PEN Malta demanded explanations and for immediate action from the public broadcaster, TVM, and the minister responsible for it, Owen Bonnici regarding a programme that promoted and recommended a book of Nazi propaganda without any hint of critical appraisal. Minister Bonnici has now said that “this type of content has no place on any medium,” and said he is informed that PBS has launched an investigation. In the programme Ħajjitna Ktieb of 23 March, produced and presented by John Demanuele, TVM promoted the book “Mein Führer Adolf Hitler, L-Istorja u l-Bijografija” written by Ronald Bugeja. Demanuele presented the book without posing any critical questions about the dangerous revisionism of this book, which glorifies and justifies Hitler, the Nazi movement and ideology, and the actions of the civil and military Nazi administration in Germany in the 20th century, PEN Malta had said earlier in the day. Among the many despicable policies of violence and discrimination that the book ignores or justifies, the author defends the burning of books written by authors who disagreed with the regime. The author recommends this as a good policy, PEN Malta said. PEN Malta said it is shocked and disgusted by the public broadcaster, which far from carrying out its mission of holding an informed and critical public debate, is serving as a pulpit for Nazi ideas that are the exact opposite of the values of democracy, freedom of thought and information. “Everyone has a right to their opinion, but the public broadcaster’s duty is to know history, to point out lies and deceit, and to promote values of democracy and tolerance,” said PEN Malta President Immanuel Mifsud.
via Updated: Nazi propaganda has no place on PBS, NGOs say; investigation launched