Sai Varshith Kandula planned to overthrow the government and end democracy Prosecutors argue 19-year-old should be kept behind bars before possible trial Kandula, who carried a Nazi flag, signed off his speech with the Nazi motto. The Neo-Nazi who allegedly plowed a U-Haul truck into the White House gates in a failed attempt to kill President Joe Biden had planned a rambling ‘coup’ speech that announced the end of US democracy. Sai Varshith Kandula, 19, was also planning to threaten any adversaries with the death penalty and signed off the speech with the Nazi motto. Kandula, from Chesterfield, Missouri, smashed the rental truck into security barriers at the White House at around 10pm on May 22 while Joe Biden was inside. He then left the vehicle carrying a large Nazi flag which was later seen unfurled on the sidewalk. Despite his failed attack, he told a Secret Service agent: ‘My message was received.’ The academically gifted teenager, who was arrested and charged with the depredation of US property and an attempt to kill president, was being held without bail pending a hearing Tuesday. Prosecutors say that the greater concern was his alleged intention to overthrow the government and go to the lengths of harming President Biden to do so. Federal prosecutors filed a memo Friday arguing that Kandula should be kept behind bars with no conditions before a possible trial, NBC News reports. They alleged that he kept a journal which included a coup speech that he was planning to give had he been successful in his attempts to take over the White House. Inside the journal, which Kandula called his ‘green book’, he describes a post-democratic US and addresses ‘my fellow citizens of America’.