Neo-Nazi teenager admits encouraging #terror attacks with propaganda poster campaign – #SystemResistanceNetwork #SRN #SonnenkriegDivision #SKD

A 16-year-old boy became a neo-Nazi propagandist and encouraged terror attacks from his London bedroom, a court has heard. Harry Vaughan joined System Resistance Network (SRN), a spin-off of National Action which has since been banned, in 2018 and also made posters with the logo of the Sonnenkrieg Division neo-Nazi group. He admitted 14 terror offences, including encouraging terrorism, and two of downloading indecent images of children that were linked to occult beliefs and Satanism. The “A* student”, who is now 18, created violent anti-Muslim and antisemitic posters while describing himself as a national socialist and “revolutionary” online. The Old Bailey heard that in his application to join SRN, Vaughan said he believed the “whole system is so diseased that it needs to be destroyed”. “The time for discussion is over, the time for action is now,” he wrote. “I can handle myself in a fight and there is nothing I wouldn’t do if I thought it was essential to the cause.” (…) A specialist report concluded that the teenager followed a hybrid of occult “left-hand path” ideology and neo-Nazi accelerationism, which advocates terror attacks to bring about a race war. Between early 2018 and his arrest in June 2019, he was active across online platforms including a forum dedicated to fascism, “free speech” social network Gab and Discord messaging service. Vaughan created and spread neo-Nazi posters, including some featuring images of Auschwitz and guns, with SRN’s network and that of Sonnenkrieg Division. He also created an “idiots’ guide” for fellow extremists wanting to make their own propaganda, which was inspired by the Siege ideology of American neo-Nazi James Mason. The court heard the encouragement of terrorism charge was over three posters shared on the Fascist Forge forum, all with Sonnenkrieg Division’s logo, referencing hanging, arson and guns. Vaughan admitted disseminating terrorist publications by directing forum users to an archive of viable instructions on creating homemade explosive devices and firearms.

via msn: Neo-Nazi teenager admits encouraging terror attacks with propaganda poster campaign