Spokesman for CO #Trump Bus Backs Wis. Shooter: “Nice F@&k shot, Kyle” – #terror

A “Team Trump Bus” is touring northern Colorado today, and on it is John “TIG” Tiegen, who tweeted his unvarnished support for Kyle Rittenhouse, the Wisconsin teen accused of shooting three people at Kenosha protests yesterday. Tiegen, who delivered Trump’s signatures Colorado’s Secretary of State’s office to qualify for the Colorado ballot in November, reposted an unverified accusation that Rittenhouse shot a registered sex offender and other looters. “That’s why I say NICE F@&k shot Kyle!” tweeted Tiegen. Two of the three victims from the protest, which occurred in the wake of the police shooting of Jacob Blake, have not been officially identified, but the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel has named all three based on images and posts found on social media. Tiegen nonetheless reposted claims made by a far-right meme page called Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children, which stated that all of the shooter’s victims were pedophiles and violent criminals. Authorities have charged 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who claims to be a militia member, with the homicides. Tiegen didn’t return a message asking if he thinks others should follow Rittenhouse’s example and take to the streets and shoot people. He was also asked if he’d talked to Trump about these matters. Tiegen is joining John Pence, the Vice President’s nephew and Trump operative, on the Trump bus in Colo.

via coloradotimesrecorder: Spokesman for CO Trump Bus Backs Wis. Shooter: “Nice F@&k shot, Kyle”

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