Rassistische Tatmotivation: Afghanen beleidigt und geschlagen – #Gericht bestätigt #Urteil gegen #Berliner #Polizisten – #Polizeipoblem

Knapp sechs Jahre nach einer Attacke auf einen damaligen Asylbewerber bleibt es bei einem Schuldspruch für einen Polizisten. Die Geldstrafe von 9600 Euro wurde bestätigt Knapp sechs Jahre nach einer Attacke auf einen damaligen Asylbewerber auf einem Berliner S-Bahnhof bleibt es bei einem Schuldspruch für einen Polizeibeamten. Das Berliner Landgericht hat am Dienstag die Berufung des 42-Jährigen verworfen und damit eine Verurteilung zu einer Geldstrafe von 9600 Euro bestätigt. Das Gericht gehe von einer rassistischen Tatmotivation aus, sagte die Vorsitzende Richterin. Der Beamte und zwei weitere Männer waren in der ersten Instanz im Mai 2022 der gemeinschaftlichen gefährlichen Körperverletzung schuldig gesprochen worden. Das Amtsgericht Tiergarten verhängte Geldstrafen. Gegen den Beamten, der bei dem Geschehen nicht im Dienst und erheblich alkoholisiert war, ergingen 120 Tagessätzen zu je 80 Euro (9600 Euro). Zudem wurde ihm die Zahlung von 800 Euro Schmerzensgeld auferlegt.(…) Nach Angaben von Zeugen ist der 26-Jährige von allen drei Männern geschlagen worden. Als alarmierte Polizisten eintrafen, habe der 42-jährige Beamte erklärt, dass „keine deutschen Interessen betroffen seien“, hieß es weiter im Urteil. Diese Äußerung belegt eine fremdenfeindliche Gesinnung des Angeklagten. Der 26-Jährige habe unter anderem einen Nasenbeinbruch erlitten. Der Angriff habe ihn zudem psychisch stark beeinträchtigt. Der Afghane ist 2020 nach Ablehnung seines Asylantrags abgeschoben worden

via tagesspiegel: Rassistische Tatmotivation: Afghanen beleidigt und geschlagen – Gericht bestätigt Urteil gegen Berliner Polizisten

‘COWARDLY SCUMBAGS’ – #Florida #Sheriff Goes Nuclear on Neo-Nazi ‘Motherf*ckers’ – #GDL #GoyimDefenseLeague

Sheriff Mike Chitwood fumed that it was an “honor” to be included on the “hit list” of an organization behind a string of disturbing antisemitic incidents. A week after a neo-Nazi hate group circulated throughout the Daytona Beach, Florida area displaying and distributing extremist propaganda, the county’s top cop has had enough. “These scumbags came to the wrong county… We are not going to tolerate this,” a seething Volusia Sheriff Mike Chitwood said at a press conference on Monday. “This is not about free speech. This is about violence.” Chitwood identified the Goyim Defense League (GDL) as the organization behind the disturbing behavior, which included leaving antisemitic flyers on people’s doorsteps and hanging anti-Jewish banners from busy pedestrian bridges during Daytona 500 weekend. (…) Chitwood on Monday named GDL head Jon Minadeo as the ringleader, and noted he recently moved from his home state of California after his grandmother’s restaurant was almost run out of business due to his bigoted activities. The GDL was behind a swastika burning near Austin, Texas in 2021, just hours after a local synagogue was firebombed. (…) “Go for it… I’m honored to be on your hit list.” Sheriff Mike Chitwood says he’s honored to be targeted by the same group spreading antisemitic messages in Volusia County. Chitwood ran through a laundry list of arrests and charges the 15 or so GDLers seen in town had on their records. “Let’s take a look at these cowardly scumbags,” he said, before walking reporters through a rogue’s gallery of those suspected to have been involved. Their rap sheets included stalking, threatening a public official, aggravated assault, murder, terroristic threats, vandalism for defacing a memorial for victims of the Pulse nightclub massacre, and soliciting a 14 year-old for sex. Chitwood then told those gathered before him that a lot of people in the room—including himself—as well as Jews around the country, were on the GDL’s “hit list.” Chitwood called it a “badge of honor,” daring the GDL to come and “put a bullet in the back of my head.” “That’s my message to you: go for it,” he said. “You want to try to get into my computer and plant child porn in there with a group of people that have an IQ of 12? Go for it. I challenge you to go for it. You want to put surveillance on me 24 hours [a day]? Go for it. And the best of all: you’re going to dox me and make me unelectable? Go for it. You came to the wrong county. I stand with my Jewish friends and I’m honored to be on your hit list. It’s an honor to be sought after by a bunch of punk thugs like you.” The biggest concern, according to Chitwood, is that a group like the GDL will radicalize “the next active shooter.” “I don’t think they’ve got the guts to pull the trigger themselves, but they know there’s somebody out there that will do their bidding,” he said. (…) In an interview with The Daily Beast following Monday’s press conference, Chitwood had one thing to say to Minadeo and his group, calling their beliefs “grotesque.” “Excuse my French, but fuck you, motherfucker,” he said.

via daily beast: COWARDLY SCUMBAGS’ – #Florida #Sheriff Goes Nuclear on Neo-Nazi ‘Motherf*ckers’

siehe auch: Florida sheriff hurls expletives at neo-Nazi ‘scumbags’ invading his count.y Mike Chitwood, the sheriff of Volusia County, Florida, proclaimed he will be on the “hit list” of a neo-Nazi group after he identified them as the source of hate group activity in the Daytona Beach area — and he is not backing down, according to The Daily Beast on Monday. “Chitwood identified the Goyim Defense League (GDL) as the organization behind the disturbing behavior, which included leaving antisemitic flyers on people’s doorsteps and hanging anti-Jewish banners from busy pedestrian bridges during Daytona 500 weekend,” reported Justin Rohrlich. “On Feb. 17, the GDL held a demonstration outside Chabad of South Orlando, harassing pedestrians and motorists, according to the Anti-Defamation League. The next day, members hung signs at the Daytona International Speedway with sayings such as, ‘Henry Ford was right about the Jews.’ They later projected antisemitic slogans on the outside of the track, with one reading, ‘Hitler was right.'” At his press conference on the incident, Chitwood said, “These scumbags came to the wrong county… We are not going to tolerate this. This is not about free speech. This is about violence.”

#Amtsgericht verurteilt 49-Jährigen wegen #Widerstand gegen #Vollstreckungsbeamten

Reichsbürger wehrte sich auf einem Geretsrieder Parkplatz mit Händen und Füßen gegen die Festnahme durch ein Spezialeinsatzkommando (SEK). Wegen seiner Eskapaden wurde ein Wolfratshauser Reichsbürger in Handschellen am Amtsgericht vorgeführt. Bei der Auseinandersetzung am 18. August 2022 brach sich ein Polizist die Hand. Wegen Widerstand gegen Vollstreckungsbeamte und Körperverletzung verurteilte ihn das Amtsgericht deshalb zu einer Freiheitsstrafe von einem Jahr und vier Monaten auf Bewährung. Als Auflage muss der Mann 5.000 Euro an die Polizeigewerkschaft zahlen. Die Bewährungszeit beträgt drei Jahre. Der Angeklagte entschuldigte sich für den Vorfall und gab sich geläutert. „Ich habe mich von einer Art Sekte beeinflussen lassen“, umschrieb der kräftig gebaute Mann seinen Kontakt zur Reichsbürgerszene. Er habe „fragwürdige Websites“ im Internet angeklickt und sich von den Inhalten infizieren lassen – aber sich von einer verfassungsfeindlichen Weltanschauung mittlerweile verabschiedet. Das war im Sommer des Vorjahres laut Anklageschrift noch ganz anders. Damals bestanden zwei Haftbefehle (aufgrund nicht bezahlter Geldstrafen wegen Beleidigung beziehungsweise Hausfriedensbruch) gegen den Wolfratshauser, die nach einer vorangegangenen Observation am 18. August 2022 vollstreckt werden sollten. „Ein Zugriff in seiner Wohnung hätte aufgrund seiner Kontakte zur Reichsbürgerszene ein hohes Gefahrenpotenzial bedeutet“, erklärte ein Polizeibeamter vor Gericht. Deshalb verfolgte das SEK das Zielobjekt bis zu einem Parkplatz an der Geretsrieder Jeschkenstraße.

via merkur: Amtsgericht verurteilt 49-Jährigen wegen Widerstand gegen Vollstreckungsbeamten

Neo-Nazis plan ‘Day of Hate’ protests outside NYC synagogues after harassing audience members outside Ben Platt Broadway musical, Parade – where Mayor Eric Adams took to the stage and told them: ‘This is not a place where hate lives’

Extremist groups with white supremacist views are attempting to plan a ‘National Day of Hate’ during the Jewish Sabbath this weekend  The plan involves targeting Jewish communities, including staging protests outside synagogues in New York City; NYPD says there’s no specific threats Threat of violence and protests comes after a group of neo-Nazis harassed theatergoers outside Broadway show, Parade, whose lead character is Jewish. White supremacist groups are planning a ‘National Day of Hate’ to coincide with the Jewish Sabbath this weekend, according to the Anti-Defamation League. The latest threat, in the form of social media posts by extremists urged others to harass and target Jewish communities including by staging protests outside of New York City synagogues.  The NYPD said there were no specific threats but ‘out of an abundance of caution, the Department will deploy additional resources to sensitive locations, including houses of worship, throughout the weekend.’  The potential threat for protests and violence came after a group of neo-Nazis harassed theatergoers as they were lined up ahead of a showing of Broadway musical, Parade, on Tuesday night.

via dailymail: Neo-Nazis plan ‘Day of Hate’ protests outside NYC synagogues after harassing audience members outside Ben Platt Broadway musical, Parade – where Mayor Eric Adams took to the stage and told them: ‘This is not a place where hate lives’

siehe auch: Anti-Defamation League warns of effort to organize ‘National Day of Hate’ Mass. police departments aware, advise caution. White supremacist groups are trying to organize a “National Day of Hate” to coincide with the Jewish Sabbath this weekend, according to the Anti-Defamation League. This particular effort originated with a small neo-Nazi group based in eastern Iowa, the ADL said. “While ADL is not aware of any specific threats, we know that these groups are hoping for increased antisemitic flier distributions, protests and graffiti,” the organization wrote in an email newsletter. In Massachusetts, several police departments said they were aware of the report but had no information about anything planned for the area; Police Warn Minorities: Be Vigilant on Saturday’s ‘National Day of Hate’. Jewish people were told by law enforcement officials to be especially on alert this weekend. Law enforcement officials across the United States are warning Jewish communities to be vigilant this weekend as police forces increase their patrols of Jewish spaces ahead of a planned Day of Hate scheduled for Saturday, targeting those communities. Neo-Nazi, far-right extremist, and white supremacist groups have encouraged their followers to distribute anti-Semitic banners, stickers, flyers, and graffiti on Saturday during what they bill as a “national day of hate.” The potential threat of protests and violence comes as extremist groups across America have become emboldened to spew their vitriol against minority communities, including communities of color and Jewish and LGBTQ+ communities. For example, neo-Nazis harassed theatergoers ahead of a Broadway showing of Parade on Tuesday night, New York City’s NBC station WNBC reports. Outside the Bernard Jacobs Theater on West 45th Street, those who demonstrated yelled, carried banners and handed out fliers that claimed the show glorifies pedophilia. This musical revival tells the true story of Leo Frank, a Jewish man lynched in 1915 after being wrongfully convicted (and later cleared) of raping and murdering a 13-year-old girl. Jews experienced more harassment, vandalism, and violence in 2021 than at any time in modern American history, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

Neo-Nazis plan ‘Day of Hate’ protests outside NYC synagogues after harassing audience members outside Ben Platt Broadway musical, Parade – where Mayor Eric Adams took to the stage and told them: ‘This is not a place where hate lives’

Extremist groups with white supremacist views are attempting to plan a ‘National Day of Hate’ during the Jewish Sabbath this weekend  The plan involves targeting Jewish communities, including staging protests outside synagogues in New York City; NYPD says there’s no specific threats Threat of violence and protests comes after a group of neo-Nazis harassed theatergoers outside Broadway show, Parade, whose lead character is Jewish. White supremacist groups are planning a ‘National Day of Hate’ to coincide with the Jewish Sabbath this weekend, according to the Anti-Defamation League. The latest threat, in the form of social media posts by extremists urged others to harass and target Jewish communities including by staging protests outside of New York City synagogues.  The NYPD said there were no specific threats but ‘out of an abundance of caution, the Department will deploy additional resources to sensitive locations, including houses of worship, throughout the weekend.’  The potential threat for protests and violence came after a group of neo-Nazis harassed theatergoers as they were lined up ahead of a showing of Broadway musical, Parade, on Tuesday night.

via dailymail: Neo-Nazis plan ‘Day of Hate’ protests outside NYC synagogues after harassing audience members outside Ben Platt Broadway musical, Parade – where Mayor Eric Adams took to the stage and told them: ‘This is not a place where hate lives’

siehe auch: Anti-Defamation League warns of effort to organize ‘National Day of Hate’ Mass. police departments aware, advise caution. White supremacist groups are trying to organize a “National Day of Hate” to coincide with the Jewish Sabbath this weekend, according to the Anti-Defamation League. This particular effort originated with a small neo-Nazi group based in eastern Iowa, the ADL said. “While ADL is not aware of any specific threats, we know that these groups are hoping for increased antisemitic flier distributions, protests and graffiti,” the organization wrote in an email newsletter. In Massachusetts, several police departments said they were aware of the report but had no information about anything planned for the area; Police Warn Minorities: Be Vigilant on Saturday’s ‘National Day of Hate’. Jewish people were told by law enforcement officials to be especially on alert this weekend. Law enforcement officials across the United States are warning Jewish communities to be vigilant this weekend as police forces increase their patrols of Jewish spaces ahead of a planned Day of Hate scheduled for Saturday, targeting those communities. Neo-Nazi, far-right extremist, and white supremacist groups have encouraged their followers to distribute anti-Semitic banners, stickers, flyers, and graffiti on Saturday during what they bill as a “national day of hate.” The potential threat of protests and violence comes as extremist groups across America have become emboldened to spew their vitriol against minority communities, including communities of color and Jewish and LGBTQ+ communities. For example, neo-Nazis harassed theatergoers ahead of a Broadway showing of Parade on Tuesday night, New York City’s NBC station WNBC reports. Outside the Bernard Jacobs Theater on West 45th Street, those who demonstrated yelled, carried banners and handed out fliers that claimed the show glorifies pedophilia. This musical revival tells the true story of Leo Frank, a Jewish man lynched in 1915 after being wrongfully convicted (and later cleared) of raping and murdering a 13-year-old girl. Jews experienced more harassment, vandalism, and violence in 2021 than at any time in modern American history, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

#SONDERSITZUNG IM LANDTAG – Rassistische #Polizeichats: Mehr Nachrichten betroffen als bisher bekannt – #polizeiproblem

r Im Fall der rassistischen Polizeichats in Sachsen-Anhalt wurden mehr menschenverachtende Nachrichten verschickt als bislang bekannt. Das erklärte Innenministerin Tamara Zieschang in einer Sondersitzung des Innenausschusses. Die Chatnachrichten waren demnach ein Zufallsfund. In einer Chatgruppe einer Polizeianwärterklasse in Sachsen-Anhalt sind mehr menschenverachtende Nachrichten versendet worden als gedacht. Die Nachrichten wurden nach aktuellem Stand von neun Personen verschickt. In den nächsten Tagen sollen in dem Fall weitere Zeugen vernommen werden. Im Fall der menschenverachtenden Chatnachrichten einer ehemaligen Polizeianwärterklasse in Sachsen-Anhalt ist das Ausmaß größer als zunächst gedacht. Innenministerin Tamara Zieschang (CDU) erklärte in einer Sondersitzung des Innenausschusses am Nachmittag, dass mehr als 80 Nachrichten betroffen seien. In der vergangenen Woche war noch von 50 Nachrichten die Rede. Die Nachrichten in der Whatsapp-Gruppe hätten einen nationalsozialistischen, antisemitischen, rassistischen, frauenverachtenden, gewaltverherrlichenden oder tierpornografischen Inhalt. In der Chatgruppe wurden über mehrere Jahre insgesamt rund 5.000 Einzelnachrichten verschickt.

via mdr: SONDERSITZUNG IM LANDTAG Rassistische Polizeichats: Mehr Nachrichten betroffen als bisher bekannt

#SONDERSITZUNG IM LANDTAG – Rassistische #Polizeichats: Mehr Nachrichten betroffen als bisher bekannt – #polizeiproblem

r Im Fall der rassistischen Polizeichats in Sachsen-Anhalt wurden mehr menschenverachtende Nachrichten verschickt als bislang bekannt. Das erklärte Innenministerin Tamara Zieschang in einer Sondersitzung des Innenausschusses. Die Chatnachrichten waren demnach ein Zufallsfund. In einer Chatgruppe einer Polizeianwärterklasse in Sachsen-Anhalt sind mehr menschenverachtende Nachrichten versendet worden als gedacht. Die Nachrichten wurden nach aktuellem Stand von neun Personen verschickt. In den nächsten Tagen sollen in dem Fall weitere Zeugen vernommen werden. Im Fall der menschenverachtenden Chatnachrichten einer ehemaligen Polizeianwärterklasse in Sachsen-Anhalt ist das Ausmaß größer als zunächst gedacht. Innenministerin Tamara Zieschang (CDU) erklärte in einer Sondersitzung des Innenausschusses am Nachmittag, dass mehr als 80 Nachrichten betroffen seien. In der vergangenen Woche war noch von 50 Nachrichten die Rede. Die Nachrichten in der Whatsapp-Gruppe hätten einen nationalsozialistischen, antisemitischen, rassistischen, frauenverachtenden, gewaltverherrlichenden oder tierpornografischen Inhalt. In der Chatgruppe wurden über mehrere Jahre insgesamt rund 5.000 Einzelnachrichten verschickt.

via mdr: SONDERSITZUNG IM LANDTAG Rassistische Polizeichats: Mehr Nachrichten betroffen als bisher bekannt