QAnon followers know him as “Neon Revolt.” In real life, he’s a failed screenwriter from New Jersey named Robert Cornero, Jr. Neon Revolt, one of the most prominent QAnon influencers who has spread conspiracy theories and fomented violence among his hundreds of thousands of loyal followers on far-right social network Gab, has been unmasked as a failed Hollywood screenwriter Robert Cornero Jr. from Neptune City, New Jersey, has been identified by researchers working for fact-checking group Logically, who found that the company used to publish a book by Neon Revolt about QAnon was registered in Cornero’s name and to his family’s home address. Cornero moved from New Jersey to Studio City in California over a decade ago to pursue a career as a scriptwriter. And even though he had never had any success producing a script of his own, he set up a website called Hacking Hollywood, where he offered to coach aspiring screenwriters. (…) “Neon is one of the most prominent QAnon influencers in that community, writing extremely long screeds on his blog that tie together countless elements of various plots and conspiracy theories that have nothing to do with each other,” Mike Rothschild, a conspiracy theory researcher who is currently writing a book about QAnon, told VICE News. “His persona is that of a paranoid and xenophobic embittered screenwriter flying the flag of traditional conservative values in the liberal cesspool of Hollywood.” In 2019, Cornero leveraged his position of trust among his followers when he launched a crowdfunding campaign to write a QAnon book. He raised $150,000 and ultimately produced the 660-page “Revolution Q: The Story of QAnon and the 2nd American Revolution,” which has become one of the most influential texts among the QAnon community. But rather than giving copies to the people who had donated money toward the book’s production, Cornero turned around and sold the book back to the same followers who had already given him money. The book is still available to buy on Amazon.
via vice: One of QAnon’s Biggest Influencers Is a Failed Hollywood Screenwriter
siehe auch: QAnon-Bewegung: Einer der Strippenzieher wurde offenbar identifiziert. Sie verbreiten krude Verschwörungstheorien, rufen immer wieder zur Gewalt auf und ihre Anhänger gehörten zu den ersten, die vergangene Woche das US-Kapitol in Washington, D.C. stürmten. Die sogenannte QAnon-Bewegung zählt mittlerweile zu den größten Bedrohungen, denen sich die USA derzeit stellen müssen. Nun soll einer ihrer prominentesten Hintermänner identifiziert worden sein. In Verschwörer-Kreisen ist er unter dem Pseudonym “Neon Revolt” bekannt. In dem rechtsextremen Netzwerk Gab sollen ihm mehr als 600.000 Anhänger folgen, während er wilde Theorien verbreitet und seine Gefolgschaft immer wieder zu Gewalt anstachelt. Nun wurde die Identität von “Neon Revolt” offenbar aufgedeckt. Wie “Vice” berichtet, handelt es sich bei dem Mann hinter dem Pseudonym um Robert Cornero Jr., einen erfolglosen Drehbuchautor aus Neptune City, New Jersey. Logically, eine Organisation, die sich auf das Überprüfen von Fakten spezialisiert hat, habe eine auf Corneros Namen registrierte Firma entdeckt, die ein Buch von “Neon Revolt” über die QAnon-Bewegung veröffentlichte.