Rassistische Chats und ein Hitlergruß – #polizeiproblem #bka

Das Bundeskriminalamt ermittelt gegen eine Gruppe von Personenschützern wegen Rassismus- und Sexismus-Vorwürfen. Auch verschwundene Munition und Kontakte zu Sicherheitsfirmen werden genauer untersucht. Das Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) ermittelt gegen mehrere Personenschützer aus der Sicherungsgruppe (SG), die für den Schutz von Regierungsmitgliedern, Bundestagsabgeordneten und Staatsgästen zuständig sind. Es geht um eine Chatgruppe mit rassistischen und sexistischen Inhalten, um Bedrohungen, verschwundene Munition und Kontakte zu privaten Sicherheitsfirmen.Betroffen sein soll vor allem die BKA-Einheit, die für den Schutz auf Auslandsreisen zuständig ist. Nach Informationen von WDR, NDR und “Süddeutscher Zeitung” erhielt das BKA im vergangenen Jahr einen Hinweis, dass es innerhalb dieser Einheit Chatgruppen gebe, in denen rassistische und sexistische Inhalte geteilt würden. (…) Jedoch soll man auf eine geschlossene Chatgruppe gestoßen sein, in der ein Kommandoführer unter anderem Enthauptungsvideos geteilt habe. Zudem seien dort rassistische und frauenfeindliche Inhalte verbreitet worden. Die Einsatzländer der BKA-Personenschützer sollen etwa als “Dreckslochländer” oder “Affenländer”, die dort lebenden Menschen als “Bimbos” bezeichnet worden sein. Ein BKA-Personenschützer soll zudem im Rahmen der Zehn-Jahres-Feier der Einheit einen anderen Kollegen bedroht haben. Auch von einem Hitlergruß ist die Rede, (…) Auch verschwundene Munition innerhalb der Sicherungsgruppe beschäftigt das BKA. So hätten die Personenschützer mehrfach auf Schießständen trainiert und dabei täglich Munition im vierstelligen Bereich verschossen. Die Listen über die verschossene Munition seien nicht sauber geführt worden. Es soll dem BKA bislang nur in Teilen gelungen sein, den Verbleib der Munition zu rekonstruieren

via tagesschau: Rassistische Chats und ein Hitlergruß

siehe auch: Rassismus-Verdacht – Staatsanwalt ermittelt gegen BKA-Beamte. Es geht um einen Hitlergruß und rassistische Beleidigungen: Angehörige einer Sicherungsgruppe des Bundeskriminalamtes sollen mit diesen Delikten aufgefallen sein und in einer Chat-Gruppe sogar Enthauptungsvideos geteilt haben. Wie mehrere Mitglieder des Innenausschusses des Bundestages am Dienstag erfuhren, sollen einzelne Mitglieder der Einheit, die sich vor allem um den Personenschutz bei Reisen in Krisengebiete kümmert, Einsatzländer als „Drecklochsländer“ und die Einwohner als „Bimbos“ bezeichnet haben. Wie Mitglieder des Ausschusses übereinstimmend berichteten, soll es auch sexistische Äußerungen und Mobbing gegeben haben. In mindestens einem Fall soll angeblich der Hitlergruß gezeigt worden sein. Wie das BKA mitteilte, hat die Berliner Staatsanwaltschaft inzwischen Ermittlungen gegen drei Beamte des Bundeskriminalamts (BKA) eingeleitet. BKA-Präsident Holger Münch hatte am 17. November vergangenen Jahres, nachdem die Vorwürfe aufgrund interner Hinweise in der Behörde bekannt geworden waren, Strafanzeige gestellt.

Von Bitte beachten Sie die <a href=”//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Personenschuetzer.jpg#Lizenz:” title=”File:Personenschuetzer.jpg”>Lizenzbedingungen</a> dieses Bildes. Für Hinweise auf Veröffentlichungen (ratatosk[at]ratatosk.de) oder Belegexemplare bin ich Ihnen dankbar. – <span class=”int-own-work” lang=”de”>Eigenes Werk</span>, CC BY-SA 3.0 de, Link

Fremdenfeindlicher Übergriff – Ausländer in Oranienburg rassistisch beschimpft und mit Bierflasche beworfen – #kaltland

Zwei Ausländer, die auf dem Weg von der Arbeit nach Hause waren, sind in der Nacht zu Dienstag in Oranienburg Opfer eines fremdenfeindlichen Übergriffes geworden. Wie Carola Haase von der Polizeiinspektion Oberhavel am Dienstagvormittag bestätigte, liefen die beiden ausländischen Bürger gegen 0.10 Uhr auf dem Heimweg von der Arbeit die Berliner Straße entlang. In Höhe einer Tankstelle wurden die beiden Männer dann von zwei bislang noch unbekannten Personen zunächst mit fremdenfeindlichen Äußerungen lautstark beschimpft. Bierflasche verfehlt das Opfer nur knapp Als die beiden weitergingen, bewarf einer der Unbekannten die Männer mit einer Bierflasche. Diese verfehlte eines der Opfer nur knapp. Als daraufhin die Betroffenen die Polizei anriefen, flüchteten die beiden bisher unbekannten Angreifer mit Fahrrädern in Richtung Dekra in der Walther-Bothe-Straße

via moz: Fremdenfeindlicher Übergriff – Ausländer in Oranienburg rassistisch beschimpft und mit Bierflasche beworfen

Spanish Police Raided a 3D Printed Gun Workshop And Found Nazi Symbols – #terror

Police seized over a dozen 3D printed weapon frames and items displaying Nazi symbols in the first raid of a 3D printed firearm workshop in Spain. Spanish law enforcement revealed the details of a raid on an illegal 3D-printed gun manufacturing workshop on Sunday, the first of its kind found in Spain. According to a press release from the Spanish National Police, the raid originally occurred on September 14th of last year on the island of Tenerife, but was ordered to be kept under wraps by the investigating court. The alleged owner of the factory—an unnamed Spanish male—was also arrested. Video footage of the raid posted on the official Twitter account of the National Police appears to show a 3D printer still in the process of printing the frame of a firearm. It also shows an officer disassembling a 3-D printed pistol and a table filled with various parts, firearms, and accessories.  In total, Spanish law enforcement reported finding, among other things, two 3D printers, 19 printed handgun frames, nine magazines, various weapon parts, as well as weapons: a carbine with a scope, five knives, a machete, and a katana were all recovered. Furthermore, they found 30 manuals containing instructions on how to 3D print firearms and create home-made explosives, along with chemicals commonly used to manufacture them, such as nitrate. 
Police also found two flags and a gun holster featuring neo-Nazi symbols. In a press release, law enforcement pointed to 3D printing technology as potentially enabling deadly crimes, citing a 2019 terrorist attack on a synagogue in Germany by a far-right neo-Nazi where the shooter used a 3D printed gun and had manufactured several more. 

via vice: Spanish Police Raided a 3D Printed Gun Workshop And Found Nazi Symbols


Jury has reached a verdict in Derek Chauvin’s trial in death of #GeorgeFloyd – #GeorgeFloydTrial #BLM #BlackLivesMatter

A verdict has been reached in Derek Chauvin’s trial in the death of George Floyd, according to a notice posted by the court on the Hennepin County Court’s website. The jurors’ decision will be read in open court between 4:30 and 5 p.m. ET, the court said. The jury of five men and seven women deliberated for four hours Monday afternoon and resumed deliberating Tuesday morning, according to the court. They are being sequestered from the public during deliberations. Chauvin, 45, has pleaded not guilty to second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. The deliberations began after three weeks of testimony in one of the most closely watched cases of the Black Lives Matter era. The prosecution’s case against Chauvin featured 38 witnesses as they sought to show the former Minneapolis Police officer committed murder when he kneeled on the neck and back of Floyd, handcuffed and prone on the street, for 9 minutes and 29 seconds on May 25, 2020.

via cnn: Jury has reached a verdict in Derek Chauvin’s trial in death of George Floyd


On the day in March 2020 that police seized a shotgun from Brandon Hole and took him for a mental health evaluation, an officer saw what he recognized as white supremacist websites on Hole’s computer, more than a year before Hole shot and killed eight people on Thursday night at a FedEx facility in Indianapolis. That’s according to a police report released Monday by Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department. Hole’s mother and sister went to the IMPD’s East District headquarters on March 3, 2020, to ask for help after they said he bought a gun and began talking about using it to try “suicide by cop,” according to the report. According to the report, officers went to Hole’s home and took him into custody to be taken to a hospital and seen by a mental health expert. As he was being placed in handcuffs, Hole said, “Please just turn the power strip off on my computer. I don’t want anyone to see what’s on it.” When an officer went to retrieve Hole’s shotgun, the officer saw what “through his training and experience” he recognized as white supremacist websites. IMPD’s criminal intelligence was informed about the content seen on the computer, and the .410 shotgun was taken to the IMPD property room, the report said.


Neo-Nazi leader arrested in Chandler, accused of threatening to kill Black man days after rally

The leader of the National Socialist Movement, the largest Neo-Nazi group in the United States, was arrested in Chandler Monday. Burt Colucci is accused of threatening to kill African Americans and pointing his gun at them. Colucci was in the Valley for the NSM rally over the weekend, which was a brief, uneventful march. The Neo-Nazi group tried to provoke a confrontation with Black men by calling them racial slurs, but when it was clear they were not going to get their desired reaction, the group got in their cars and left. Two days after he paraded around a Phoenix park for roughly 30 minutes with 15 others, Colucci was booked into jail, charged with aggravated assault. (…) A victim then gave a statement referencing the first incident, saying “Colucci began throwing trash on their car, using racial slurs, and threatened to kill him and the group he was with.” The victim also said Colucci pointed the gun at him. According to the report, “an independent third party witness stated…she saw Colucci point the handgun at the victim.”

via abc15: Neo-Nazi leader arrested in Chandler, accused of threatening to kill Black man days after rally

U.S.-based neo-Nazi gang to be banned from United Kingdom – #atomwaffendivision #awd #sonnenkriegdivision #skd

The American neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division will be labeled a terrorist organization in the United Kingdom. According to Home Secretary Priti Patel, the group has been linked to inspiring a number of terror acts in the UK. The group is linked to at least five murders in the U.S. The UK law would also cover National Socialist Order, another name under which the neo-Nazi group operates. (…) As precedent, the UK has previously outlawed similar neo-Nazi groups National Action, Sonnenkrieg Division and Feuerkrieg Division. Prosecutors in the UK have linked all four groups to dozens of terror attacks or disrupted terror plots.

via nydailynwes: U.S.-based neo-Nazi gang to be banned from United Kingdom

siehe auch: US neo-Nazi group should be banned in UK, home secretary says. An American neo-Nazi group linked to five murders in the US should be banned in the UK as a terrorist organisation, the government has said. Home Secretary Priti Patel will ask for permission from MPs to outlaw the group called Atomwaffen Division (AWD). Prosecutors have cited AWD as an influence on a number of teenagers in the UK convicted of terror offences. Ms Patel said she was taking action “to protect young and vulnerable people from being radicalised”. AWD would be the fourth neo-Nazi group to be banned in the UK, joining National Action, Sonnenkrieg Division and Feuerkrieg Division. A formal ban, which will come into effect this week if the move is approved in Parliament, will make it a terror offence to be a member of the group or invite support for it. The government will list National Socialist Order as a formal alias of AWD, meaning it is assessed to be the same organisation. (…) It is part of a network of groups generated by a now defunct neo-Nazi internet forum called Iron March, which was based in Russia. The British organisation National Action – itself banned in 2016 – emerged from the same space and inspired AWD. The American group, in turn, influenced a series of other organisations, including a British version of AWD called Sonnenkrieg Division, which was exposed by the BBC in 2018 and outlawed in its own right last year. In the US, people linked to AWD have been responsible for five murders, explosives offences, and hate crimes. Prosecutors in several UK terror cases have cited AWD’s example as an influence on a number of teenagers, including: The youngest person convicted of planning a terror attack in the UK
The youngest person in the UK to commit a terror offence, which he did aged 13 A boy jailed last year for preparing acts of terrorism The son of a House of Lords clerk who admitted 14 terror offences Several people linked to the Sonnenkrieg Division have also been jailed. Home Secretary Priti Patel said: “Vile and racist white supremacist groups like this exist to spread hate, sow division and advocate the use of violence to further their sick ideologies.
