Reddit finally clamps down on transphobic ‘super straight’ trend after neo-Nazi links emerge

Reddit has banned of the most prolific ‘super straight’ communities for “promoting hate”. ‘Super straight’ is the new online transphobic trend that claims to refuse to date trans folk is a “sexual orientation”. It is being, in part, pushed by neo-Nazi and far-right groups on imageboard website 4chan as well as Reddit. The forum, or “subreddit”, Super Straight, had swelled to some 30,000 members within days of its creation on 1 March. Admins described the subreddit as: “A Community for Oppressed Men and Women that consider their Sexuality/Gender/Religion to be ‘Super Straight’.” But Reddit, which once thrived off its hands-off approach to moderation, has now taken action and removed the SuperStraight subreddit altogether. Clicking a link to the Super Straight subreddit now brings up a note from Reddit which states the group was banned “for promoting hate towards a marginalised or vulnerable group”. The page adds: “The community had become increasingly exclusionary with hateful content that is counter to its original satirical intent and was in violation of our policies.” Some LGBT+ advocates may certainly dispute whether the subreddits were created with “satire” in mind – in one shocking example of the hate spewed by the vastly anonymous users, members referred to trans people as “mutilated” and “disgusting”. It comes amid a social media clampdown of the so-called ‘super straight’ movement, with TikTok confirming to PinkNews that it has launched an “investigation” into it and is treating it as a “hateful ideology”. (…) After first emerging on TikTok, the ‘super straight’ movement was electrified by alt-right trolls on 4chan and Reddit who tried to turn transphobia into a “sexuality” to traffic in hate. Supporters “use the left’s tactics against themselves [to] call them bigots for not accepting super straights,” one 4chan user said. The user even fashioned a super straight “pride” flag which, well, featured the SS Bolts on it – the logo of the Schutzstaffel (SS), the Nazi special police. Mere hours before the original Super Straight board was shuttered, users were debunking “misconceptions” about the community, such as whether being ‘super straight’ is a “joke” or “makes you transphobic” (it’s not and it does not, they claim).

via pinknews: Reddit finally clamps down on transphobic ‘super straight’ trend after neo-Nazi links emerge

siehe auch: Transphobic trend ‘super straight’ has links to the far-right and neo-Nazis. “Super straight“, the new transphobic trend that claims refusing to date trans people is a sexual orientation, might have been the handiwork of neo-Nazis. Since a TikTok user declared he is “super straight” the term has spread at a breakneck speed. A Twitter hashtag, as well as a slew of dedicated accounts, has since been launched, jamming up countless timelines with hatred in the process. But Twitter sleuths have suggested that the hashtag was intentionally created to further fuel the flames of transphobia, with ties to a 4chan board popular with the alt-right.