The podcast was created by Denis Kapustin and Robert Rundo, two MMA fighters who became notorious figures in the far-right mixed martial arts scene. Two notorious white supremacists have started a podcast teaching fellow nationalists how to form their own hate groups. Titled “Active Club,” the podcast was created by Denis Kapustin and Robert Rundo, two MMA fighters who became notorious figures in the far-right mixed martial arts scene. Kapustin, who is better known as Denis Nikitin, is a Russian neo-Nazi, MMA fighter, and football hooligan who rose to infamy by promoting a white supremacist MMA organization and clothing brand known as White Rex. His co-host, Rundo, is one of the founding members of the Rise Above Movement, a white supremacist, pro-Trump gang that considered itself the “premier MMA fight club of the alt-right.” (…) Over the course of five episodes to date, the two white supremacists have covered a wide range of topics for prospective white nationalists, including how to protect your identity from journalists and investigators, how to stay safe during street fights, and how to effectively spread propaganda in order to maximize outreach. The duo recalled encounters with the police, the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, how nationalist movements have adapted during the coronavirus pandemic, and what American far-right agitators can learn from the Russian extreme-right scene. They also celebrated the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, used homophobic slurs to describe anti-fascists and leftists, and used ethnic slurs such as the n-word to describe Black Lives Matter protestors. Initially, the Active Club podcast was available on PodOmatic, a San Francisco-based podcast-hosting site, despite the site’s terms of service explicitly forbidding content that “advocate or incite violence.” Later, in response to a VICE World News report on the podcast, the hosting platform removed the podcast after deeming it in “extreme violation” of the terms of service. However, the podcast remains accessible on Rundo’s Media2Rise far-right clothing website, as well as on Telegram.
via bloodyelbow: Neo-Nazis behind white supremacist fight clubs start podcast dispensing advice to fellow nationalists
siehe dazu auch: A White Supremacist Podcast Got Taken Offline, for All of 2 Seconds. A podcast hosted by a Russian neo-Nazi and an American white supremacist was removed following a story by VICE World News. It was almost immediately re-uploaded on another platform known for hosting far-right content. A podcast by two notorious white supremacists has been removed from its hosting platform, after a review of their content triggered by a VICE World News article found it to be in “extreme violation” of the platform’s terms of service. But in an illustration of the whack-a-mole challenge of tackling extremist content online, the podcast has since been re-uploaded to another platform, one with a reputation for hosting far-right and conspiracy theorist content. (…) Denis “Nikitin” Kapustin is a Russian neo-Nazi and hooligan, widely known on Europe’s extreme-right scene for promoting his white power MMA tournaments and apparel line. His co-host, Robert Rundo, is the co-founder of the Rise Above Movement, a California-based white supremacist fight club known for attacking counterprotesters at MAGA rallies.