The young man stands accused of trying to launch a local branch of the Atomwaffen Division far-right terror group. He had also stood as a candidate for Germany’s mainstream conservative party. The trial of a 20-year-old man accused of trying to launch a neo-Nazi terror group began in the German city of Frankfurt on Tuesday. Marvin E.*, an aspiring carpenter and local politician was arrested in September 2021 following a police raid at his house. Authorities discovered several self-built “unconventional” explosive devices as well as a racist manifesto and material intended for a recruitment campaign. Prosecutors say he made efforts to launch a local branch of the neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division — a racist and antisemitic terror group. They said he wanted to start a “race war” in Germany “to preserve the white population.” (…) Mervin E. had concrete plans to trigger a civil war by 2024, according to German broadcaster ZDF. At the same time, the suspect was training to be a carpenter and was chairman of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in the small town of Spangenberg in the central state of Hesse, ZDF reported.

via dw: Germany: Trial starts for neo-Nazi who wanted to start a ‘race war’

siehe dazu auch: Mutmaßlich rechtsextremer #Bombenbastler – #Prozess gegen Marvin E. beginnt im August – #awd #atomwaffendivision #terror #cdu Marvin E. soll an der Gründung einer Terrorzelle gearbeitet und Anschläge vorbereitet haben: alles im Sinne eines “totalen Rassenkriegs”. Jetzt wird dem Spangenberger der Prozess gemacht. Marvin E. muss sich ab dem 2. August in Frankfurt vor Gericht verantworten. Das teilte das Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt am Mittwoch mit. Die Generalbundesanwaltschaft wirft dem 20-Jährigen die versuchte Gründung einer terroristischen Vereinigung, Vorbereitung einer schweren staatsgefährdenden Gewalttat sowie Verstöße gegen das Waffen- und Sprengstoffgesetz vor. Ob Jugendstrafrecht angewendet wird, entscheidet sich im Prozess