#AndrewTate Arrested Following #GretaThunberg #Twitter Takedown – #LockHimUp #Loser #smalldickenergy

Internet feuds and dramas are often a waste of time. On occasion, they result in something humorous or noteworthy enough to where you have to give credit where credit is due. Such is the case with the feud between former kickboxer and current misogynist Andrew Tate, and environmental activist Greta Thunberg. In this case, it’s not so much the exchange between the two of them that’s fun, but the way the internet has decided to commemorate it that makes it chuckle-worthy. And it’s all thanks to Wikipedia. Also, Tate and his brother have now been arrested by Romanian authorities after an investigation probe into a human trafficking ring. More on that later. (…) It’s also unclear as to whether or not he actually did send an email to Thunberg at [email protected], or if he’s just wallowing in his defeat at the hands of a 19-year-old. Not to kick a misogynist when he’s down, but as of December 29th, Tate’s villa in Romania was raided by local authorities. Tate is reportedly being investigated surrounding terrorism and organized crime. Part of this seems to be stemming from the vehicles in question while another part of the investigation involves potential human trafficking. Tate claimed it wasn’t a raid, but rather he is being “swatted,” a term that refers to someone falsely tipping off authorities to breach someone’s home. Sometimes you just can’t win.

via nerdbot: Andrew Tate Arrested Following Greta Thunberg Twitter Takedown

siehe auch: Greta Thunberg wirft es Andrew Tate vor Small Dick Energy: Was ist das, wer hat es – und ist das schon Bodyshaming? Greta Thunberg hat Influencer Andrew Tate Small Dick Energy unterstellt. Mit dem Penis hat das tatsächlich wenig zu tun – es geht vielmehr um Unsicherheit und wenig Selbstvertrauen. Dennoch gibt es Kritik an der Klimaaktivistin: Der Begriff sei Bodyshaming, heißt es. (…) Wenn also Big Dick Energy für Menschen mit Souveränität und Selbstbewusstsein steht, ist Small Dick Energy, SDE genannt, das Gegenteil. Es handelt sich um Männer, die ihre eigene Unsicherheit mit etwa Beleidigungen, Herabwürdigungen und Lächerlichmachen anderer kaschieren – oder indem sie sich selbst als besonders toll darstellen, ohne es zu sein. Tesla- und Twitter-Chef Elon Musk beispielsweise wurde in sozialen Medien vor allem in den vergangenen Wochen immer wieder SDE nachgesagt, auch bei Ex-USA-Präsident Donald Trump kam der Begriff hin und wieder ins Spiel – von Medien wie Social-Media-Nutzenden; EA ESTE FOSTA POLIȚISTĂ CARE ”PĂSTOREA” BRIGADA DE VIDEOCHATISTE A FRAȚILOR TATE! PRIMELE IMAGINI CU FEMEIA RIDICATĂ ASTĂZI DE DIICOT DE: DIANA MĂCICĂLUCIANA POLITE. CANCAN.RO are imagini în premieră cu fosta polițistă care ar coordona „brigada” de videochatiste a fraților Tate! Totul s-a descoperit după ce tânăra a fost ridicată de DIICOT, în cursul zilei de astăzi, în dosarul de trafic de persoane deschis pe numele celor doi britanici. Site-ul nr. 1 din România vă prezintă imagini și detalii exclusive în cazul descinderii în locuința celei care i-ar ajuta pe Andrew și Tristan Tate. (…) Procurorii suspectează faptul că frații Tate ar face parte dintr-un grup infracțional care ar fi racolat și violat femei, cu scopul de a crea conținut pentru platformele de adulți. Oamenii legii ar crede că activitățile de proxenetism le-ar aduce bani celor doi, motiv pentru care au demarat o adevărată anchetă. Dosarul, în cadrul căruia se efectuează perchiziții atât la casa fraților Tate, cât și la cea a polițistei care i-ar fi ajutat, a fost deschis în luna aprilie 2022. Procurorii antimafia au pus cap la cap toate probele strânse din casa fraților Tate, și nu numai, timp de nouă luni. Sursele Gândul dezvăluie că imediat după ce a fost finalizate expertizele informatice, anchetatorii au așteptat momentul prielnic pentru prinderea fraților Tate. După ce au văzut pe rețelele de socializare că cei doi se află împreună în România, au mobilizat trupele speciale ale Jandarmeriei și au descins la vila lor din Pipera, dar și la alte adrese; Andrew Tate has been arrested in Romania after giving away his location in Greta Thunberg video. Andrew Tate has been arrested in Romania and it looks like he might have given his location away during his public spat with Greta Thunberg. Authorities have raided the home of the former kickboxer and his brother in Pipera, which is at the northern edge of Bucharest. Atena Observer claims authorities were at the property for up to five hours and the operation is being headed up by the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT). Romanian media says the raids were carried out because prosecutors wanted to make sure the Tate brothers were in the country. Andrew made that abundantly clear when he was in a war of words with Greta Thunberg. (…) At one point in the two-minute clip, the former kickboxer said to someone off camera to get him some pizza. Pizza was then plonked in front of Tate and you could very easily work out they had ordered from Jerry’s Pizza in Romania. Romanian news outlet Gandul claims ‘authorities waited for the right moment to catch the Tate brothers, who were always out of the country’. “After seeing, including on social networks, that they were together in Romania, the DIICOT prosecutors mobilized the special troops of the Gendarmerie and descended, by force, on their villa in Pipera, but also on other addresses,” the news outlet claimed.

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