Man arrested and charged with arson in two Minneapolis mosque fires, federal prosecutors say – #terror

Jackie Little, 36, is seen in surveillance footage entering the district office of an unnamed member of the US House of Representatives, according to an affidavit against him. Minneapolis Police Department CNN  —  Authorities have arrested and charged with arson a man whom federal prosecutors said is responsible for setting fires at two Minneapolis mosques last month, according to a news release from the US Attorney’s Office for the District of Minnesota. Jackie Rahm Little, 36, also known as Joel Arthur Tueting, was arrested by the Blue Earth County Sheriff’s Office Saturday before being taken into federal custody a day later by agents from the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the release said. Jackie Little is seen in a booking photo from a previous arson investigation. Little, who is expected to have a first court appearance Monday, has a “known history of arson or suspected arson,” including one incident occurring just last year, according to the affidavit in support of the complaint against him.

via cnn: Man arrested and charged with arson in two Minneapolis mosque fires, federal prosecutors say

Russia’s Wagner boss escalates rift with Putin’s military, threatens Bakhmut withdrawal due to a lack of thousands of artillery shells

Wagner Group head Yevgeny Prigozhin attends the funeral of his fighters at the Beloostrovskoye cemetery outside St. Petersburg, Russia, on December 24, 2022. AP Photo Yevgeny Prigozhin threatened to withdraw Wagner Group fighters from Bakhmut over shell shortages. He issued an ultimatum to Russia's defense minister and gave him 24 hours to respond. Prigozhin has previously sparred with Russia's military brass over complaints of a lack of support. The founder of Russia's paramilitary Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, has threatened to withdraw his mercenaries from Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine, escalating his rift with Russia's military leadership. Prigozhin issued an ultimatum to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu over ammunition shortages in an interview with Russian military blogger Semyon Pegov published Saturday.  "Every day, we have stacks of thousands of bodies that we put in coffins and send home," Prigozhin said, per Al Jazeera's translation. "If the ammunition deficit is not replenished, we are forced – in order not to run like cowardly rats afterward – to either withdraw or die," he said.

via businesinsider: Russia's Wagner boss escalates rift with Putin's military, threatens Bakhmut withdrawal due to a lack of thousands of artillery shells

Russischer Güterzug nahe der Grenze zur Ukraine durch „Sprengsatz“ entgleist

Bei der Explosion habe es keine Opfer gegeben, teilte der Gouverneur der Region Brjansk auf Telegram mit. Handelt es sich um eine ukrainische Sabotageaktion? In Russland ist nach Angaben der Behörden nahe der Grenze zur Ukraine am Montag ein Güterzug durch einen „Sprengsatz“ entgleist. Es habe keine Opfer gegeben, teilte der Gouverneur der Region Brjansk, Alexander Bogomas, im Onlinedienst Telegram mit.  Der Zug hatte Medienberichten zufolge Öl- und Holzprodukte geladen. Damit ereignete sich innerhalb weniger Tage eine zweite Sprengstoffattacke, die den russischen Nachschublinien gilt. Der Chef der russischen Söldnereinheit Wagner, Jewgeni Prigoschin, hatte zuvor bereits aufgrund mangelnder Versorgung mit dem Abzug seiner Truppen aus der umkämpften Stadt Bachmut gedroht.

via berliner zeitung: Russischer Güterzug nahe der Grenze zur Ukraine durch „Sprengsatz“ entgleist

siehe auch: Russian Freight Train Derails After Hitting 'Explosive Device'.A Russian freight train derailed Monday in the western region of Bryansk bordering Ukraine after an "explosive device" detonated on the rail tracks, the local governor said.  The apparent attack came a day after a Ukrainian strike killed four people in a Russian village in the Bryansk region and as Kyiv prepared for a widely expected counter-offensive.  "An unidentified explosive device went off, as a result of which a locomotive of a freight train derailed," Bryansk governor Alexander Bogomaz said on Telegram (...) Russian Railways said the incident took place on Monday at 10:17 am local time between the town of Unecha and the village of Rassukha in the southwestern corner of the region — some 100 kilometers from the Ukrainian border.;

Versammlungen am 1. Mai – Rechte Demonstranten kehren nach Blockade um – gut 1000 Teilnehmer bei linkem Aufzug

Bei zahlreichen Demonstrationen sind Hunderte Menschen am 1. Mai demonstrierend durch Leipzig gezogen. Von Süden her versammelten sich Menschen unter dem Motto „1. Mai – nazifrei“, auf dem Augustusplatz hingegen hatten sich wenige Vertreter der Gruppierung „Patriotische Stimme Deutschland“ versammelt. (...) Zu den größeren Protestmärschen zählte die unter dem Motto „1. Mai – nazifrei“ angemeldete Demonstration. Sie startete gegen 15 Uhr am Südplatz und zog über den Augustusplatz weiter zum Rabet. Laut Polizei waren dafür 150 Menschen angemeldet gewesen, dem Demonstrationszug schlossen sich schließlich mehr als 1000 Menschen an. „Bis auf einige kleinere Vorkommnisse blieb dabei alles friedlich“, sagte Polizeisprecher Chris Graupner. Zur gleichen Zeit hatte sich aus dem politisch rechten Spektrum die Gruppierung „Patriotische Stimme Deutschland“ einige Dutzend Personen am Mende-Brunnen versammelt. Sie wollten über den Johannisplatz, die Prager Straße und die Nürnberger Straße wieder zurück zum Augustplatz laufen, kehrte aber nach einem Teil der Strecke wieder zurück. Auf der Prager Straße hatten sich mehrere Personen zu zwei Blockaden auf die Fahrbahn gesetzt.

via lvz: Versammlungen am 1. Mai Rechte Demonstranten kehren nach Blockade um – gut 1000 Teilnehmer bei linkem Aufzug

Nazi “Blood Tribe” protests Ohio drag brunch

The group chanted the words "Blood," "Under the Aryan Sun," "No transgenders on our streets," while throwing Nazi salutes. A group of approximately 20 Nazis protested a drag brunch in Columbus, Ohio on Saturday, April 29. The Nazi group, Blood Tribe, carried black flags bearing white swastikas and a banner that said “There will be blood” outside of the Land Grant Brewing Company, a restaurant that hosted a drag brunch fundraiser. The Nazis wore black head coverings, gloves, and jeans, along with red shades and t-shirts bearing a logo that resembled a rune (letters of an ancient Germanic alphabet). The group chanted the words “Blood,” “Under the Aryan Sun,” “No transgenders on our streets,” while throwing Nazi salutes. The leader of the group, who didn’t wear a face covering, has been identified as Christopher Pohlhaus. Pohlhaus, the group’s founder, is a Marine Corps vet who led a similar protest against a drag queen story hour in Akron in mid-March.

via lgbtqnation: Nazi “Blood Tribe” protests Ohio drag brunch

Russian journalist seen in propaganda video breaking the rules by loading a rocket launcher says he figures it is ok since Ukrainians are Nazis

A propaganda video shows a Russian journalist helping troops load a rocket launcher in battle. He says this is "a special case" of breaking journalistic ethics. Russia has baselessly claimed that Ukrainians are fascists and the war is "denazifying" the area. In a new propaganda video, a Russian journalist can be seen helping troops load a rocket launcher — a violation of journalistic standards. The journalist baselessly says it's "a special case" because he's helping fight Nazis. The video, shared on Twitter by former Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine Gyunduz Mamedov, shows the journalist on the battlefield. In the video, he describes the operation and use of a multiple launch rocket system (MLRS), according to English-translated captions. The journalist then begins helping troops load the rockets, saying that while helping the military "is considered a violation of journalistic ethics," Russia has "always adhered to these norms" and that this is "a special case." The journalist baselessly says that it is a "special case" because Russia is "fighting for our homeland" and  against "the Nazis."

via yahoo: Russian journalist seen in propaganda video breaking the rules by loading a rocket launcher says he figures it is ok since Ukrainians are Nazis

#SPEYER – #Stadtrat: #AfD-Nachrückerin tritt Mandat nicht an

In der Ratsfraktion der AfD bleibt der dritte Sitz vakant. In der Sitzung des Stadtparlaments am Donnerstagsabend wollte Oberbürgermeisterin Stefanie Seiler (SPD) eigentlich Daniela Schön als Nachrückerin für Claudia Behnecke verpflichten, die ihr Mandat zum 24. Januar niedergelegt hatte. Schön habe „das Mandat konkludent angenommen“, war zuletzt im Amtsblatt zu lesen. In der Ratssitzung teilte Seiler dem Gremium jedoch mit, Schön habe sich bei ihr gemeldet und sie darüber informiert, dass sie nicht mehr Mitglied der AfD sei

via rheinpfalz: SPEYER Stadtrat: AfD-Nachrückerin tritt Mandat nicht an