for ‘the collapse of society’ More than 80 hours of audio forms part of a new podcast on the group It shows that 20% of those approached were active-duty military or veterans 80% of the tapes are said to include chats on guns and the collapse of the US Included in the tapes is also said to be alleged leader Rinaldo Nazzaro. (…) Senior intelligence analyst Mollie Saltskog said: ‘Extremely lethal and dangerous operations that believe in an impending race war like The Base or Atomwaffen make a concerted effort to recruit people with military experience. ‘Having these types of people in these types of organizations increases their operational capabilities to commit acts of terrorism.’
Included in the tapes is said to be alleged leader Rinaldo Nazzaro. He says: ‘We want things to accelerate, we want things to get worse in the United States’ Included in the tapes is said to be alleged leader Rinaldo Nazzaro. He says: ‘We want things to accelerate, we want things to get worse in the United States’ Organizers of The Base recruit fellow white supremacists online — particularly seeking out veterans because of their military training — using encrypted chat rooms and training members in military-style camps in the woods, according to experts who track extremist groups. The group, which has the motto ‘learn, train, fight,’ brings together white supremacists with varying ideologies. In January The Guardian identified Nazzaro, 46, as the real name of the ringleader who launched the group in 2018, and who also goes by the aliases Norman Spear and Roman Wolf. The outlet reported that Nazzaro previously lived in Midtown Manhattan and New Jersey, but is currently believed to be in Russia, living with his Russian wife that he married in 2012 in New York City. The man identified as Nazzaro says in the tapes: ‘We are survivalism, a self-defense network. Our mission’s very, very simple. It is training and networking, preparing for collapse. ‘We want to be in a position where we’re ready, we’re prepared enough, ready enough that we can take advantage of whatever chaos, power vacuum, that might emerge. ‘We want to try and fill that power vacuum and take advantage of the chaos.’ He adds: ‘What people decide to do outside The Base with that training and contacts they make is their business. We don’t really need to know about it. I mean, sure, it’s kind of better that we don’t for everyone’s sake and for everyone’s success.’ In encrypted chat rooms, members of The Base have discussed committing acts of violence against blacks and Jews, ways to make improvised explosive devices and their desire to create a white ‘ethno-state,’ the FBI has said in court papers.

siehe auch: Sounds Like Hate is an audio documentary series about the dangers and peril of everyday people who engage in extremism, and ways to disengage them from a life of hatred. Sounds Like Hate is a new podcast from the Southern Poverty Law Center that focuses on the stories of people and communities grappling with hate and searching for solutions. Each two-part episode, divided into 40-minute parts, takes a deep dive into the realities of hate in modern America: how it functions, how it spreads, who is affected and what people are doing about it. These are human stories. You will meet people who have been personally touched by hate, hear their voices and be immersed in the sounds of their world. You will learn about the power of people to change – or to succumb to their worst instincts. And you will hear about ways that people across the country are becoming change agents in their own communities.


California man accused of lying about White supremacy membership on job application for national defense contractor

A Rolling Hills man who was accused of being a member of White supremacist groups and lying about it on a job application agreed to plead guilty to a felony charge on Wednesday, Oct. 14, the U.S. Department of Justice said. Decker Hayes Ramsay, 23, was charged with making the false statements in April 2018 to try to obtain national security clearance and employment at a major national defense contractor, the Department of Justice said in a statement. Ramsay, who federal officials said has connections to two hate groups, allegedly failed to disclose his past membership on an Electronic Questionnaire for Investigations Processing. He faces up to five years in prison if convicted.

via mercurynews: California man accused of lying about White supremacy membership on job application for national defense contractor