The #NationalSocialistUnderground (#NSU) murdered 10 people and was behind bombings and bank raids in the early 2000s. A report on intelligence failures, meant to stay secret for 120 years, has now been published. German state intelligence officials failed to follow up on numerous tipoffs that far-right extremists, who would later go on to create an underground neo-Nazi terrorist group, were acquiring firearms, German media outlets reported Saturday. The Frag den Staat (Ask the State) platform and public broadcaster ZDF’s Magazin Royale show published a top-secret report on the intelligence probe into the National Socialist Underground (NSU) that was meant to be kept under wraps for 120 years. The media outlets said the dossier reveals a “more than dubious picture” of the work of the domestic intelligence agency in the western German state of Hesse. Between 1999 and 2007, the NSU killed 10 people — mostly of immigrant origin — and carried out bombings in the cities of Nurenberg and Cologne, as well as bank raids. What are the NSU files and what do they reveal? In 2012, a year after the NSU was revealed to have been behind the deadly terror campaign, a systemic review was ordered of the files kept by the Hessian Office for the Protection of the Constitution (a state branch of Germany’s domestic intelligence agency). The final report, known as the NSU files, was dated November 20, 2014, and was to remain top secret. The report revealed how although the spy agency built an extensive database during the 1990s, a period considered a heyday of far-right-motivated violence in Germany, it did not have an overview of its inventory and did not always draw any conclusions from the data held. This is despite the agency having nearly 390 files about weapons and explosives that may have been in the hands of right-wing extremists and tipoffs about how neo-Nazis were organizing shooting training and even traveling abroad for exercises. Informants would sometimes speculate about the mastermind of an unsolved murder, while others would even describe the possibility of a group operating small secretive cells, such as those pursued by the NSU. The report states that “interesting hints or clues were not always followed up consistently,” and that often, there was no attempt to “verify the facts with supplementary information from other authorities or to place them in an overall context and evaluate them.” The report said that state spy chiefs thought it was inconceivable that right-wing extremists would go underground and roam the country murdering people of foreign origin, which is precisely what happened. The dossier also found that more than 500 files linked to far-right extremism had simply disappeared.
via dw: German spy chiefs failed to act on neo-Nazi group: report
siehe auch: NSU-Akten gratis! Wir veröffentlichen, was der Verfassungsschutz 120 Jahre geheim halten wollte NSU-Akten gratis! Wir veröffentlichen, was der Verfassungsschutz 120 Jahre geheim halten wollte. Die Geschichte des NSU ist auch eine Geschichte der jahrelangen Vertuschung beim Verfassungsschutz. FragDenStaat und das ZDF Magazin Royale veröffentlichen jetzt Geheimdokumente, die vielleicht nur deshalb geheim sind, weil sie ein schlechtes Licht auf den Verfassungsschutz werfen: Hier sind die „NSU-Akten“.
Von Jan Hrdonka (<a href=”″ class=”extiw” title=”en:User:Hrd10″>en:User:Hrd10</a>) – <a class=”external free” href=””></a>, Gemeinfrei, Link