The NRM in Finland have abandoned their traditional logo during the court case. Their flags with tyr runes have not been seen on Finnish streets since 2018. Picture from a Nazi demonstration in Turku 18.8 2018. Picture: MTV3. The pan-Nordic national socialist organization Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM) have been banned in Finland by the Supreme Court, but the Nazis are continuing their activities under new names. In this article we will present an overview of the legal process that lasted three years, what the Nazis did during it and how their activities have changed. This article was originally published in Finnish and Swedish by the anti-fascist Varis network and is now translated to English to provide an analysis to international readers. The lengthy court case against the Finnish branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement finally came to an end on September 22nd, 2020 when the Supreme Court in Helsinki decided to outlaw the national socialist organization. The start of this legal process began already in September 2016, when anti-fascist Jimi Karttunen died after being assaulted by NRM group leader Jesse Torniainen at a Nazi leafletting action in central Helsinki. This assault was the starting point for public debates about the legality of the violent Nazi organization, and in March 2017 the National Police Board declared that investigations were underway. The investigation and subsequent court case have since then passed through all levels of the Finnish court system since the outlawing of political organizations is uncommon and this would make a legal precedent for similar cases. Three and a half years later the Supreme Court handed down their judgement: the NRM would not be allowed to exist in Finland. In reality it is not so easy to get rid of a militant Nazi organization, so in this article we will shortly explain the history of the court case and how the NRM have responded to it.
via varisverkosto: Nordic Resistance Movement banned in Finland – the history of the court case and what the Nazis are doing now