Members of this neo-Nazi group had reportedly agreed to organise a "week of terror". A 15-year-old teenager, who allegedly fully identified with neo-Nazi ideology, was arrested today in the town of Bolzano, in the Upper Adige region of northeastern Italy. According to Italian authorities, the 15-year-old was about to carry out a murderous attack on a homeless man outside a sports facility in the area and then post his criminal act on the “dark web”. According to Italian media, prosecutors seized material belonging to the arrested man, which referred to neo-Nazi and Satanist groups. The charges against him are membership in an organization aimed at terrorist activity, manufacturing explosive devices, illegal carrying of weapons, and possession and dissemination of child pornography. The teenager was allegedly a member of an international neo-Nazi group. During a raid on his residence, two computers were seized, as well as an axe. Members of this particular neo-Nazi group had reportedly agreed to organize a “week of terror.” That is, to murder an immigrant or a homeless person, and then post a video about it on the “dark web.”
via prothothema: Italy: 15-year-old neo-Nazi group member arrested – “He was about to kill a homeless man”
siehe auch: He planned the “Week of Terror”: 15-year-old arrested in Bolzano The minor had joined a far-right group and was very active on various Telegram channels. He planned the “Week of Terror” together with the group of supremacists to which he belonged. He is a 15-year-old from Bolzano arrested this morning by the anti-terrorism section of the Digos of the capital of South Tyrol and despite his very young age he must answer for the crimes of participation in an association for the purpose of terrorism, manufacturing and use of explosive devices, illegal possession of weapons, aggravated damage, possession and distribution of child pornography. The investigation began following a search of the home where the arrested young man lives with his family, when 2 computers, a smartphone and an axe were found and seized, as well as material that already at that time unequivocally testified to his membership in a Satanist and neo-Nazi supremacist group. According to investigators, the minor had joined a far-right group and was very active on various Telegram channels. In particular, the members of the group were planning a terrorist action during the so-called “Week of Terror”. In concrete terms, the members had the task of selecting a victim among vulnerable people, videotaping the murder and subsequently publishing the video on a Russian dark web site. (...) An initial analysis of the data saved on the smartphone of the minor arrested today revealed images and videos of assaults, murders and school shootings, including child pornography, as well as footage from the most radical fringes of Islam, such as videos on the Islamic State, attacks, beheadings, school shootings and home-made explosives. His continuous research on the web was also carried out using artificial intelligence search engines, which investigated the emotional state and sensations of terrorists during the execution of bloody acts, as well as the possible perception of pain by suicide bombers during “martyrdom” through explosives. He also demonstrated on the web that he had proven experience in the field of cryptocurrencies and was a user and owner of a bitcoin wallet, Bolzano, un 15enne arrestato per terrorismo suprematista. Sospettato di appartenere a un gruppo satanista e neonazista Contro di lui accuse anche di fabbricazione di esplosivi, porto abusivo d'armi, detenzione di materiale pedopornografico. Un 15enne, arrestato all'alba dalla Sezione antiterrorismo della Digos della questura di Bolzano, è sospettato di appartenere a un gruppo satanista e neonazista suprematista. L'arresto del ragazzo è avvenuto in esecuzione di una ordinanza di custodia cautelare in carcere emessa dal Tribunale per i minorenni di Bolzano. E' accusato di partecipazione ad associazione con finalità di terrorismo, fabbricazione e utilizzo di ordigni esplosivi, porto abusivo di armi, danneggiamento aggravato, detenzione e diffusione di materiale pedopornografico. In casa aveva un'ascia Il giovane apparteneva a un gruppo neonazista internazionale. Le sue attività non riguardavano la "questione sudtirolese". L'indagine ha avuto inizio a seguito di una attività informativa della Digos a seguito della quale tempo fa è stata effettuata una perquisizione nell'abitazione dove il ragazzo vive con la famiglia. Nel corso della perquisizione sono stati sequestrati due computer ed uno smartphone ed un'ascia, oltre a materiale che testimonia la sua militanza in un gruppo satanista e neonazista suprematista.