#Femizid in #Detmold: Frau getötet und unter Terrasse vergraben

In Detmold ist eine 32-jährige Frau tot aufgefunden worden. Ihr Ehemann wird verdächtigt, sie erdrosselt und vergraben zu haben. Angehörige hatten die 32-Jährige am Sonntag als vermisst gemeldet, weil sie seit über einer Woche keinen Kontakt mehr mit ihr hatten. Die Polizei befragte den Ehemann, der sich dabei in Widersprüche verstrickte. Das machte die Ermittler skeptisch. 37-jähriger Ehemann begeht Suizid Nach längerer Suche fanden die Beamten die Leiche der jungen Frau vergraben unter der Terrasse ihrer Wohnung. Die Fahndung nach dem Ehemann führte die Ermittler dann zu einer Wohnung in Bielefeld. Dort entdeckten sie den Mann, der sich offenbar erhängt hatte. Ein Fremdverschulden schließt die Polizei aus.

via wdr: Femizid in Detmold: Frau getötet und unter Terrasse vergraben


As a well-known business owner in the coastal community of Coos Bay, Oregon, Michael Whitworth Gantenbein is a recognizable man. The 53-year-old has a long, gray bushy beard, and his black flatbed pickup truck is always flying two flags: an American stars and stripes, and a yellow “Don’t Tread on Me” Gadsden flag. Gantenbein’s Coos Bay-located company — Whit Industries — is a local go-to for hydraulics installation and repairs. In recent years, Whit Industries has received a quarter of a million dollars in public contracts from the Port of Coos Bay and other local entities. But Gantenbein isn’t just a hardworking blue-collar business guy. He’s also an active neo-Nazi using his company’s resources to promote hate. One example is Whit Industries’ recruiting of white supremacists to the Coos Bay area — one of Gantenbein’s newest employees is an alleged pedophile from Salem.  Michael Whit Gantenbein On September 21, 2024, Gantenbein was identified by Corvallis Antifa as a leader of the Oregon chapter of White Lives Matter, a national Neo-Nazi organization. Designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, White Lives Matter Oregon (WLM-OR) is primarily organized through Telegram, a Russian messaging app commonly used by white supremacists because it lacks moderation. LCRW reviewed Telegram chat logs obtained by Corvallis Antifa, gaining insight into how the group functions.  After being vetted by the group’s administrators—Gantenbein and Cruz Dean Walters, a 25-year-old Marine veteran from McMinnville, Oregon—new recruits are added to the WLM-OR group chat. In between long rants about their personal lives and the white power movement, members of the group are encouraged to spread white supremacist propaganda in their communities.


Wer verbreitet am meisten falsche Fakten? Markus Söder in peinlichem Ranking dabei

Eine Rangliste zeigt, wer besonders viele Falschnachrichten im Internet verbreitet. Neben Verschwörungsideologen und Extremisten taucht auch Bayerns CSU-Chef Markus Söder darin auf. Falschnachrichten, irreführende Behauptungen sowie Hass und Hetze verbreiten sich auf dem Kurzbotschaftendienst X des US-Milliardärs Elon Musk wie ein Lauffeuer. Oft lässt sich bei den Tweets nicht überprüfen, welche Beiträge, Fotos und Videos wirklich der Wahrheit entsprechen und hinter welchen manipulative Absichten stecken. (…) Bei welchen Accounts Nutzer besonders oft Korrekturen anbringen, zeigt ein Ranking aus den USA. Auf einer Homepage werden die 200 Accounts aufgeführt, bei denen die X-Nutzer am häufigsten aktiv wurden. In der Liste reihen sich Verschwörungsideologen, Influencer und Politiker aneinander. Kein Nutzer aus Deutschland wird dort aufgeführt – außer einem: Bayerns Ministerpräsident Markus Söder. Mit insgesamt 23 “Community Notes” taucht der CSU-Chef in der Liste auf. Seit Monaten hält er sich dort unter den Top 200. Am Freitag befand sich Söder auf Platz 173.

via abendzeitung: Wer verbreitet am meisten falsche Fakten? Markus Söder in peinlichem Ranking dabei

Kirchweiheröffnung MP Söder Sept 2024 1.jpg
By Kasa FueOwn work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

Nazi flag chainsaw thug who chased terrified person down Scots street jailed – #terror

Cameron Hotchkiss also posted videos of himself mixing chemicals and threatening to make a napalm flamethrower as part of a “feud” with another family. A thug who who wore an SS swastika flag when chasing people down a Stirling street with a chainsaw has been jailed for three years. Cameron Hotchkiss also posted videos of himself mixing chemicals and threatening to make a napalm flamethrower as part of a “feud” with another family. Stirling Sheriff Court was told the chainsaw incident in June last year occurred at around 11.20 pm. Prosecutor Rachel Wallace said it followed an earlier incident when four men had arrived at 22-year-old Hotchkiss’s home and there was an argument about a drug debt involving a friend of Hotchkiss. (…) Miss Wallace said: “The chainsaw was switched on and he was waving it around and appeared to be chasing someone. He was also wearing an SS flag which had SS emblems and a swastika on it.”

via daily record: Nazi flag chainsaw thug who chased terrified person down Scots street jailed

AFD-LANDTAGSABGEORDNETER IN #SACHSEN – Vorwürfe gegen #Dornau erhärten sich: Politische Gefangene auf Feldern des AfD-Politikers in #Belarus? – #zwangsarbeit

Politische Gefangene sollen in Belarus auf Feldern des sächsischen AfD-Politikers Jörg Dornau gearbeitet haben. Dessen Firma baut dort Zwiebeln an. MDR-Recherchen zeigen nun: Häftlinge könnten gezielt inhaftiert worden sein, um billige Arbeitskräfte zu bekommen. Die Vorgänge beschäftigen nun auch die deutsche Justiz. Ehemalige Häftlinge beschreiben in einem belarussischen Auslandmedium, unter welchen Bedingungen sie in der Firma des sächsischen AfD-Politikers arbeiten mussten. MDR-Recherchen erhärten nun die Vorwürfe. Massenverhaftungen häufen sich seit den Protesten gegen Diktator Lukaschenko in Belarus – viele Gefangene werden zu Arbeitseinsätzen gezwungen. Die Verbindungen des AfD-Politikers Jörg Dornau zur politischen Führung in Belarus sind unklar. “Als erstes waren es normale Gefangene, die beispielsweise wegen Alkoholkonsums inhaftiert wurden”, erzählt eine Person, die an Jörg Dornaus Geschäften in Belarus direkt beteiligt war. Später hätten dann nur noch politische Häftlinge für die belarussische Firma des AfD-Politikers “Zibulka-Bel” gearbeitet – ein Gemüse-Farm. Sie seien “zivilisierter”, erzählt der Informant am Telefon. Es ist ein Vorwurf, der vergangene Woche von dem belarussischen Auslandsmedium “Reform.News” erstmals öffentlich erhoben wurde. Es veröffentlichte ein Interview mit einem ehemaligen Häftling, der mittlerweile in Polen lebt. Er sei zuvor inhaftiert worden, weil er oppositionelle Inhalte in sozialen Netzwerken geteilt und kommentiert habe. Zusammen mit rund 30 weiteren Insassen sei er dann aus der Haftanstalt in Lida mit Bussen auf das Feld gebracht worden. Während der Arbeit habe es weder etwas zu essen noch etwas zu trinken oder warme Kleidung gegeben. Zwar habe er für die Arbeit umgerechnet fünf Euro am Tag bekommen, doch das Geld habe das Gefängnis einbehalten. Nach der Arbeit seien sie zurück ins Gefängnis gebracht worden, wo er sich eine Zwei-Personen-Zelle mit vier weiteren Häftlingen habe teilen müssen. Auch wenn die Arbeit nicht erzwungen gewesen sei: Die Zustände in der Haftanstalt bezeichnete er als “Folter”, weshalb er trotz der erschwerten Bedingungen die Arbeit auf dem Feld den Bedingungen in der Haftanstalt vorgezogen habe.

via mdr: AFD-LANDTAGSABGEORDNETER IN SACHSEN Vorwürfe gegen Dornau erhärten sich: Politische Gefangene auf Feldern des AfD-Politikers in Belarus?

siehe auch: German Journalists Turn Attention To Pro-Russian MP Using Labour Of Belarusian Political Prisoners. An investigation has been launched. German journalists are conducting their own investigation into using the labour of Belarusian political prisoners by German businessman and MP Jorg Dornau. We remind you that it recently became known that Dornau, who once again made it to the regional parliament of Saxony from the populist ‘Alternative for Germany’ (AfD) party, has a business in Belarus. His Tsybulka-Bel Ltd. is located near Lida, they grow onions there. It turned out that prisoners were brought to Tsybulka-Bel to process onions under the contract with Lida TsIP, including people who were detained for political offences. German journalists found one of them. Lida bard Siarhei Charniak was arrested three times last winter for ‘distributing extremist materials’. While serving his arrests, Siarhei was sent to different workplaces. Thus, back in February this year, one of Lida Telegram channels reported that he was being taken ‘to the local dump and to a farmer to process onions’, but they did not specify the places. It is now known from Charniak’s words that it was the Tsybulka-Bel enterprise, where he was indeed processing onions, and which Jorg Dornau visited on several occasions. The Belarusian told the German edition of n-tv.de that together with him about 30 prisoners were brought to the farm to Dornau, including people detained on political articles. Only these people were brought to the place of work in handcuffs. Also according to the former detainee, they were not given warm jackets to work in and they were not fed during the day; «Onion is tasty». Political prisoners work on an onion plantation owned by AfD MP Jörg Dornau. German businessman and member of the populist party Alternative for Germany (AfD), Jörg Dornau, signed an agreement with the Lida «Center for the Isolation of Offenders» (CIO) and regularly employed Belarusians convicted on political charges to work on his onion plantation near Lida. They were paid around 5 euros per day. As Reform.news found out, the German politician personally inspected the work of political prisoners. We found one of those «politicals» who sorted onions for Jörg Dornau at the «Cybulka-Bel» company. His name is Andrei (name changed). He is not the only one who was sent from the CIO to do agricultural work, but he was the only one willing to share his story with Reform.news. A prisoner in the Lida CIO. Drawing by Evgeny Lukashevich from the website spring96.org Содержание «Onion is tasty» Andrei was detained in February 2024. He was sentenced to 15 days in the CIO for liking a post on social media. Andrei describes the working conditions as follows: — They took us to a warehouse. February, basement, everyone had different clothing. So, our hands and feet were freezing. Breakfast was at 7:00 AM. We worked until 6:00 PM without food or drink. The onion is tasty. Andrei says that a contract was signed between «Cybulka-Bel» and the Lida CIO. He notes that the work was not forced. The money earned was meant to cover the costs of being held at the CIO. — We signed consent for the work every day. If the foreman thought a detainee was working well, he would be paid. The Lida CIO was paid 30 rubles, the detainees around 20. The onions were sorted for the ‘Evroopt’ trading network. When asked if he had heard anything about the German farmer, Andrei replies: — I even saw him! Tall, bald man. He came once in his car with German registration. He went into the warehouse where we were sorting onions along with hired workers. Looking at a photo of Jörg Dornau, Andrei responds: — Looks like him! Who is Jörg Dornau? Jörg Dornau was born in Borna, Saxony. He is 53 years old, has an agricultural education, and is engaged in entrepreneurial activities. In 2016, Dornau joined the far-right pro-Russian party «Alternative for Germany» (AfD). Since 2019, he has been a member of the Saxon parliament, representing the AfD parliamentary group on agricultural policy. Dornau was also a member of the extremist radical faction of the AfD known as «The Wing».

BBC confronts neo-Nazi who gave UK rioters arson tips – #terror

The BBC has confronted a neo-Nazi in Finland who shared online instructions on how to commit arson with UK rioters during the summer. The 20-year-old was an administrator in the Southport Wake Up group on the Telegram messaging app, where he was known as “Mr AG”. He posted the arson manual, which was pinned to the top of the group chat. In late July and early August, the group was key in helping to organise and provoke protests that turned to violence in England and Northern Ireland. We tracked Mr AG – whose real name is Charles-Emmanuel Mikko Rasanen – to an apartment on the outskirts of the Finnish capital, Helsinki. It was from here, more than 1,000 miles away from Southport, that the neo-Nazi took a prominent online role during the UK riots. On 29 July, within hours of the killings of three young girls at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in Southport, the Southport Wake Up group was created. Within days it had grown to more than 14,000 members. Mr Rasanen – or Mr AG as he was known online – helped to run the group chat. The group organised the very first protest in the UK, on St Luke’s Road in Southport, the day after the killings. That protest later turned into a riot. Before the group was taken down by Telegram, a series of other protest locations were advertised, as well as a list of dozens of refugee centres, suggested as potential targets. Alongside that list, Mr AG posted the arson manual, writing: “Something fun for you to read.” The manual is believed to have been written by a Russian fascist group proscribed as terrorists in their own country. It includes details on how to avoid the police and it encourages the targeting of Muslims and Jews. Underneath the post, other members wrote aggressive and offensive comments, including: “I’m ready for these migrant boys,” while another describes “invaders” as “a stupid bunch underestimating whites”. (…) On his Telegram accounts, Mr Rasanen celebrates Hitler and promotes a neo-Nazi group called the Nordic Resistance Movement, which is banned as a terrorist organisation in the US. He also posts voice notes – in one he describes himself as a “national socialist”, and in another he appears to call for the genocide of Jewish people. Veli-Pekka Hämäläinen, an investigative journalist at Yle, Finland’s national broadcaster, says Mr Rasanen has been active online “for many years”.

via bbc: BBC confronts neo-Nazi who gave UK rioters arson tips

Dozens of suspected White supremacist gang members arrested in Los Angeles area in domestic terrorism investigation

A total of 68 suspected gang members with ties to White supremacy were charged in the Los Angeles area Wednesday in a large-scale takedown, federal prosecutors said. The Peckerwoods Gang members and associates were charged in a sweeping federal indictment, which included allegations of racketeering, firearms trafficking, drug trafficking and financial fraud, according to officials. (…) More than 40 of the suspected members and associates of the Peckerwoods Gang were arrested Wednesday or were already in custody in what was “one of largest takedowns in the history of the Department of Justice against a neo-Nazi, White supremacist, violent extremist organization,” Estrada said. The arrests involved multiple federal and local law enforcement tactical officers, including the Joint Terrorism Task Force and resources brought in from the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team, a source previously told CNN. Fueled by ‘hate’ and ‘animus’ The Peckerwoods Gang is based in Los Angeles’ San Fernando Valley and is “essentially a local chapter of the Aryan Brotherhood,” said Akil Davis, the FBI’s assistant director in charge of Los Angeles’ field office. They engage in a wide variety of criminal activity, including drug trafficking, fraud, violence and identity theft, the US attorney said. (…) In aligning themselves with the Aryan Brotherhood, local gang members are able to commit a variety of crimes on the outside and give money to their incarcerated counterparts, Estrada said. The gang also benefits from the Brotherhood’s alliance with the Mexican Mafia, giving them “greater freedom to commit crimes on the outside,” Estrada added.

via cnn: Dozens of suspected White supremacist gang members arrested in Los Angeles area in domestic terrorism investigation