Auto rast in Menschengruppe bei Rassismus-Demo: 24-Jährige stirbt – #terror #blm #SummerTaylor #seattle

In Seattle ist ein Auto in eine Menschengruppe gefahren und hat dabei eine Frau getötet und eine schwer verletzt. Die Frauen waren auf einer Demonstration gegen Rassismus und Polizeigewalt, als der Fahrer in sie fuhr. Sein Motiv ist noch unklar, teilte die Polizei mit. Ein Mann ist mit seinem Auto in der US-Großstadt Seattle in eine Gruppe von Demonstranten gerast und hat dabei zwei Frauen überfahren. Eine 24-Jährige sei mit lebensgefährlichen Verletzungen in ein Krankenhaus gebracht worden und dort gestorben, berichteten örtliche Medien in der Nacht zum Sonntag (Ortszeit) unter Berufung auf das Krankenhaus. Eine 32-Jährige sei in ernstem Zustand. (…) Auf einem am Samstag von US-Medien verbreiteten Video ist zu sehen, wie das weiße Auto mit hoher Geschwindigkeit um Autos herumfuhr, mit denen ein Autobahnabschnitt für eine Protestaktionen abgesperrt war, und die zwei Frauen erfasste.

via rnd: Auto rast in Menschengruppe bei Rassismus-Demo: 24-Jährige stirbt

siehe auch: 1 protester dead, 1 injured after man drives into protesters on I-5 in Seattle. One person was killed and another was seriously injured after a driver plowed into a nightly protest on a closed stretch of Interstate 5 in Seattle early Saturday. Summer Taylor, a 24-year-old from Seattle, died Saturday night at Harborview Medical Center, said Harborview Medical Center spokesperson Susan Gregg. Diaz Love, a 32-year-old from Portland, Oregon, was in serious condition in the intensive-care unit as of Sunday morning. Washington State Patrol said the driver was Dawit Kelete, 27, of Seattle. He was booked into King County Jail on Saturday morning on investigation of felony vehicular assault. Troopers don’t believe impairment was a factor and said Kelete drove the wrong way on the Stewart Street off-ramp to enter the interstate, which had been partially shut down in response to protesters. (…) Witnesses captured video that showed a white car heading south at a high speed around 1:30 a.m. Saturday. It swerved around two vehicles positioned as a barrier to protect protesters across the I-5 lanes. Video showed the car careened toward the protesters and struck two, sending them flying into the air. Love, one of the victims, had been livestreaming the march for two hours. It ended abruptly, after shouts of “Car!” could be heard, then screeching tires and the sound of impact; Protester dies after being hit by speeding car in Seattle. Protesters chant during a “Fourth of YouLie” demonstration, which opposed gentrification and called for reinvestment in black communities, in Seattle on Saturday. A Black Lives Matter protester died after being struck by a car that drove down a closed stretch of Seattle highway and plowed into demonstrators early Saturday morning, according to hospital officials. A second person hit remains in serious condition as of Sunday morning. The killing adds to the violent toll of this summer’s protests in Seattle, where at least six people have been shot in the past month in the vicinity of the recently cleared protest encampment. Summer Taylor, a 24-year-old Seattle resident who works with veterinary clinics, was hit by the car around 1:40 a.m. Saturday while standing with a group of a couple dozen protesters alongside Interstate 5, a primary north-south highway along the West Coast. Taylor died at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle on Saturday evening, according to hospital spokeswoman Susan Gregg.