Hundreds of men shown making fascist salutes during gathering outside Italian Social Movement headquarters Angela Giuffrida in Rom. Italian opposition leaders have called on Giorgia Meloni’s rightwing government to ban neofascist groups after a chilling video emerged of hundreds of men making fascist salutes during an event in Rome. The crowd was gathered outside the former headquarters of the Italian Social Movement (MSI), a neofascist party founded after the second world war which eventually morphed into Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party. The annual gathering, on Via Acca Larentia in the east of the city on Sunday, commemorates the 46th anniversary of the killing of three militants from the now defunct party’s youth wing. In the video, which was widely shared online, the men are standing in rows making the stiff-armed salute and shouting “present” three times. A militant then shouts “For all fallen comrades!” – a typical rallying cry of neofascists. “Rome, 7 January 2024. It seems like 1924,” Elly Schlein, leader of the centre-left Democratic party, wrote on social media. “What happened is unacceptable. Neofascist groups must be disbanded, as the constitution spells out.”

via guardian: Meloni urged to ban neofascist groups after crowds filmed saluting in Rome

siehe auch: Italien : Hunderte zeigen #Faschistengruß bei Versammlung in #Rom. Eine neofaschistische Versammlung hat in Italien Empörung ausgelöst. In Rom streckten Hunderte schwarz gekleidete Menschen dreimal ihren rechten Arm in die Höhe. Hunderte Menschen haben bei einer neofaschistischen Versammlung in Rom ihre rechten Arme in die Höhe gestreckt und den Faschistengruß gezeigt; Meloni under pressure to disband fascist group. Italy’s left-wing opposition parties requested Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to take action and even disband the group of far-right militants who on Sunday commemorated the death of three former members and were seen making fascist salutes during a rally in Rome. Monday marked the anniversary of the Acca Larentia massacre, in which three young members of the Italian Social Movement (right-wing party) were killed on 7 January 1978. Every year, the deaths of the young people killed during the “years of the plumb bob”, when political dialectics turned to violence, are commemorated. But parallel to the institutional ceremony, there was a spontaneous one organised by far-right militants, who, in the video that went viral, can be seen giving the fascist salute several times in unison. However, the proximity of the two events in time and place caused controversy, and the presence of two representatives of Fratelli d’Italia (ECR) – the president of the Lazio region, Francesco Rocca, and the vice-president of the Chamber of Deputies, Fabio Rampelli – at the institutional event prompted the left-wing opposition parties to call on Meloni to distance himself from the events.