Bosnian Far-Right Movement Weds Bosniak Nationalism, Neo-Nazism

BIRN lifts the lid on the Bosnian Movement of National Pride, a secretive organisation promoting neo-Nazi Bosniak nationalism.
Emir finally felt comfortable enough to place on the table the sheets of paper he had folded and hid under his jacket. The pages contained promotional material of a far-right organisation he had helped build. Emir, a slight man in his twenties, appeared confident that this reporter did not know his real name; when it became clear he was mistaken, he paused for a moment before describing his experience of joining the ‘Movement’ as a teenager. “I felt powerful in some way,” he said, having agreed to be interviewed on condition his real name would not be published. (…) Founded in 2009, the BPNP was described in 2018 report published by the International Relations Committee of the House of Lords – the upper house of the UK parliament – as a “nationalist and secular organisation whose ideology is underpinned by a belief in the superiority of Bosniaks and a belief that they alone should rule Bosnia and Herzegovina.” The Simon Wiesenthal Centre says it follows a ‘blood and soil’ ideology that aims for a pure Bosniak state based on ‘genetics’. “They are against multiculturalism because it is considered a threat to the survival of “true” Bosnians,” the centre says. “The BPNP stands against Zionism, Islamism, Communism and Capitalism. The movement is strongly homophobic, arguing that homosexuality is destroying society through its threat to ‘family values’.” At first glance, the group’s opposition to ‘Islamism’ might appear odd, given that the vast majority of Bosniaks identify as Muslims. But the group’s members say they characterise ‘Bosniak’ as a person loyal to Bosnia, who speaks the Bosnian language and identifies with the history of Bosnia, regardless of their religion. According to the group’s website, the BPNP “fights for Bosniaks irrespective of their religion and subrace.” More than anything else, it promotes National Socialism, better known as Nazism. (…) Dr. Bethan Johnson, doctoral fellow at the Centre for Analysis of the Radical Right, CARR, a UK-based research centre, said it was interesting that the BPNP would openly embrace a term most groups of a similar ideology hesitate to use, “because it does have a stronger harkening back to Nazis than other terms that might be used to describe people.” The displaying of Nazi symbols is not banned in Bosnia, but BPNP member nevertheless seek to conceal their identities. BIRN journalists identified at least ten current or former members of the organisation, who describe themselves on social media as Skinheads and “members of the Handschar Division,” a reference to a World War Two Nazi SS division composed of mainly Bosniaks, some Croats and ethnic Germans that swore allegiance to Adolf Hitler and fought against Yugoslav communist Partisans.

via balkan insight: Bosnian Far-Right Movement Weds Bosniak Nationalism, Neo-Nazism

Disillusioned #MAGA rioter demands #Trump pay his legal fees: ‘This all happened because of you!’ – #capitolriot #terror

A man arrested this week for participating in the January 6th riots at the United States Capitol building demanded that former President Donald Trump pay his legal bills. As reported by Reuters legal affairs journalist Jan Wolfe, MAGA rioter Zvonimir Jurlina was arrested in Austin, Texas this week and charged with inciting violence against members of the media who were covering the rioting Trump supporters and with encouraging the theft of media equipment. In a video posted shortly after his court appearance Jurlina complained about being a “political prisoner” who was being persecuted for being a “patriot.” (…) He then turned his attention to Trump, the man who inspired him to participate in a violent riot at the Capitol. “I’d like to say to Donald Trump, please pay for my legal fees!” he said. “This all happened because of you, okay? I didn’t do nothing wrong.”

via rawstory: Disillusioned MAGA rioter demands Trump pay his legal fees: ‘This all happened because of you!’

“Justice for #StanislavTomas” – Offener Brief an die EU – #menschenrechte #antiziganismus #polizeigewalt #JusticeForStanislavTomas

Als Reaktion auf den Tod des tschechischen Rom Stanislav Tomas nach einem umstrittenen Polizeieinsatz in Teplice ruft die transnationale Roma-Community die EU-Kommission dazu auf, die Grundrechte der Roma zu garantieren. Nach dem gewaltsamen Polizeieinsatz gegen einen Angehörigen der Roma-Minderheit in der tschechischen Stadt Teplice fordern immer mehr Stimmen die Aufklärung des Falls. Der Mann war während seiner Festnahme gestorben, nachdem ein Polizist sechs Minuten lang mit dem Knie auf sein Genick gedrückt hatte. Die Video-Aufnahmen des Vorfalls gingen um die Welt. Es sei “nur einer von vielen Fällen von Polizeigewalt gegen Roma in Europa” – und meistens käme es zu keinen weiteren Untersuchungen, heißt es in einem offenen Brief der Roma-Communities an die Chefin der EU-Kommission, Ursula von der Leyen. Dies werde auch im Bericht der Europäischen Grundrechteagentur (FRA) aus dem Jahr 2017 belegt. Die Reaktionen der EU waren bisher verhalten. Ein Kommissions-Sprecher antwortete auf DW-Anfrage: “Wir wissen, dass dieser Vorfall Gegenstand einer nationalen Untersuchung ist, zu der sich die Kommission nicht äußern kann.” Es sei bekannt, dass die tschechische Ombudsstelle am 30. Juni ihre unabhängige Untersuchung zu diesem Fall bekannt gegeben habe. Die Kommission erwarte eine unabhängige und gründliche Untersuchung durch die zuständigen tschechischen Behörden, so der Sprecher. 
Das Schweigen der EU-Institutionen wird in dem Brief vor allem im Kontext des Lobes der tschechischen Behörden für die “gute Arbeit der Polizei” in Teplice kritisiert: “Der Mord an George Floyd in den USA führte zu weltweiten Bekundungen der Solidarität durch die Menschen und durch die Politik. Bei Stanislav Tomas blieb die EU bisher allerdings stumm.” Appell an EU und Medien Im Brief an die EU-Kommission wird eine unabhängige und vollständige Untersuchung der Umstände gefordert, die zum Tod von Stanislav Tomas geführt haben, sowie der garantierte Schutz von Augenzeugen. Es dürfe nicht zugelassen werden, dass sich die tschechischen Behörden ihrer Verantwortung entzögen. Zudem wird eine klare Haltung der EU zu diesem Fall von Polizeigewalt verlangt. An die Medien wird appelliert, objektiv über den Fall zu berichten und nicht ohne jede Recherche die Informationen der tschechischen Behörden zu übernehmen. In einem Appell in den Sozialen Medien verurteilte Romeo Franz, der für die Grünen im Europaparlament sitzt und selbst deutscher Sinto ist, die Tat und forderte eine lückenlose Aufklärung.

via dw: “Justice for Stanislav Tomas” – Offener Brief an die EU

siehe auch: from letter to EU: Stanislav Tomáš, a 46-year-old Roma man, died on 19th June 2021 in Teplice, Czech Republic during a police intervention. A video shared via shows that the police officer kneeled on Stanislav Tomáš’s neck for almost 6 minutes. According to initial reports, Stanislav died in the ambulance called to the scene while the Czech government’s officials have already hurried up to defend and praise the police officers for the well-performed job.
This is yet another case of police brutality and disproportionate use of force against European Roma citizens. Last year three Roma men in North Macedonia were brutally beaten by police officers. In the same year in Romania the police assaulted a group of Roma men. Police brutality and assaults against Roma have been systematic and existent for a very long time. In 2020, ECRI criticized the Czech government for the continuous rampant discrimination against Roma. Roma have lost trust in the authorities such as the police and often underreport police misconduct against them. The FRA has already acknowledged these facts in 2017 in its report. Countries in the EU and abroad have systematically failed to investigate cases of police brutality against Roma. In fact, just last week the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled in favor of a Romani man who was physically assaulted by police officers in a racist attack during a violent raid in Skopje, North Macedonia.
The controversial circumstances of the police intervention in Teplice, and the excessive use of force which led to Stanislav Tomáš’s death, have shocked Roma communities around Europe who stood up in solidarity to demand justice. The circumstances of his death are reminiscent of the murder of George Floyd, which sparked the Black Lives Matter movement, galvanizing global
solidarity and a wave of outcry on behalf of public officials, including those in the EU. Yet, in the case of its own citizen dying in similar circumstances, the EU has remained silent.

Debatte um #Klimaschutz – Forscher widersprechen #Laschet beim #Tempolimit 130 – #laschetVerhindern #fff

Nach Ansicht von Armin Laschet wäre Tempo 130 auf Autobahnen sinnlos. Wissenschaftler kontern mit Verweis auf eine Studie des Umweltbundesamtes. Der Kanzlerkandidat der Union, Armin Laschet (CDU), hat für seine Ablehnung eines Tempolimits auf Autobahnen scharfen Widerspruch von Wissenschaftlern erfahren. Der NRW-Ministerpräsident hatte am Mittwoch im WDR seine Position bekräftigt: „Auf einer leeren Autobahn schneller zu fahren, halte ich nicht für eine gesetzlich erforderliche Regelungsnotwendigkeit.“ (…) Der Klimaforscher Reinhard Steurer und der Wissenschaftler Giulio Mattioli von der Fakultät Raumplanung der TU Dortmund wiesen nun auf Twitter auf eine Analyse des Umweltbundesamtes (UBA) aus dem Februar 2020 hin, wonach durch ein Tempolimit 130 auf den Autobahnen Deutschlands 1,9 Millionen Tonnen CO2 im Jahr eingespart werden könnte. „Für jene die meinen, das sei nicht viel: 55 Länder der Welt verursachen in einem Jahr insgesamt weniger Emissionen, als diese 1,9 Mio Tonnen“, schreibt Steurer, Professor vom Institut für Wald-, Umwelt- und Ressourcenpolitik der Universität für Bodenkultur in Wien, beim Kurznachrichtendienst In der Studie des UBA heißt es, die Begrenzung der Geschwindigkeit in Form eines generellen Tempolimits auf Bundesautobahnen würde die Klimawirkung des Verkehrs verringern. „Im Jahr 2018 verursachten Pkw und leichte Nutzfahrzeuge auf Bundesautobahnen in Deutschland Treibhausgasemissionen in Höhe von rund 39,1 Millionen Tonnen Kohlendioxid-Äquivalente (CO2-Äquivalente). Durch die Einführung eines generellen Tempolimits von 130 km/h auf Bundesautobahnen würden die Emissionen um jährlich 1,9 Millionen Tonnen CO2-Äquivalente reduziert.“

via tagesspiegel: Debatte um Klimaschutz – Forscher widersprechen Laschet beim Tempolimit 130

LGBT+ youth leaves heart-warming letter for mum who put up Pride flag in small town

After an Arkansas mother put up a Progress Pride flag on her home, she received an adorable note from a queer youth. A mother has received an adorable handwritten note from an LGBT+ youth all for hanging a Progress Pride flag outside her home in Paris, Arkansas all Pride Month-long. At a time when state lawmakers are cruelly curtailing the rights of trans youth, 52-year-old Stephanie Robertson hoisted up a rainbow flag bought by her son, Levi, to celebrate LGBT+ Pride Month. But Stephanie, a retired lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve, was shocked to open up her mailbox on Friday (2 July) and discover a letter written on a small, crumpled piece of notebook paper. “Hello, this is probably kinda weird,” the letter began, “but I walk past your house every day and I’ve noticed your flag and I’m glad to know there is at least one ally in this little town – from a young LGBTQ+ person.”

via ponknews: LGBT+ youth leaves heart-warming letter for mum who put up Pride flag in small town
unrecognizable african american guy with pride flag during parade
Photo by Anete Lusina on

Canadian inferno: northern heat exceeds worst-case #climate models – #fff

Scientists fear heat domes in North America and Siberia indicate a new dimension to the global crisis. If you were drawing up a list of possible locations for hell on Earth before this week, the small mountain village of Lytton in Canada would probably not have entered your mind. Few people outside British Columbia had heard of this community of 250 people. Those who had were more likely to think of it as bucolic. Nestled by a confluence of rivers in the forested foothills of the Lillooet and Botanie mountain ranges, the municipal website boasts: “Lytton is the ideal location for nature lovers to connect with incredible natural beauty and fresh air freedom.” Over the past seven days, however, the village has made headlines around the world for a freakishly prolonged and intense temperature spike that turned the idyll into an inferno. The US president, Joe Biden, and Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, have warned worried populations to brace for more. Shocked climate scientists are wondering how even worst-case scenarios failed to predict such furnace-like conditions so far north. Johan Rockström, the director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, said the recent extreme weather anomalies were not represented in global computer models that are used to project how the world might change with more emissions. The fear is that weather systems might be more frequently blocked as a result of human emissions. “It is a risk – of a serious regional weather impact triggered by global warming – that we have underestimated so far,” he said. (…) The previous week, northern Europe and Russia also sweltered in an unprecedented heat bubble. June records were broken in Moscow (34.8C), Helsinki (31.7C), Belarus (35.7C) and Estonia (34.6C). Further east, Siberia experienced an early heatwave that helped to reduce the amount of sea ice in the Laptev Sea to a record low for the time of year. The town of Oymyakon, Russia, widely considered to be the coldest inhabited place on Earth, was hotter (31.6C) than it has ever been in June. This followed a staggeringly protracted hot spell in Siberia last year that lasted several months. Carlo Buontempo, director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, said there was a clear human fingerprint on this “very freakish” event. Without emissions from cars, farms and industry, he said, the record temperatures in the western north Americas would be expected only once in tens of thousands of years, but the probability rises along with the levels of the greenhouse gas.

via guardian: Canadian inferno: northern heat exceeds worst-case climate models

#Rostocker erkennen #Bürgermeister im TV: Der feuert Dänen beim EM-Spiel an – ohne #Maske – #corona #covidioten

Der Rostocker Oberbürgermeister Claus Ruhe Madsen war offenbar beim EM-Spiel Dänemark gegen Tschechien im Stadion. Bürgerinnen und Bürger seiner Stadt erkennen ihn auf Fernsehbildern aus Aserbaidschan. Doch in den gezeigten Ausschnitten trägt er keine Maske wie eigentlich erforderlich. Oberbürgermeister stehen auch außerhalb ihres Wirkungsgebiets in der Öffentlichkeit. Das gilt etwa für Rostocks OB Claus Ruhe Madsen. Er war am Samstag (3. Juli) ohne Maske beim EM-Spiel Dänemark gegen Tschechien in Aserbaidschan im Stadion zu sehen. Fernsehbilder fingen Madsen ein, Bürgerinnen und Bürger seiner Stadt erkannten ihn. Nun gibt es Diskussionen darüber, dass er keine Maske trug, wie die „Ostsee-Zeitung“ (OZ) berichtet. Klar ist: Die Vorgaben erforderten in Baku, der Hauptstadt Aserbaidschans, das Tragen einer Maske im Stadion. (…) Möglich ist, dass Madsen, übrigens dänischer Staatsbürger, die Maske gerade zum Trinken abgesetzt hatte – er hält ein Bier in der Hand. Allerdings trägt er auch keine Maske unter dem Kinn, und die Menschen um ihn herum tragen größtenteils auch keinen Mundschutz.

via rnd: Rostocker erkennen Bürgermeister im TV: Der feuert Dänen beim EM-Spiel an – ohne Maske