#AfD-Mann im #Krankenhaus: #Kalbitz verletzt Parteifreund mit #Boxschlag zur Begrüßung – #schauhin #schläger #nzsbxn

Der kommissarische Fraktionsvorsitzende der AfD-Fraktion in Potsdam, Dennis Hohloch, liegt mit inneren Verletzungen im Krankenhaus. Auslöser dafür war ein unkontrolliert heftiger Schlag in die Seite durch Andreas Kalbitz, den zurzeit aus der Partei ausgeschlossenen Ex-Landeschef. Kalbitz will sich am Freitag wieder in die AfD einklagen. Auch deswegen kocht die Gerüchteküche hoch. Der Parlamentarische Geschäftsführer der Brandenburger AfD-Fraktion, Dennis Hohloch, liegt nach einem speziellen Arbeitsunfall in einem Berliner Krankenhaus. Er ist bereits auf dem Weg der Besserung. Nach Informationen des RedaktionsNetzwerks Deutschland (RND) hat Hohloch innere Verletzungen erlitten. Das geschah vor einer Woche in den Fraktionsräumen im Potsdamer Landtag. Ursächlich für die Verletzungen ist anscheinend ein Begrüßungsboxschlag in die Seite des 31-Jährigen, der unbeabsichtigt heftig ausfiel. (...) Die Verletzung des loyalen Kalbitz-Vertreters Hohloch schlägt daher große Wellen in der AfD-Gerüchteküche. Von “Prügelei” und Streit ist die Rede, Kalbitz habe Hohloch “krankenhausreif geschlagen”. Klar ist: Streit gab es keinen, eine Verletzungsabsicht auch nicht. Hohloch selbst war im Krankenhaus telefonisch nicht für Nachfragen zu erreichen. (...) Brandenburger AfD-Mitglieder reagierten gegenüber dem RND schockiert auf die Nachricht der Verletzung des kommissarischen Fraktionschefs. Über Kalbitz sagen sie im Vertrauen: “Der hat sich nicht im Griff.” Es habe schon mehrere unvermittelte körperliche Übergriffe vor Zeugen auf Abgeordnete oder Mitarbeiter gegeben.

via rnd: AfD-Mann im Krankenhaus: Kalbitz verletzt Parteifreund mit Boxschlag zur Begrüßung

2020-01-23 Andreas Kalbitz AfD MdL by OlafKosinsky8921.jpg
Von Olaf Kosinsky - <span class="int-own-work" lang="de">Eigenes Werk</span>, CC BY-SA 3.0 de, Link


Anti-fascists warn of new antisemitic group with neo-Nazi adherents

Hope Not Hate raises alarm over Patriotic Alternative, which was created by a former BNP activist who described the Holocaust as the ‘alleged extermination of six million Jews’. Anti-fascist campaigners in the UK have warned of a virulent new far-right group that spreads Holocaust denial in its efforts to push a white nationalist agenda. Researchers at Hope Not Hate (HNH) reported this week on the threat from Patriotic Alternative (PA), an antisemitic group with neo-Nazi adherents created in 2019 by Mark Collett, the former head of publicity for the British National Party. HNH researcher Simon Murdoch said: “Collett is a longstanding antisemite who has spoken sympathetically of Nazi Germany, described the Holocaust as the ‘alleged extermination of six million Jews’, and has regularly collaborated with David Duke, a former leader in the Ku Klux Klan.” PA is described in the report as “a racist far-right organisation with antisemitism at its very core” which aims to combat what it says is the “replacement and displacement” of white Britons by people who “have no right to these lands”. (...) Several members were unabashed about their Holocaust denial in group messages, the HNH report detailed. One wrote: “Public Service Announcement: A factoid is a claim that is widely accepted as fact through repetition but isn’t necessarily (and often isn’t) true, such as the Holocaust.” Another described the Holocaust as “the single most overhyped event in history,” adding: “The West has been blinded since 1945 by the Holocaust story but this is wearing off.” Yet another said: “We’re finding out that more and more Holocaust survivors… Survived. Almost like as if the Holocaust never happened…”

via timesofisrael: Anti-fascists warn of new antisemitic group with neo-Nazi adherents

symbolbild, scfreenshot bitchute

Proud Boys, Right-wing Militias Clash With Counter Protesters in Several U.S. States

Groups ranging from an anti-government patriot group in Portland, Oregon to alt-right Proud Boys in Kalamazoo, Michigan battled anti-fascists and Black Lives Matter activists over a tense weekend. Right wing demonstrators fought with leftist counter protestors in Georgia, Michigan and Oregon on Saturday drawing in riot police and SWAT teams. Groups ranging from an anti-government patriot group in Portland, Oregon to alt-right Proud Boys in Kalamazoo, Michigan battled anti-fascists and Black Lives Matter activists as months of anti-racism protests increasingly pitted Americans against one another. Several dozen demonstrators, many armed and carrying Confederate battle flags, staged a rally in the Atlanta suburb of Stone Mountain next to a park famed for its giant monument to leaders of the breakaway slave-holding states. A mix of militia members, Confederate followers and supporters of President Donald Trump faced off against more than a hundred left-wing protesters, some armed, many carrying signs or wearing T-shirts supporting Black Lives Matter.

via haaretz: Proud Boys, Right-wing Militias Clash With Counter Protesters in Several U.S. States

White supremacist gets knocked out after racist rant against black people on London Underground – #antifaisthandarbeit

A video shared on social media documents the tirade by the man before one of the passengers knocked him out with a single punch. "Lesser than us" and "you are my pets" are a few fragments from the rant of an unnamed man on the Central Line train directed towards a group of black men on Saturday, August 15. The white man's rant lasted for several minutes during which other passengers can be heard condemning his verbal tirade. He continued to rile up the group of men until they were seen getting off the train. However, just before the three men deboarded, one of them punched the racist man in the face, knocking him to the floor. The other passengers can be heard cheering when the man is apparently knocked unconscious. (...) A person recording the incident and another passenger tried to intervene but the man continued his racist rant. During the video, he can be heard telling the men that they are his "pets." The actions of the man were clearly to instigate the group of passengers. He kept gesturing at them to attack him. When he is told that he is being recorded and the video will go on the internet, he seems pleased with it. He states that his video will break the internet. As the train pulled into Bank station, the three men were seen getting up to deboard. The racist man is seen squaring up to them with a clenched fist. Finally, one of the three black men punched him straight in the face, knocking him to the floor. Passengers can be heard cheering as the men get off.

via ibtimes: White supremacist gets knocked out after racist rant against black people on London Underground


Even TikTok has a white supremacy problem

Nazis and white supremacists have been using TikTok to spread hate speech and recruit followers, the Anti-Defamation League said in a report Thursday. Extremists have used hashtags, captions and in some cases even manipulated video to spread their message, the ADL said. It found "dozens" of accounts on TikTok that "use combinations of white supremacist symbols, terms and slogans as screen names or handles." While TikTok has been called "the last sunny corner of the Internet," the ADL's findings are a reminder that the short-form video app, like its rivals, is also grappling with hateful content. Facebook has been subject to an ongoing advertiser boycott over its handling of hate speech and misinformation, while services like Google-owned YouTube have sometimes struggled to follow through on their commitments. (...) TikTok confirmed the ADL partnership on Thursday, and said much of the content flagged by the ADL has already been removed. The company said it has removed hundreds of thousands of videos and more than 1,000 accounts this year for violating its hate speech policies. "For all the progress we've made improving our policies and protections, hate evolves and takes many forms which is why we're grateful to work with organizations like the Anti-Defamation League to combat it," the company said in a statement. "We appreciate when content and accounts are brought to our attention so that we can swiftly remove what violates our Community Guidelines and strengthen our safeguards. We welcome expert feedback and guidance as we strive to promote a safe and uplifting experience for our community." Groups promoting white supremacy on TikTok have sought to appropriate the #blacklivesmatter hashtag, the ADL said. They also have used hashtags including #alllivesmatter and #whitelivesmatter. White supremacists on the platform also used other methods to obscure their behavior and evade detection, the ADL said, such as by employing coded language or sharing images of books, signs or web URLs for viewers to research on their own.

via philytrib: Even TikTok has a white supremacy problem

In Hamburg Mann wird rassistisch beleidigt – dann gibt es Prügel

Eskalation in Hamburg: An der Kreuzung Barmbeker Markt und Weidestraße haben sich Sonntag zwei Männer gestritten, schließlich schlug einer (22) dem anderen (39) mit der Faust ins Gesicht. Der 39-Jährige soll zuvor seinen Kontrahenten rassistisch beleidigt und diesem vor die Füße gespuckt haben. (...) ach dem Faustschlag musste der alkoholisierte 22-Jährige mit zur Wache. Laut Polizei zur „Unterbindung weiterer Körperverletzungen“. Gegen ihn wurde ein Verfahren eingeleitet, genau wie gegen den 39-Jährigen, der sich wegen Beleidigung verantworten muss.

via mopo: In Hamburg Mann wird rassistisch beleidigt – dann gibt es Prügel

Gast beleidigt Wirt am Brunsbüttler Damm rassistisch und attackiert ihn

Ein Gastwirt eines Lokals in Spandau soll am Morgen des 16. August von einem alkoholisierten Mann rassistisch beleidigt und attackiert worden sein. Kurz nach 7 Uhr soll der 37-jährige Wirt einer Kneipe am Brunsbütteler Damm den 40-jährigen Gast aufgefordert haben das Lokal zu verlassen, nachdem der Mann in der Gaststätte uriniert haben soll. Dieser wiederum soll den Wirt daraufhin rassisch beleidigt und ihm mit der Faust ins Gesicht geschlagen haben. Hierbei erlitt der Gastwirt leichte Gesichtsverletzungen. Zudem warf der 40-Jährige eine Flasche nach dem Wirt und verließ das Lokal dann. Vor der Gaststätte soll der Mann mehrfach rechtsextremistische Parolen gerufen und den Arm mehrmals zum sogenannten „Hitlergruß“ gehoben haben. Alarmierte Einsatzkräfte des Polizeiabschnitts 21 nahmen den 40-Jährigen kurz darauf im Elsflether Weg vorläufig fest. Auch die Einsatzkräfte soll der Tatverdächtige beleidigt und bedroht haben.

via berliner woche: Gast beleidigt Wirt am Brunsbüttler Damm rassistisch und attackiert ihn