ABC Identifies Greek-Cypriot Australian as One of Two Neo-Nazis Behind Flag Burning Video

Two well-known Australian Neo-Nazis, Jimeone Roberts and Stefanos Eracleous, are likely creators of a threatening video in which a masked individual disparages Indigenous senator Lidia Thorpe and burns the Aboriginal flag. A forensic analysis conducted by ABC Investigations suggests that these two individuals, who are members of the white supremacist National Socialist Network (NSN), may have been behind the video. Eracleous has also been linked to a racist harassment campaign against Senator Thorpe and other high-profile Indigenous Australians. The video, which was widely condemned, is currently under investigation by the Australian Federal Police. The video was first posted on X (formerly Twitter) on October 1 and was subsequently removed. However, on the same day, Eracleous uploaded a higher-quality version of the video to his Telegram channel, Aus Meditations 51. The metadata of the video reveals that Eracleous had access to it before it was posted on Twitter. Metadata also showed that the video was encoded using Vireo software, which has been used in other videos on Eracleous’s channel. The video is similar to another flag-burning video from the previous year, and both videos mention “John Dixon” and the “Warriors of the Convict Resistance” (WACR). Antifascist research revealed that Eracleous had signed a letter with the alias “John Dixon” during a dispute with a Melbourne publican, and he has often associated himself with the WACR in white supremacist chats. The publication of the 2022 video led to the AFP searching Eracleous’s home in June and charging him with using a carriage service to menace, harass, or cause offence.

via greekcitytimes: ABC Identifies Greek-Cypriot Australian as One of Two Neo-Nazis Behind Flag Burning Video