Neo-Nazi Girlfriend Accused of Plotting Power Grid Attack Was Lifelong Radical – #awd #atomwaffendivision #terror #Baltimore #FBI #Accelerationalismus

“She just feels like society is screwed up,” said Sarah Clendaniel’s brother. One of the neo-Nazi lovers arrested last week for allegedly plotting to shoot up Baltimore power substations and “destroy” the predominantly Black city was described as a lifelong radical who wanted to go out with a bang before dying of kidney failure, her brother told The Daily Beast on Wednesday. Sarah Clendaniel, 34, was arrested along with her long-distance, fellow neo-Nazi boyfriend Brandon Russell on a count of conspiracy to destroy an energy facility—a charge that could land the couple in federal prison for 20 years each. But Sarah’s brother, Luke Clendaniel, doesn’t expect she’ll live long enough to serve a potential prison sentence, saying she may not make it through a trial in Maryland District Court. He says a doctor told Sarah late last year that she likely had just six months to live because her kidneys are failing from decades of drug abuse. (…) Russell, a neo-Nazi leader who founded the far-right group Atomwaffen, was jailed in 2018 for keeping lethal bomb-making materials in his apartment. A criminal complaint says it was that year he struck up a relationship with Sarah from their separate prisons. Atomwaffen, which is German for atomic weapons, is considered a “small but dangerous group,” the extremism watchgroup Western States Center said in a statement to The Daily Beast. A member was charged with a hate crime for murdering a gay, Jewish college student in 2019, and an adherent allegedly killed his girlfriend’s parents for opposing his Nazi views. (…) Court filings did not specify whether Sarah was a member of Russell’s hate group. An image released by authorities, however, showed Sarah posing with a rifle and wearing tactical gear adorned with a swastika. Thomas Sobocinski, the lead agent at the FBI’s Baltimore field office, said in a news conference Monday that Sarah and Russell were “racially or ethnically motivated extremists.” Intentional attacks on power grids in the U.S. have long been a focus of white supremacists groups. Late last year, two high profile incidents in North Carolina and Washington made national news after about 60,000 homes and businesses were left without power just before the holidays.

via daily beast: Neo-Nazi Girlfriend Accused of Plotting Power Grid Attack Was Lifelong Radical

siehe auch: Neonazi-Pärchen wollte komplette US-Stadt „in Schutt und Asche legen“ – #awd #atomwaffendivision #terror #Baltimore #FBI #Accelerationalismus Ein bekannter Neonazi und seine Partnerin planen, Baltimore zu zerstören. Die FBI kommt den beiden auf die Schliche und spricht von einer „echten Bedrohung“. Baltimore – In den USA haben ein Neonazi sowie seine Partnerin offenbar mehrere Anschläge auf Umspannwerke im Umkreis von Baltimore geplant. Wie den Dokumenten des US-Bundesgerichts zu entnehmen ist, sei das Ziel gewesen, die Millionenstadt „vollständig zu zerstören“.