One year ago, Wagner Group founder Yevgeny Prigozhin launched a short-lived mutiny against the Russian Defense Ministry. His mercenaries began marching towards Moscow, making it all the way to Rostov-on-Don without encountering much resistance. But by the next evening, the “Wagnerites” had returned to their field camps and the Kremlin announced that the mercenaries had two options: enlist in the Russian military or leave Russia for Belarus. Exactly two months later, Prigozhin and some of his associates died in a plane crash. Since then, Prigozhin’s 26-year-old son has inherited his assets and the Wagner Group’s mercenaries in Syria and Africa have been folded into the Russian army. In a new report, BBC News Russian recounts what has become of the Wagner Group’s fighters. Syria Wagner Group mercenaries have been active in Syria since at least 2015. After Prigozhin’s June 2023 mutiny, Syria was reportedly one of the destinations where the mutineers were allowed to go. Two informed sources told BBC News Russian that “Wagnerites” stationed in Syria were offered official contracts with the Russian Defense Ministry. As a result, all of the Russian fighters in Syria today are now professional soldiers. (…) Africa In late 2023, reports emerged that Russia was putting together an Africa Corps meant to replace Wagner Group structures operating on the continent. At the time, the Russian business daily Vedomosti reported that the Africa Corps would allegedly operate in Burkina-Faso, Libya, Mali, the Central African Republic (CAR), and Niger. According to Vedomosti’s sources, the Africa Corps would report directly to the Russian Defense Ministry and be under the supervision of Deputy Defense Minister Yunus-Bek Evkurov. (,,,) Russia In late October 2023, commander Apty Alaudinov announced that former Wagner mercenaries were transferring to Chechnya’s Akhmat Special Forces unit and going to fight in Ukraine. According to Alaudinov, this “massive recruitment” of former Wagner fighters even included ex-commanders. Chechnya Governor Ramzan Kadyrov was even more specific, claiming that more than 170 former mercenaries had joined his Akhmat military unit.

via meduza: After the mutiny What happened to the Wagner Group’s mercenaries in the year since Prigozhin’s ‘march on Moscow’?

siehe auch: One year after Prigozhin’s mutiny, the Wagner Group’s tactical legacy still influences the battlefield in Ukraine On June 23, 2023, Yevgeny Prigozhin led his Wagner Group mercenaries in an armed insurrection against the Russian Defense Ministry. Prigozhin would never reach Moscow; he abandoned the coup the next day and his “Wagnerites” were ordered to either enlist under the Russian Defense Ministry or leave Russia for good. A year later, Meduza looks back at the unsuccessful insurrection and sums up the Wagner Group’s tactical legacy on the battlefield in Ukraine. A year ago, when Yevgeny Prigozhin embarked on his “march of justice” toward Moscow, his men encountered little resistance on the ground, apart from truck barricades on the main roads. The Russian military command only deployed aviation from nearby airfields against the Wagner Group fighters. After several skirmishes with government forces’ aircraft, Wagner mercenaries reached the village of Krasnoye in Russia’s Lipetsk region, where they set up camp. However, they never made it any further north.

Wagner flag.jpg
By 2s3m akatsiya – File:Wagner_Group_in_Mykolaivka.webm, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link


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