The Kremlin has denied media reports that US President-elect Donald Trump held a call with Vladimir Putin, in which he is said to have warned the Russian president against escalating the war in Ukraine. The call, which was first reported by the Washington Post on Sunday, is said to have happened on Thursday. Trump is also reported to have mentioned America’s extensive military presence in Europe to Putin. A Kremlin spokesperson said the reports were “pure fiction”, while Trump’s team told the BBC that it would not comment on the president-elect’s “private calls”. (…) Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov denied a conversation had taken place. “This is completely untrue, it is pure fiction. That is, this is simply false information. There was no conversation,” Peskov said.
via bbc: Russia denies Trump call with Putin urging restraint in Ukraine
siehe auch: „Pure Fiktion“ Kreml bestreitet Berichte über Telefonat zwischen Putin und Trump Der Kreml hat Medienberichte dementiert, wonach es vergangene Woche ein Telefonat zwischen dem russischen Staatschef Putin und dem designierten US-Präsidenten Trump gegeben hat. Bei den Berichten handle es sich um pure Fiktion, erklärte ein Sprecher. Putin habe derzeit keine konkreten Pläne, sich mit Trump auszutauschen.