Sejr Forster was caught with instructions on how to make bombs on his phone Convicted of 2 counts of possessing information likely to be useful for terrorism. A British Army recruit who was referred to Prevent as a schoolboy because of his far-Right and neo-Nazi views is facing jail after he was caught with instructions on how to make bombs on his phone. Sejr Forster, 25, joined the banned British terrorist group National Action when he was 13, a court heard. He began army training in 2017 but was found unsuitable because he had engaged in extreme Right-wing rhetoric on Twitter.  Forster denied but was convicted of two counts of possessing information likely to be useful for terrorism by an Old Bailey jury earlier this week. He admitted one count of the same charge, relating to instructions on how to make a DIY gun from a piece of scrap metal. He could only previously be referred to as ‘S Forster’ for legal reasons but Judge Richard Marks, the Common Serjeant of London, amended the order today so his first name could be published. Forster declared his support for National Action before he was was accepted for basic training in the British Army. He had boasted of being an identitarian, a reference to a white nationalist movement, and used the word Übermensch, a term used by the Nazis to express racial superiority, on an Instagram profile. He also posted a photograph of himself dressed in black, declaring: ‘The Blackshirts are back.’ Forster was discharged from basic training within weeks. In a Facebook post from November 2015, Forster said he had been ‘kicked out of college for spreading extremist ideas and recruiting for an extremist organisation and raising racial tensions’.

via dailymail: Pictured: Swastika-clad Neo-Nazi recruited to the British Army who joined banned terror group National Action aged 13 – now facing jail for having bomb-making instructions on his phone

Sejr Forster was caught with instructions on how to make bombs on his phone Convicted of 2 counts of possessing information likely to be useful for terrorism. A British Army recruit who was referred to Prevent as a schoolboy because of his far-Right and neo-Nazi views is facing jail after he was caught with instructions on how to make bombs on his phone. Sejr Forster, 25, joined the banned British terrorist group National Action when he was 13, a court heard. He began army training in 2017 but was found unsuitable because he had engaged in extreme Right-wing rhetoric on Twitter.  Forster denied but was convicted of two counts of possessing information likely to be useful for terrorism by an Old Bailey jury earlier this week. He admitted one count of the same charge, relating to instructions on how to make a DIY gun from a piece of scrap metal. He could only previously be referred to as ‘S Forster’ for legal reasons but Judge Richard Marks, the Common Serjeant of London, amended the order today so his first name could be published. Forster declared his support for National Action before he was was accepted for basic training in the British Army. He had boasted of being an identitarian, a reference to a white nationalist movement, and used the word Übermensch, a term used by the Nazis to express racial superiority, on an Instagram profile. He also posted a photograph of himself dressed in black, declaring: ‘The Blackshirts are back.’ Forster was discharged from basic training within weeks. In a Facebook post from November 2015, Forster said he had been ‘kicked out of college for spreading extremist ideas and recruiting for an extremist organisation and raising racial tensions’.

via dailymail: Pictured: Swastika-clad Neo-Nazi recruited to the British Army who joined banned terror group National Action aged 13 – now facing jail for having bomb-making instructions on his phone