Anklage wegen Volksverhetzung möglich Ermittlungen gegen Attila Hildmann laufen noch

Die Staatsanwaltschaft Cottbus ermittelt weiter gegen den Verschwörungsideologen Attila Hildmann wegen Volksverhetzung im Internet. Ob Hildmann angeklagt wird, sei noch offen, sagte ein Sprecher der Staatsanwaltschaft dem Evangelischen Pressedienst (epd) am Montag. “Die Ermittlungen laufen noch”, so der Sprecher. Die Brandenburger Behörden sind zuständig, weil der Kochbuchautor dort seinen Wohnsitz hat. Die Staatsanwaltschaft Cottbus ist dort Schwerpunktstaatsanwaltschaft für Internetkriminalität. Die Ermittlungen gegen Hildmann waren im Juli öffentlich bekanntgeworden.

via rbb: Anklage wegen Volksverhetzung möglich Ermittlungen gegen Attila Hildmann laufen noch

So viel Geld müssen die Thüringer für Rechtsextreme Veranstaltungen blechen

Rechtsextreme haben im vergangenen Jahr in Thüringen wieder Konzerte veranstaltet – und damit auch hohe Zusatzkosten für Polizeieinsätze verursacht. Alleine für die Verpflegung von Polizisten und deren Unterbringung am Einsatzort musste das Land mehrere Hunderttausend Euro zahlen, wie aus einer Antwort des Thüringer Innenministeriums auf eine Kleine Anfrage der Linke-Landtagsabgeordneten Katharina König-Preuss hervorgeht. Im Jahr 2019 seien für derartige Einsätze Zusatzkosten in Höhe von 420.000 Euro entstanden. Außerdem habe der Freistaat weitere etwa 22.000 Euro für den Einsatz des Technischen Hilfswerks im Zuge von Veranstaltungen der rechten Szene bezahlen müssen. Besonders teuer war vor allem der Einsatz wegen des zweitägigen Rechtsrock-Konzerts in Themar Mitte Juli 2019. Für diesen Einsatz zahlte das Land fast 82.000 Euro unter anderem für Verpflegung, Miete und Reinigungsleistungen. Weiterhin musste das Land etwa 184.000 Euro an andere Bundesländer überweisen, weil Polizisten von dort zur Verstärkung in den Landkreis Hildburghausen gekommen waren.

via tag24: So viel Geld müssen die Thüringer für Rechtsextreme Veranstaltungen blechen

Einmal #Reichsbürger, immer Reichsbürger? Was #Querdenken 711-Sprecher Stephan #Bergmann mit den Rechtsextremen vor dem #Reichstag in #Berlin verbindet – #schauhin #covidioten

In den vergangenen Wochen haben wir mehrfach über die Reichsbürger-Vergangenheit des „Querdenken711“-Sprechers Stephan Bergmann aus Althütte berichtet. Unseren Recherchen zufolge ist er Mitgründer eines rechtsextremen Szene-Vereins. Jüngste Aussagen Bergmanns im Zusammenhang mit den Demonstrationen in Berlin vom vergangenen Wochenende (28. bis 30.08.) lassen nun vermuten, dass er – zumindest ideologisch – noch immer Teil der Reichsbürger-Szene sein könnte. (…) „Querdenken711“ wird nicht müde zu betonen, dass man extremistisches Gedankengut ablehne. Dafür, dass Rechtsextreme, Reichsbürger und Verschwörungsideologen die Demonstrationen der Initiative für ihre Zwecke nutzen würden, könne man nichts, so der Tenor vergangener Aussagen. Dabei beschäftigt „Querdenken711“ einen Mann als Sprecher, der in der Vergangenheit im rechtsextremen Reichsbürger-Milieu aktiv war: Stephan Bergmann aus Althütte. Bergmann ist einer Liste zufolge Gründungsmitglied des Schorndorfer Vereins „Primus inter Pares“. Diese Liste liegt unserer Redaktion vor. Der Verein, der nach eigenen Angaben humanitäre Hilfe leistet, wird vom Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz dem rechtsextremen sowie dem Reichsbürger-Milieu zugeordnet. In der Vergangenheit hatten wir über die Pläne des Vereinsvorsitzenden berichtet, eine völkische Siedlung in Ungarn zu errichten. (…) Eine weitere Aussagen Bergmanns vom Wochenende deutet ebenfalls in diese Richtung. Auf dem Youtube-Kanal des ehemaligen Focus-Journalisten Boris Reitschuster sagte Bergmann, das Grundgesetz sei „Besatzungsrecht“ – und verweist dabei auf Artikel 146. „Das ist klassischer Reichsbürger-Sprech“, so Rathje. „Wenn Bergmann früher schon Teil der Szene war, scheint er es heute auch noch zu sein. Immerhin verbreitet er weiterhin ihre Inhalte.“

via zvw: Einmal Reichsbürger, immer Reichsbürger? Was Querdenken 711-Sprecher Stephan Bergmann mit den Rechtsextremen vor dem Reichstag in Berlin verbindet

Trump denies ‘suffering mini-strokes’ after book reports mystery hospital visit

Mike Pence was placed on ‘standby’ to take power if Trump needed to be anesthetized in hospital last year, Times reporter writes. After it was reported that Mike Pence was placed on “standby to take over the powers of the presidency temporarily” if Donald Trump had needed to be anesthetized during a surprise visit to hospital last November, the president was moved to tweet a denial that he “suffered a series of mini-strokes”.
Donald Trump v the United States review: how democracy came under assault Previous speculation around the visit has centered on whether the president suffered a heart attack. Trump has denied that and on Tuesday he wrote: “It never ends! Now they are trying to say that your favorite president, me, went to Walter Reed medical center, having suffered a series of mini-strokes. “Never happened to THIS candidate – FAKE NEWS. Perhaps they are referring to another candidate from another party!” Trump has consistently accused Joe Biden, his 77-year-old opponent in this year’s election, of mental frailties related to his age. But the president’s own mental health has also been widely questioned, in light of slips while reading teleprompter speeches and uncertain movements in public. In June, after Trump appeared to struggle to walk down a gently sloping ramp at West Point, Bandy Lee, a Yale psychiatrist and editor of The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, wrote on Twitter: “This is a persistent neurological sign that, combined with others, would be concerning enough to require a brain scan.” Trump rubbished such speculation. As CNN reported, at a rally in Tulsa the president “dedicated 1,798 words to retelling the story of his speech to cadets and his halting, tentative walk down a ramp. By way of comparison, Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address was 272 words – or roughly one-sixth as long.”

via guardian: Trump denies ‘suffering mini-strokes’ after book reports mystery hospital visit

Trump campaign has accepted at least $2,000 from leader of neo-Nazi group ‘Aryan Nations’

Morris Gulett, right, current leader of a Louisiana chapter of the Aryan Nations, speaking to the organization’s founder, Richard Butler, center, and Ray Redfeairn, Butler’s successor, left, at a meeting after a protest in front of the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, Alabama January 25, 2003. Morris Gulett, leader of a Louisiana chapter of the neo-Nazi group the Aryan Nations, has donated at least $2,000 to Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign — and the campaign has not returned any of the money. Gulett made 29 separate donations from 2017 through May 2020, according to recent election filings reviewed by Popular Information. He and his organization are white supremacists; he calls for genocide of all Black people, and ends his sermons with Nazi salutes. In July 2018, the Forward reported Gulett’s initial donations, as well as donations to the Trump campaign by James Allsup, a far right commentator described as a white supremacist by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The Forward sought comment from the Trump campaign about the donations, but did not receive a response. In October 2018, the Forward reported further donations to Trump from Gulett. “No political party should accept political donations from extremists, hate groups, and those who advocate anti-democratic principles, period,” ADL spokesman Todd Gutnick said in a statement at the time.

via forward: Trump campaign has accepted at least $2,000 from leader of neo-Nazi group ‘Aryan Nations’

‘Antifa hunter’ gets 3 years for online racist threats

A Florida man who called himself “the Antifa hunter” as he waged an online campaign to terrorize and harass those who opposed his white supremacist ideology was sentenced to more than three years in prison Monday. Daniel McMahon, 32, of Brandon, Florida, pleaded guilty in April to using social media to threaten a Black activist to deter the man from running for office in Charlottesville, Virginia. McMahon also admitted that he threatened to sexually assault the young autistic daughter of a woman who protested against white nationalists. A federal judge in Virginia sentenced McMahon to three years and five months in prison. McMahon declined an opportunity to make a public statement beforehand. When FBI agents searched the home that McMahon shared with his parents, they seized his computer and several loaded guns from his bedroom. On his computer, investigators found folders filled with evidence of his harassment campaigns and tokens of his obsession with racially motivated killings, prosecutors said. Most of McMahon’s cyberstalking victims knew him as “Jack Corbin.” Under that pseudonym, he posted social media messages intended to deter a Black activist, Don Gathers, from running for a seat on Charlottesville’s city council. He called himself “the Antifa hunter,” a reference to anti-fascist, leftist militant activists who confront or resist neo-Nazis and white supremacists at demonstrations.

via lasvegassun: ‘Antifa hunter’ gets 3 years for online racist threats

If You March With Nazis, Guess What, You’re a Nazi – #b2908 #covidioten

So, I have this acquaintance in Berlin. He’s part of this great big Berliner woo-woo community that I used to dip in and out of. They’re into cacao ceremonies and ecstatic dance retreats and conscious-communication weekends with home-made vegan treats made by a girl named Shakti. (Well. Their real name is usually Anja but they go by Shakti now.) So today I saw on his FB page. “ICH BIN KEIN NAZI nur weil ich mit Nazis gegen Coronavirus massnahmen demonstrieren.” Translated: “I am not a Nazi just because I march with Nazis against Corona restrictions.” Annnnnnnnd here’s the thing, You are exactly a Nazi if you march with Nazis. Let me repeat that. You: Yes, you, in your stupid hippie pants from the India import shop, you with your dreadlocks and patchouli perfume, you with your OM Sanskrit tattoo: YOU are a Nazi if you march side by side with Nazis. I don’t care how many Himalyan crystal salt lamps you have. I don’t care about your Ashtanga workshops. If you march side by side with Nazis, your white-boy dreadlocks are not going to protect you from being called what you are. Which, again, is a Nazi. You are exactly those Germans from the 1930 who said “But I have nothing against the Jews! I vote for the Nazi’s because I want the trains to run on time and the economy to be strong.” What do we call those people today? They are called Nazis.

via jewishjournal: If You March With Nazis, Guess What, You’re a Nazi