On Wednesday, a man was arrested in Eugene for allegedly tagging a local synagogue with antisemitic graffiti. Adam Edward Braun, 34, is accused of vandalizing Temple Beth Israel four times since last August. That includes allegedly writing “white power” on the building in January. Eugene Police Chief Chris Skinner said after identifying Braun from security footage, law enforcement went to his home, where they found Nazi and Ku Klux Klan memorabilia. “The level that this person has immersed themselves into white nationalism and Nazi culture, it’s the type of thing that we want to make sure our community knows exists,” said Skinner. “And maybe equally as important, [it’s] the type of thing that we want our community to know we take very seriously.” Skinner said so far, it appears the suspect acted alone, and he may have been radicalized by books and podcasts.

via opb: Eugene man arrested over white supremacist graffiti at synagogue