Mehrere hundert Fahrzeuge – Autokorso mit russischen Fahnen fährt durch Berlin

Am Sonntag nahmen etwa 900 Menschen an einem Autokorso in Berlin teil. Auf etlichen Fahrzeuge waren Fahnen in den russischen Nationalfarben angebracht. Etwa 900 Menschen haben am Sonntag in Berlin an einem Autokorso mit russischen Fahnen teilgenommen. Der Umzug mit mehreren hundert Fahrzeugen wurde als Veranstaltung mit dem Titel „Keine Propaganda in der Schule – Schutz für russischsprechende Leute, keine Diskriminierung“ angemeldet, wie die Berliner Polizei mitteilte. Auf einem Schild hieß es: „Stop hating Russians“ (Hört auf, Russen zu hassen). Etliche Autos führten Fahnen in den russischen Nationalfarben Weiß-Blau-Rot mit.

via tagesspiegel_ Mehrere hundert Fahrzeuge – Autokorso mit russischen Fahnen fährt durch Berlin

Zürcherin mit Kreml-Kontakten – Das ist Putins Chef-Propagandistin in der Schweiz

Daria F.* pflegt enge Kontakte in den russischen Machtapparat. Über anonyme Internet-Accounts versorgt sie Zehntausende mit Kriegspropaganda. Diese Worte schlagen ein wie Raketen. Das anonyme Benutzerkonto «Swiss Vatnik» feuert sie in Serie ab, auf Twitter, auf Telegram. Mehr als 40’000 lesen mit: «Putin hat der Armee wieder Respekt und Ehre verschafft.» Oder: Die gesamte Menschheit werde «die Autorität Russlands anerkennen!» «Vatnik» ist ein Slang-Ausdruck für blinde Anhänger des russischen Regimes. Swiss Vatnik meldet sich mehrmals in der Stunde zu Wort, meist auf Russisch. Die Kernaussagen sind immer dieselben: Der Krieg gegen die Ukraine ist nötig, das Land muss von Nazis befreit werden, der Westen lügt und vor allem: Wladimir Putin ist ein grosser Staatsmann. Doch wer steht hinter dem Pseudonym? SonntagsBlick-Recherchen zeigen: Die Profile gehören der Zürcher Russin Daria F.*. Sie ist die wichtigste Akteurin der russischen Propagandakampagne in der Schweiz. Über diverse Plattformen steuert sie ihre Desinformationsgeschosse ins Ziel. Und: Sie hat beste Verbindungen bis in den Kreml. (…) Viele Nachrichten in ihrem Telegramkanal übernimmt die Zürcherin direkt aus der Propagandaküche Moskaus. Etwa dann, wenn sie schreibt: «Im Westen herrscht eine geradezu bestialische Russophobie.» Oder wenn sie Veteranen des «vaterländischen Krieges» zitiert, die behaupten: «Wir retten wieder einmal die Welt von der faschistischen Plage.» (…) F. fungiert als Mediensprecherin des Unsterblichen Regiments Russlands, einer nationalistischen Organisation, die jedes Jahr Märsche im Gedenken an die Gefallenen der Roten Armee organisiert. Das Unsterbliche Regiment startete als unabhängige Graswurzelbewegung. Doch wie so viele patriotische Vereinigungen wurde es schon bald vom russischen Staat vereinnahmt. Leute aus dem Umfeld des Kreml drängten in die Organisation. (…) Inwiefern F. ihre Aktivitäten auf Geheiss Moskaus betreibt, lässt sich nicht abschliessend beurteilen. Klar hingegen ist: Sie pflegt enge Verbindungen in den russischen Machtapparat. Fotos zeigen sie gemeinsam mit Sergei Garmonin, dem russischen Botschafter in Bern. Von der Zeitung «20 Minuten» auf die Invasion in der Ukraine angesprochen, antwortete dieser kürzlich: «Von welcher Invasion sprechen Sie? Es geht um eine Sonderoperation zur Entnazifizierung und Entmilitarisierung.»

VIA BLICK. Zürcherin mit Kreml-Kontakten – Das ist Putins Chef-Propagandistin in der Schweiz

Nazi armband-wearing woman accosts elderly Jewish man in California

The ADL criticized the city of Laguna Woods for its slow response to the incident. Authorities in Orange County, California are recommending that a woman who wore a Nazi armband and got into an altercation with an elderly Jewish man be charged with hate crimes. The woman’s name has not been released because she has not yet been arrested. The altercation took place on March 7 in Laguna Woods. According to Orange County Sheriff’s Department spokesperson Jaimee Blashaw, the woman made antisemitic comments and threatened an 80-year-old Jewish man who confronted her about the armband. The Anti-Defamation League posted a photo of the woman, which it said had been provided by a citizen who wished to remain anonymous. It showed a woman wearing a black outfit, wearing a red Nazi armband prominently displaying a swastika. Blashaw said two witnesses intervened, one of whom took the armband from the woman. According to local media reports, a complaint was forwarded to the district attorney’s office. It recommended that the woman be charged with threatening the man and hate crimes related to her antisemitic remarks.

via worldisraelnews: Nazi armband-wearing woman accosts elderly Jewish man in California

Baltic states stop Russian gas imports

The head of Latvia’s natural gas storage operator said Saturday the Baltic states were no longer importing Russian natural gas. “If there were still any doubts about whether there may be any trust in deliveries from Russia, current events clearly show us that there is no more trust,” said Uldis Bariss, CEO of Conexus Baltic Grid. “Since April 1st Russian natural gas is no longer flowing to Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania,” he told Latvian Radio. He added that the Baltic market was currently being served by gas reserves stored underground in Latvia. The move comes as Russian President Vladimir Putin has sought to leverage Russia’s status as an energy power. With his economy crippled by unprecedented international sanctions, Putin warned EU members that they would need to set up ruble accounts to pay for Russian gas. He said Thursday that existing contracts would be halted if the payments were not made.

via baltic times: Baltic states stop Russian gas imports

Human Rights Watch accuses #Russian forces of ‘apparent #warcrimes’ in #Ukraine – #putinswar #Bucha

A leading rights group said on Sunday it had documented “apparent war crimes” committed by Russian military forces against civilians in Ukraine. Human Rights Watch (HRW) issued a statement saying it had found “several cases of Russian military forces committing laws-of-war violations” in Russian-controlled regions such as Chernihiv, Kharkiv and Kyiv. The statement, published in Warsaw, came one day after dead civilians were found lying scattered through the streets of the Ukrainian country town of Bucha near Kyiv, three days after the Russian army pulled back from a month-long occupation. (…) The New York-based HRW referred to Bucha in its statement, for which it said it had interviewed 10 people including witnesses, victims and local residents, in person or by phone. It said some had been too scared to give their full names. “The cases we documented amount to unspeakable, deliberate cruelty and violence against Ukrainian civilians,” said Hugh Williamson, HRW’s Europe and Central Asia director. “Rape, murder, and other violent acts against people in the Russian forces’ custody should be investigated as war crimes.” These, it said, included one case of repeated rape; two cases of summary execution – one of six men – and other cases of unlawful violence and threats against civilians between Feb. 27 and March 14. “Soldiers were also implicated in looting civilian property, including food, clothing, and firewood. Those who carried out these abuses are responsible for war crimes,” the report said.

via reuters: Human Rights Watch accuses Russian forces of ‘apparent war crimes’ in Ukraine

siehe auch: Ukraine: Apparent War Crimes in Russia-Controlled Areas. Summary Executions, Other Grave Abuses by Russian Forces. Human Rights Watch has documented several cases of Russian military forces committing laws-of-war violations against civilians in occupied areas of the Chernihiv, Kharkiv, and Kyiv regions of Ukraine. These include a case of repeated rape; two cases of summary execution, one of six men, the other of one man; and other cases of unlawful violence and threats against civilians between February 27 and March 14, 2022. Soldiers were also implicated in looting civilian property, including food, clothing, and firewood. Those who carried out these abuses are responsible for war crimes.

#Drexel, #Missouri, man charged for assaulting law enforcement officers during #CapitolRiot

A Drexel, Missouri, man has been arrested and charged in connection to the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol. Cale Clayton was arrested in Drexel this week and was charged with assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers, civil disorder, theft of government property, and related offenses. Court documents state that Clayton was illegally on Capitol grounds on Jan. 6 and made threats to police officers. (…) Clayton is also accused of grabbing a police shield held by a law enforcement officer

via kctv5: Drexel, Missouri, man charged for assaulting law enforcement officers during Capitol Riot

DC Capitol Storming IMG 7941.jpg
By <a href=”//;action=edit&amp;redlink=1″ class=”new” title=”User:TapTheForwardAssist (page does not exist)”>TapTheForwardAssist</a> – <span class=”int-own-work” lang=”en”>Own work</span>, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link – symbolbild

Laura Loomer Believes Her White Nationalist Views Will Get Her Elected to Congress

Far-right activist Laura Loomer appeared on the “American Renaissance” podcast Tuesday, where she told white nationalist host Jared Taylor that she believes her own white nationalist beliefs will benefit her in her current bid for Congress in Florida. In 2020, Loomer won the Republican primary in Florida’s 21st Congressional District, though she was blown out in the general election by Democratic Rep. Lois Frankel. In 2022, Loomer launched another bid for Congress but switched districts in order to carry out a primary campaign against Republican Rep. Daniel Webster in Florida’s 11th Congressional District. Loomer told Taylor that when she ran in 2020, she had to hide her white nationalist views in order to try to appeal to the “more moderate voting base” in the 21st District. But Loomer bragged that the 11th District is “the whitest district in the entire state of Florida,” which she said means that she can focus on “issues of CRT [critical race theory, and anti-white racism and anti-white hatred.” “The people here are very down to Earth,” Loomer said of the voters in her new district. “They care about God, they care about their country, and they care about preserving the Constitution. And so I’m able to be myself. In Palm Beach, I had to appeal to a more independent voting base, or a more moderate voting base, because it was more liberal there. I’m very right-wing. I’m running a campaign to the right of the current Republican congressman, and that’s what the voters here want.”

via rightwingwatch: Laura Loomer Believes Her White Nationalist Views Will Get Her Elected to Congress

Laura Loomer 2021.png
By American Truth Project – <a rel=”nofollow” class=”external text” href=””>Interview by the American Truth Project</a>, CC BY 3.0, Link