#Australian #police investigate extremist views of #Queensland #killers

AUTRALIAN AUTHORITIES ARE investigating the extremist views of three people who shot and killed two officers and a neighbour at a rural property before they were killed hours later by police in a gunfight. Investigators will look at the possible extremist links of the killers after a series of posts under the name of Gareth Train, one of the murderers identified in the wake of Monday’s deadly shootout, were found on conspiracy theory forums, Queensland Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll said late on Tuesday. The posts include references to anti-vaccine sentiments and claims other high-profile shootings were hoaxes or false-flag operations. (...) Four officers arrived at the property in the town of Wieambilla, in Queensland state, to investigate reports of a missing person. They walked into a hail of gunfire, the Police Commissioner said, and it was a miracle two officers managed to escape and raise the alarm. Those killed were PCs Matthew Arnold, 26, and Rachel McCrow, 29, along with 58-year-old neighbour Alan Dare. One of the officers who escaped, PC Randall Kirk, 28, was recovering at a hospital from shrapnel wounds on Wednesday. He said he and his wife wanted to thank everybody “from the Prime Minister down” for their messages of support.

via thejournal: Australian police investigate extremist views of Queensland killers

siehe auch: Wieambilla: Grief and questions after deadly shoot-out shocks Australia. About 16:30 local time on Monday, four junior police officers went for a routine visit to a rural property in a remote Australian area called Wieambilla. Within hours six people would be dead. Two officers were shot and killed, as was a concerned neighbour, before a long siege ended with specialist police fatally shooting three suspects. (...) What is known about the suspects? Nathaniel Train was a former school principal and the missing man police were at the property to check on. The others - his brother Gareth Train and Gareth's wife Stacey Train - co-owned the property. (...) Gareth Train appears to have contributed often to online forums which promoted conspiracy theories. In posts he had bragged about threatening police, and wrongly claimed the country's deadliest mass shooting was a government ploy to disarm Australians, The Guardian reported.

#Twitter’s New Head of Trust and Safety Offers to Partner with Controversial Anti-Trafficking Group – #qanon #OUR

Operation Underground Railroad has a long track record of misrepresenting its work; now, it could be partnering with Elon Musk’s Twitter. Among the many ongoing dramas involved in Elon Musk reluctantly buying Twitter and taking over as its main character, one is more acrid than most: Musk's accusations that Twitter “refused to take action” on removing child sexual exploitation material, or CSEM, before his tenure.  There’s no reason to think this is true, or that Musk is actually focusing on the issue; in a Twitter exchange with Musk, previous CEO Jack Dorsey called the accusation that the company didn’t take CSEM seriously “false,” and Wired recently reported that Musk’s widespread layoffs gutted the team responsible for ferreting out CSEM in the Asia Pacific region, leaving one person doing this work. The main significance of the claim seems to be signaling to the conspiracy theorists and anti-LGBTQ+ activists whom he’s been courting by, among other things, attacking his own one-time employees. (Twitter’s former head of “Trust and Safety,” Yoel Roth, was forced into hiding after Musk baselessly smeared him as being in favor of the sexualization of children.) (...) OUR, which is based in Utah, has presented itself as a crusading anti-sex trafficking organization that engages in daring stings overseas and equips law enforcement with high-tech tools at home. But a series of Motherboard investigations has found that OUR and its head, Tim Ballard, have serially exaggerated their capabilities and effectiveness while fending off prosecutorial inquiries into whether OUR has misused donor funds and itself participated in human trafficking. (...) As Motherboard has reported, OUR and related entities have been under investigation since 2020 by the County Attorney of Davis County, Utah and a constellation of federal agencies. (Two years later, there’s been little outward progress, and it’s unclear what the status of that investigation is. In the past, OUR has told Motherboard that it "has complied with all laws that regulate nonprofits and intends to cooperate fully with any official inquiry, if asked.") There’s also the matter of QAnon. In 2020, Ballard appeared to give credence to a QAnon-backed conspiracy theory that children were being trafficked through the furniture company Wayfair. OUR states on its website that the organization “does not condone conspiracy theories and is not affiliated with any conspiracy theory group in any way, shape, or form,” but Ballard chose to appear virtually at a fringe conspiracy conference where pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood, an enthusiastic promoter of QAnon-inflected conspiracy theories, enthusiastically promoted QAnon-inflected conspiracy theories.

via vice: Twitter’s New Head of Trust and Safety Offers to Partner with Controversial Anti-Trafficking Group

#Twitter’s New Head of Trust and Safety Offers to Partner with Controversial Anti-Trafficking Group – #qanon #OUR

Operation Underground Railroad has a long track record of misrepresenting its work; now, it could be partnering with Elon Musk’s Twitter. Among the many ongoing dramas involved in Elon Musk reluctantly buying Twitter and taking over as its main character, one is more acrid than most: Musk's accusations that Twitter “refused to take action” on removing child sexual exploitation material, or CSEM, before his tenure.  There’s no reason to think this is true, or that Musk is actually focusing on the issue; in a Twitter exchange with Musk, previous CEO Jack Dorsey called the accusation that the company didn’t take CSEM seriously “false,” and Wired recently reported that Musk’s widespread layoffs gutted the team responsible for ferreting out CSEM in the Asia Pacific region, leaving one person doing this work. The main significance of the claim seems to be signaling to the conspiracy theorists and anti-LGBTQ+ activists whom he’s been courting by, among other things, attacking his own one-time employees. (Twitter’s former head of “Trust and Safety,” Yoel Roth, was forced into hiding after Musk baselessly smeared him as being in favor of the sexualization of children.) (...) OUR, which is based in Utah, has presented itself as a crusading anti-sex trafficking organization that engages in daring stings overseas and equips law enforcement with high-tech tools at home. But a series of Motherboard investigations has found that OUR and its head, Tim Ballard, have serially exaggerated their capabilities and effectiveness while fending off prosecutorial inquiries into whether OUR has misused donor funds and itself participated in human trafficking. (...) As Motherboard has reported, OUR and related entities have been under investigation since 2020 by the County Attorney of Davis County, Utah and a constellation of federal agencies. (Two years later, there’s been little outward progress, and it’s unclear what the status of that investigation is. In the past, OUR has told Motherboard that it "has complied with all laws that regulate nonprofits and intends to cooperate fully with any official inquiry, if asked.") There’s also the matter of QAnon. In 2020, Ballard appeared to give credence to a QAnon-backed conspiracy theory that children were being trafficked through the furniture company Wayfair. OUR states on its website that the organization “does not condone conspiracy theories and is not affiliated with any conspiracy theory group in any way, shape, or form,” but Ballard chose to appear virtually at a fringe conspiracy conference where pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood, an enthusiastic promoter of QAnon-inflected conspiracy theories, enthusiastically promoted QAnon-inflected conspiracy theories.

via vice: Twitter’s New Head of Trust and Safety Offers to Partner with Controversial Anti-Trafficking Group

#Brandenburger muss ins #Gefängnis: Mann hortete eine #Kalaschnikow und #Maschinenpistolen – #terror

Der Angeklagte lagerte in seiner Wohnung 69 Waffen und mehr als 5000 Schuss Munition. In seinem Auto hatte er eine Pistole griffbereit. Jetzt wurde er zu dreieinhalb Jahren Haft verurteilt. Weil er Dutzende Waffen hortete, hat das Cottbuser Landgericht einen 42-Jährigen zu dreieinhalb Jahren Haft verurteilt. Das Gericht sprach den Mann am Mittwoch wegen verschiedener Verstöße gegen das Kriegswaffenkontrollgesetz und das Waffengesetz für schuldig, wie eine Sprecherin am Donnerstag sagte. Laut Anklage hatte der Mann aus der Gemeinde Peitz in seiner Wohnung und in der Werkstatt 69 voll- und halbautomatische Waffen sowie mehr als 5000 Schuss Munition gelagert. Darunter waren demnach auch eine Kalaschnikow, mehrere Maschinenpistolen und Kriegswaffenmunition. In seinem Auto soll der Mann zudem gut sichtbar eine Figur eines Reichsadlers mit einem Hakenkreuz angebracht haben. Außerdem habe er in seinem Fahrzeug griffbereit eine geladene halbautomatische Pistole und ein Klappmesser mit einer rund acht Zentimeter langen Klinge mitgeführt.

via tagesspiegel: Brandenburger muss ins Gefängnis: Mann hortete eine Kalaschnikow und Maschinenpistolen


AK-47 type II noBG.png
Von <a class="external free" href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Nemo5576">https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Nemo5576</a> - <a class="external free" href="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/archive/5/57/20071011232612%21AK-47_type_II_Part_DM-ST-89-01131.jpg">https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/archive/5/57/20071011232612%21AK-47_type_II_Part_DM-ST-89-01131.jpg</a>, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link - symbolbild

#Brandenburger muss ins #Gefängnis: Mann hortete eine #Kalaschnikow und #Maschinenpistolen – #terror

Der Angeklagte lagerte in seiner Wohnung 69 Waffen und mehr als 5000 Schuss Munition. In seinem Auto hatte er eine Pistole griffbereit. Jetzt wurde er zu dreieinhalb Jahren Haft verurteilt. Weil er Dutzende Waffen hortete, hat das Cottbuser Landgericht einen 42-Jährigen zu dreieinhalb Jahren Haft verurteilt. Das Gericht sprach den Mann am Mittwoch wegen verschiedener Verstöße gegen das Kriegswaffenkontrollgesetz und das Waffengesetz für schuldig, wie eine Sprecherin am Donnerstag sagte. Laut Anklage hatte der Mann aus der Gemeinde Peitz in seiner Wohnung und in der Werkstatt 69 voll- und halbautomatische Waffen sowie mehr als 5000 Schuss Munition gelagert. Darunter waren demnach auch eine Kalaschnikow, mehrere Maschinenpistolen und Kriegswaffenmunition. In seinem Auto soll der Mann zudem gut sichtbar eine Figur eines Reichsadlers mit einem Hakenkreuz angebracht haben. Außerdem habe er in seinem Fahrzeug griffbereit eine geladene halbautomatische Pistole und ein Klappmesser mit einer rund acht Zentimeter langen Klinge mitgeführt.

via tagesspiegel: Brandenburger muss ins Gefängnis: Mann hortete eine Kalaschnikow und Maschinenpistolen


AK-47 type II noBG.png
Von <a class="external free" href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Nemo5576">https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Nemo5576</a> - <a class="external free" href="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/archive/5/57/20071011232612%21AK-47_type_II_Part_DM-ST-89-01131.jpg">https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/archive/5/57/20071011232612%21AK-47_type_II_Part_DM-ST-89-01131.jpg</a>, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link - symbolbild