Tulsa’s Donut Hole throws party to celebrate jailing of Coby Dale Green for firebombing the store in October last year  Neo-Nazi was incensed about a drag-themed event at the food store and told followers on social media ‘this filth has got to go’  But it was Green who had to go as he was sentenced to five years in federal jail for malicious use of explosive materials. An Oklahoma donut store that was firebombed for hosting a drag event has celebrated with the community that stood by it as the man who attacked it was jailed for five years. The Donut Hole in Tulsa threw open its doors and handed out 700 free donuts on Saturday as neo-Nazi Coby Dale Green was convicted in a federal court for the hate crime in October last year. He is thought to have been responsible for smashing the store’s windows days after hundreds came to an exhibition of LGBT art at the popular hang-out. But he was convicted for another attack days later when he battered the door down with a baseball bat before hurling in a flaming Molotov cocktail. ‘Today is about giving out donuts to the community and making it clear that we’re here and we’re everywhere,’ said drag performer Josie Lee Turrelle.

via dailymail: Oklahoma donut shop that was FIREBOMBED by homophobic neo-Nazi arsonist throws a drag party to celebrate his conviction