The Internal Security Agency – Poland’s special service in charge of counterintelligence and counterterrorism – has detained a German national suspected of participating in an organized crime group implicated in terrorist activities. The group has operated on the territory of Poland and other countries. The man was detained last week, after the officers of the ABW had found he could have possessed firearms and explosives. Jurgen K. (name withheld under Polish privacy laws) would also spread radical, anti-systemic views – mainly via the social media – and endorse extreme right-wing organizations. While searching the man’s workplace and the place he resided, the officers found explosives – 1.2 kilograms of TNT, both liquid and pressed – as well as ammunition, a detonator, a tear gas grenade and electronic storage devices.
via A right-wing extremist from Germany detained by the ABW
siehe auch; ABW detained German suspected of participating in terrorist group. The Internal Security Agency (ABW) detained a German citizen suspected of participating in an organised crime group of a terrorist nature. The man is suspected of expressing radical anti-systemic views and supporting extreme right-wing organisations. The court arrested him for three months. The Spokesperson for the Minister-Coordinator of Special Forces, Stanisław Żaryn, said that the arrest was carried out by agents of the Bydgoszcz branch of the ABW delegation in Gdańsk last week. The criminal group in which a German citizen allegedly participated operates in Poland and other countries. He presented his extreme views on the Internet, mainly on social media – said Mr. Żaryn. “According to the ABW’s findings, the man may have possessed weapons and explosives, therefore actions against him were carried out with the participation of the anti-terrorist unit, the pyrotechnic-military team, and also with the support of the mobile laboratory of the ABW’s Forensic Research Bureau,” said the spokesman; Poland: German far-right terror suspect arrested with explosives. Polish authorities arrested a German man who posted extremist views on social media and was found with TNT and ammunition. His arrest is part of a probe into an international organized terrorist group, prosecutors said. A German man suspected of belonging to a far-right terror group was arrested in Poland with explosives and ammunition in his possession, Poland’s PAP news agency reported on Thursday; Sprengstoff und Munition gefunden Deutscher Rechtsextremist in Polen festgenommen. Polnische Einsatzkräfte haben einen deutschen Neonazi festgenommen. In seiner Wohnung wurde Sprengstoff entdeckt – die Behörden gehen davon aus, dass er Teil einer Gruppe ist. Einsatzkräfte in Polen haben einen deutschen Rechtsextremisten festgenommen. Der Mann sei in der vergangenen Woche in der Woiwodschaft Kujawien-Pommern im Nordwesten des Landes gefasst worden, teilte das Ministerium für Geheimdienstkoordination am Donnerstag mit. Er werde verdächtigt, Mitglied einer “organisierten kriminellen Gruppe mit terroristischem Charakter” zu sein, die in Polen und anderen Ländern aktiv sei. “Im Internet, vor allem in sozialen Netzwerken, zeigte er seine radikalen, gegen das System gerichteten Ansichten und unterstützte rechtsextreme Organisationen”, hieß es.