Wegen sexuellen Missbrauchs – Gericht bestätigt Trump-Verurteilung

2023 ist der künftige US-Präsident wegen sexuellen Missbrauchs der US-Autorin Caroll zu einer Millionenentschädigung verurteilt worden. Trump ging in Berufung - doch ein US-Bundesgericht hat das Urteil nun bestätigt. Ein US-Bundesgericht hat ein Zivilurteil gegen den künftigen US-Präsidenten Donald Trump wegen sexuellen Missbrauchs bestätigt. Das geht aus einem veröffentlichten Gerichtsdokument hervor.Eine New Yorker Geschworenenjury hatte es vergangenes Jahr als erwiesen angesehen, dass Trump die US-Autorin E. Jean Carroll 1996 in einem New Yorker Nobelkaufhaus angegriffen, sexuell missbraucht und später verleumdet hatte. Er wurde zu einer Entschädigung in Höhe von fünf Millionen Dollar verurteilt. Trump reichte daraufhin einen Berufungsantrag ein. (...) Das Bundesgericht in New York wies den Berufungsantrag Trumps, der am 20. Januar seine zweite Amtszeit als US-Präsident antritt, nun zurück. Zur Begründung hieß es, dass der 78-Jährige nicht habe beweisen können, dass das Bezirksgericht bei der Urteilsfindung einen Fehler gemacht habe. Auch seien seine Rechte nicht so beeinträchtigt worden, dass ein neues Verfahren gerechtfertigt wäre.Das Gericht wertete auch den Einsatz von Zeugenaussagen von Frauen, die Trump ebenfalls sexuelle Übergriffe vorwarfen, in dem Zivilverfahren als gerechtfertigt - ebenso wie die Nutzung einer alten Tonaufnahme, in der sich Trump anzüglich und herabwürdigend über Frauen äußerte und darüber, dass man Frauen auch an ihren Genitalien anfassen könne, wenn man es wolle und ein Star sei wie er. All das belege ein Muster seines Verhaltens.

via tagesschau: Wegen sexuellen Missbrauchs Gericht bestätigt Trump-Verurteilung

siehe auch: Trump Loses Appeal of Carroll’s $5 Million Award in Sex-Abuse Case The president-elect had asked a court to overturn the defamation judgment against him in the case, which centered on E. Jean Carroll’s account of a sexual attack in a dressing room. President-elect Donald J. Trump on Monday failed to overturn a $5 million judgment that he sexually abused the writer E. Jean Carroll in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in the mid-1990s and later defamed her. Mr. Trump’s lawyers argued to a federal appeals panel that a lower court in Manhattan had erred by allowing two women to testify in the Carroll trial that he had also sexually assaulted them. The lawyers also argued that the court should not have allowed Ms. Carroll’s lawyers to play the recording of the “Access Hollywood” conversation in which Mr. Trump bragged in vulgar terms about grabbing women by the genitals. The appeals court rejected Mr. Trump’s request for a new trial in the case, which produced the smaller of two defamation judgments against him. “Mr. Trump has not demonstrated that the district court erred in any of the challenged rulings,” the opinion by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit said


Mann nach Zerstörungsfahrt mit Bagger im Main-Tauber-Kreis von Polizei erschossen

In Grünsfeld kam es zu einer "mutmaßlichen Amokfahrt", so die Polizei. Ein Mann hat mit einem Bagger Menschen verletzt und Fahrzeuge beschädigt. In Grünsfeld (Main-Tauber-Kreis) hat ein Mann am Dienstag gegen 13 Uhr auf dem Gelände einer Baufirma einen Bagger bestiegen und ist nach Tauberbischofsheim gefahren. Auf seiner Fahrt hat er laut Polizei drei Polizisten leicht verletzt. Der Fahrer sei am Ende durch eine Schussabgabe gestoppt worden. Er sei reanimiert worden, aber noch vor Ort gestorben. Das bestätigte eine Polizeisprecherin der "Deutschen Presse-Agentur". Die Polizisten seien lediglich leicht verletzt worden, teilte die Polizei mit. Zuvor hatte eine Sprecherin von einer schwer verletzten Beamtin berichtet. Die Beamtin sei bei dem Vorfall eingeklemmt worden und sei nun dienstunfähig. Sie habe aber zwischenzeitlich das Krankenhaus verlassen können. (...) Bei dem Mann handelt es sich um einen 38-jährigen Deutschen. Das teilte die Polizei am Dienstagabend mit. Die Polizei schrieb auf X kurz nach der Tat von einer "mutmaßlichen Amokfahrt".

via swr: Mann nach Zerstörungsfahrt mit Bagger im Main-Tauber-Kreis von Polizei erschossen

siehe auch: Nach Zerstörungsfahrt mit Bagger: Polizei erschießt Mann. Die Fahrt dauerte laut Polizeiangaben mehr als 50 Minuten - eine knappe Stunde, in der sich Szenen wie aus einem Actionfilm im Main-Tauber-Kreis abspielen. Ein Mann bringt am Silvesternachmittag einen Bagger in seine Gewalt, zerstört damit Gebäude und Fahrzeuge, liefert sich kilometerweit eine Verfolgungsjagd mit der Polizei. Drei Beamte werden dabei verletzt. Schließlich schießt die Polizei auf den Baggerfahrer. Der Mann stirbt noch vor Ort.


Windsor man’s statements to police about joining neo-Nazi group are admissible as evidence, judge rules – #terror #awd #AtomwaffenDivision

Seth Bertrand, 21, was recorded speaking to an undercover RCMP officer. A Windsor man's recorded conversations with RCMP about trying to join a neo-Nazi group will be used against him in his trial on a charge of terrorism. A Superior Court judge ruled on Monday that things Seth Bertrand said to an undercover officer, and things he said to an officer after his arrest, are admissible as evidence. "The circumstances by which the statement was (obtained) was not oppressive," said Justice Maria Carroccia. Windsor man applied to terror group during class on school computer, court hears Lawyer in terror trial argues RCMP interview violated his client's rights Bertrand, 21, is facing a terrorism charge in relation to what RCMP allege were attempts to connect with a far-right hate group called the Atomwaffen Division — also known as the National Socialist Resistance Front. Inspired by the writings of avowed U.S. neo-Nazi James Mason, the group promotes armed violence for white nationalist aims. Canada listed the Atomwaffen Division as a terrorist entity in 2021. RCMP allege that Bertrand submitted an online application in which he "offered his skills and commitment to do things" for the group.

via cbc: Windsor man's statements to police about joining neo-Nazi group are admissible as evidence, judge rules

The Most Powerful Man in America is a Nazi Sympathizer

Elon Musk is just the latest billionaire to exert tremendous influence over U.S. politics. When he says he supports Neo-Nazis, take him at his word. If there was any doubt about the power and influence of Elon Musk as we head into Trump’s second term, it was decisively erased this past week. The world’s richest man singlehandedly hijacked the negotiations for the spending bill that Congress passed last week in order to narrowly avoid a government shutdown. He used his wealth and his vast digital influence as a bludgeon against an entire political party and did so successfully. He threatened to use his immense wealth to fund primary challengers against anyone who voted to pass a bipartisan funding bill that wasn’t to his liking. In doing so, Musk successfully coerced them into removing a heap of important medical-related funding and other provisions.  The version of the bill endorsed by Musk excised more than $190 million worth of funding for childhood cancer research, as well funding for research into premature labor, treatments for sickle cell anemia, and early detection of breast and cervical cancers. It also eliminated provisions allowing for low-income kids who receive funds through the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to access complex care across state lines. Beyond that, Sam Stein of the Bulwark reports: “The initial compromise bill included language to ensure that providers of internet service to rural areas weren’t ripping off customers, to protect consumers from hidden hotel fees, to secure semiconductor supply chains, to restrict U.S. outbound investment in China, even to prohibit deepfake pornography. All those were all gone in the successor bill.” With a few tweets, many of which contained outright false information about what was in the bipartisan bill, Musk was able to bend America’s lawmakers to his will. By spending more than $250 million to help Donald Trump win the 2024 election, he had already managed to purchase for himself an advisory role in the incoming administration as a leader of the newly christened “Department of Government Efficiency” (aka DOGE). By virtue of Musk’s unprecedented ability and willingness to spend money to influence the political landscape, he is now arguably more powerful than any single person in government, potentially including the incoming president himself.  With this in mind, we should probably talk about the fact that the most powerful man in the world is also an overt Nazi sympathizer. On Dec. 20, Musk posted that “Only the AfD can save Germany,” referencing the neo-Nazi Alternative for Germany party that has been inching upwards in the polls in recent months.

via currentaffairs: The Most Powerful Man in America is a Nazi Sympathizer

Far right and far out: Extremists have a long history in Southern California

It’s a white supremacist group calling itself RAM — a swaggering, belligerent acronym for the Rise Again Movement that to all appearances is a cluster of melanin–obsessed men dedicated to the brand of brutish mayhem that white supremacists amp up for. A man who co-founded RAM in Southern California just wound up in court, where he pleaded guilty to conspiring to riot, having attended a Huntington Beach rally in March 2016 where he and others of his ilk “pursued and assaulted” people, including one protester he tackled and punched multiple times. (...) RAM is the latest dot connected on a long, zigzag line that courses up and down the state, from border north to border south. L.A.’s early Confederate sympathies were never extinguished by the Union victory. With the Klan revival in the American South and Midwest in the 1920s, California rode the wave, too. The state had about 200,000 members in the mid-1920s. Locally, a thousand white hoods bloomed, in beach cities, in Inglewood — where KKKsters put up “Caucasian-only” signs around town — and in Orange County, in Anaheim especially, where Klansmen briefly held a majority of city council seats before their recall by mortified voters and civic leaders. In the same city almost a century later, in February 2016, modern-day KKK members staging a “white lives matter” rally brawled with counterprotesters. At least one of them was stabbed with a flagpole topped by an American eagle. There’s a pattern to these white supremacist groups. They rise, fragment, submerge, reconstitute, reemerge, sometimes with different names, different uniforms, but the same cast, and same sentiments. So let’s start off with Southern California’s most notorious white-race crusader — a title some of the new crowd looks to be trying to win for themselves. A Venn diagram of the “career” of Tom Metzger, on-and-off-again Klansman, would be a tangle of overlaps and crossovers.

via latimes: Far right and far out: Extremists have a long history in Southern California

Netherlands to open archive on people accused of wartime Nazi collaboration

Some descendants are apprehensive but a historian says making 30m pages of records public is ‘important step’ For 80 years, details of their ancestors’ collaboration with the Nazis have been buried in spotless rows of filing cabinets in The Hague. But thousands of Dutch families face having their relatives’ history laid bare later this week when an archive opens on 425,000 people accused of siding with the occupier during the second world war. On Thursday, the central archives of the special jurisdiction courts (CABR), established after the allies liberated the Netherlands to bring collaborators to justice, will open under national archive rules. Until now, the most visited war archive in the Netherlands has been accessible only to researchers, those involved and direct descendants. But from Thursday the physical archive will open to general visitors. For the first three months of 2025, researchers and descendants of victims and alleged perpetrators will also have digital access to a quarter of this extraordinary database – on site at the national archive in The Hague – for the first time. Relatives have mixed feelings about the move. “It’s a bit uncomfortable,” said Connie, 74, one of three sisters whose family history is contained in the archive. “I don’t know what could come out of it eventually, if people Google our surname.” But some in the Netherlands believe that openness about the country’s wartime past, including its economic and bureaucratic collaboration, is crucial. Three-quarters of the Dutch Jewish population – more than 102,000 people – were murdered by the Nazis, with antisemitic collaboration from the state, police and some of the Dutch population.

via guardian: Netherlands to open archive on people accused of wartime Nazi collaboration

Paketbote rassistisch beleidigt und attackiert

Ein Paketbote will in Rummelsburg eine Postsendung ausliefern. Ein Mann spricht ihn an und verwickelt ihn in einen Streit. Der Staatsschutz ermittelt. Ein Paketbote ist in Berlin-Rummelsburg rassistisch beleidigt und attackiert worden. Der Paketbote suchte am Montagnachmittag am Klingelschild eines Wohnhauses in der Margaretenstraße nach dem Empfänger einer Postsendung, als er von einem 41 Jahre alten Mann in ein Streitgespräch verwickelt wurde, wie die Polizei mitteilte. Der 41-Jährige soll den 51 Jahre alten Paketboten aufgrund seines Äußeren beleidigt und zudem mit einer Glasflasche mehrfach auf den Unterarm geschlagen haben. Alarmierte Einsatzkräfte nahmen den bereits polizeibekannten Mann in der Nähe fest.

via tagesspiegel: Paketbote rassistisch beleidigt und attackiert