Antique store blasted for selling ‘white only’ signs

The store is selling a variety of racist signs. Nicola Shanks, a Colorado woman, is calling out the owner Antique Corral, who she said is selling racist and offensive “white only” signage, according to NBC News. Shanks said she was shopping in the store several months ago while visiting Cortez, a town near the Utah border. At the store, Shanks said she saw signs that read, “Public swimming pool white only,” “We serve colored carry out only,” and “Colored seated in rear.” (…) At the time of the incident, Shanks said she demanded to speak to the owner, Cheryl Dean, who wasn’t around. Shanks reportedly spent months unsuccessfully trying to reach Dean. Then, Shanks went back to the store and demanded Dean remove the signs. “She told me to go back to England where I came from,” Shanks wrote on her Facebook page, per NBC News. Dean told NBC News that she’s been selling the signs in her store off and on for the past 15 years and has never received a complaint. She also didn’t understand why the signs are considered racist.

via dailydot: Antique store blasted for selling ‘white only’ signs