#4Chan #Troll Living With His Mom Arrested for Threatening Anti-Nazi Sheriff

A 38-year-old man, who lives with his mom, allegedly posted an anonymous threat against America’s favorite anti-Nazi sheriff, Mike Chitwood, on 4Chan. A mid-30s 4Chan user who lives in his mom’s house was arrested on charges of threatening to kill a Florida sheriff who recently went viral for his anti-Nazi tirade. Police arrested Richard Golden, 38, earlier this week for allegedly making an online threat to kill Volusia Sheriff Mike Chitwood on March 1. Golden was arrested out of his mother’s South Brunswick, New Jersey, home and had his computer and electronic devices seized from his bedroom, which his mother described to police as smelling like “like fucking gym locker,” in body camera video of his arrest. Chitwood recently went viral for an anti-Nazi rant he went on at a recent press conference addressing the rise of white supremacist and antisemtic stunts in his county. While it won law enforcement officer adulation across the United States, it riled up the internet Nazis.  “Just shoot Chitwood in the head and he stops being a problem. They have to find a new guy to be the problem,” Golden allegedly wrote on the far-right image board 4chan. “But shooting Chitwood in the head solves an immediate problem permanently. Just shoot Chitwood in the head and murder him.” (…) After posting the comments on 4Chan, Golden’s IP address was immediately flagged by the Central Florida Intelligence Exchange, which launched an investigation into his identity. He quickly received a visit from authorities who say Golden didn’t dispute that he wrote the comment but said he never was going to act on it.  “Like every other active shooter that we come across is a marginalized member of society who spends hours and hours and hours in these extremist chat rooms,” said Chitwood in a Thursday press conference. “Here’s a clown sitting in his bedroom who is indoctrinated by this bullshit and thinks the best way to solve the problem is to put a bullet in my head.”

via vice: 4Chan Troll Living With His Mom Arrested for Threatening Anti-Nazi Sheriff

siehe auch: What happens when you write on 4chan that someone should kill an anti-Nazi sheriff . A man is in jail after posting a nasty message to 4chan suggesting someone kill a Florida sheriff. Richard Golden, 38, was arrested at his mother’s house Thursday. Upon answering the door, she shouted “they’re here” into his lair. Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood took a public stand against Nazism last week, earning a torrent of hate from right-wing keyboard warriors. Golden was charged with a felony count of writing a threat to kill, according to Fox 35 News. According to the investigation, the threat was posted in a 4chan chat on Feb. 22. Users had been discussing Chitwood’s response in the community and one user, later identified as Golden, suggested someone, “Just shoot Chitwood in the head and he stops being a problem. They have to find a new guy to be the problem.” “But shooting Chitwood in the head solves an immediate problem permanently. Just shoot Chitwood in the head and murder him,” the post continued. A funny line from Chitwood, publicizing the arrest: “What a shame. A 4chan troll has to come out of his room.” At Dexterto, Michael Guilliam writes that Golden in fact wrote “Just shoot Chitwood in the head and murder him. In Minecraft,” implying that it was a joke (see the “In Minecraft” entry on Know Your Meme). But their own linked source, the Fox News item, doesn’t include any mention of that. Screengrabs (and a few went around) are easily faked.