Soon after leaving office, the former president shared sensitive information about American submarines with a billionaire member of Mar-a-Lago, according to people familiar with the matter. Shortly after he left office, former President Donald J. Trump shared apparently classified information about American nuclear submarines with an Australian businessman during an evening of conversation at Mar-a-Lago, his private club and residence in Florida, according to two people familiar with the matter. The businessman, Anthony Pratt, a billionaire member of Mar-a-Lago who runs one of the world’s largest cardboard companies, went on to share the sensitive details about the submarines with several others, the people said. Mr. Trump’s disclosures, they said, potentially endangered the U.S. nuclear fleet. (…) During his talk with Mr. Pratt, Mr. Trump revealed at least two pieces of critical information about the U.S. submarines’ tactical capacities, according to the people familiar with the matter. Those included how many nuclear warheads the vessels carried and how close they could get to their Russian counterparts without being detected. (…) Still, Mr. Trump has been known to share classified information verbally on other occasions. During an Oval Office meeting in 2017 shortly after he fired the F.B.I. director James B. Comey, Mr. Trump revealed sensitive classified intelligence to two Russian officials, according to people briefed on the matter. Well into his presidency, he also posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, a classified photo of an Iranian launch site. The indictment in the documents case also accused Mr. Trump of showing a classified battle plan to attack Iran to a group of visitors to his club in Bedminster, N.J. Prosecutors claim that a recording of the meeting with the visitors depicts Mr. Trump as describing the document he brandished as “secret.”
via nytimes: Trump Said to Have Revealed Nuclear Submarine Secrets to Australian Businessman
siehe auch: Trump soll geheime Details über Atom-U-Boote verraten haben. Wie viele Sprengköpfe befinden sich an Bord der amerikanischen Atom-U-Boote? Und wie nah kamen sie an russische Boote heran, ohne entdeckt zu werden? Das soll Ex-Präsident Trump einem australischen Milliardär erzählt haben. Der frühere US-Präsident Donald Trump soll nach dem Ende seiner Amtszeit geheime Informationen über Atom-U-Boote mit einem australischen Geschäftsmann geteilt haben. Das berichten unter anderem der US-Sender ABC und die Zeitung “New York Times” unter Berufung auf mit der Angelegenheit vertraute Personen.Der Republikaner habe die Details demnach bei einem Abendessen in seinem Privatanwesen Mar-a-Lago im US-Bundesstaat Florida weitererzählt. Der australische Milliardär soll die Details über die U-Boote dann weiterverbreitet haben. (…) Pratt soll die Informationen laut ABC anschließend mit 45 Personen geteilt haben, darunter australische Regierungsbeamte, ehemalige australische Premierminister und Journalisten. Unklar ist, ob die Informationen, die Trump preisgab, der Wahrheit entsprechen.