Far-right activist Laura Loomer appeared on the “American Renaissance” podcast Tuesday, where she told white nationalist host Jared Taylor that she believes her own white nationalist beliefs will benefit her in her current bid for Congress in Florida. In 2020, Loomer won the Republican primary in Florida’s 21st Congressional District, though she was blown out in the general election by Democratic Rep. Lois Frankel. In 2022, Loomer launched another bid for Congress but switched districts in order to carry out a primary campaign against Republican Rep. Daniel Webster in Florida’s 11th Congressional District. Loomer told Taylor that when she ran in 2020, she had to hide her white nationalist views in order to try to appeal to the “more moderate voting base” in the 21st District. But Loomer bragged that the 11th District is “the whitest district in the entire state of Florida,” which she said means that she can focus on “issues of CRT [critical race theory, and anti-white racism and anti-white hatred.” “The people here are very down to Earth,” Loomer said of the voters in her new district. “They care about God, they care about their country, and they care about preserving the Constitution. And so I’m able to be myself. In Palm Beach, I had to appeal to a more independent voting base, or a more moderate voting base, because it was more liberal there. I’m very right-wing. I’m running a campaign to the right of the current Republican congressman, and that’s what the voters here want.”

via rightwingwatch: Laura Loomer Believes Her White Nationalist Views Will Get Her Elected to Congress

Laura Loomer 2021.png
By American Truth Project – <a rel=”nofollow” class=”external text” href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crhwJROgA8s”>Interview by the American Truth Project</a>, CC BY 3.0, Link

Categories: Rechtsextremismus