Death toll on the occupied island of Alderney, or ‘Little Auschwitz,’ is hotly debated, as a possibly faulty postwar report has experts saying thousands more may have been killed. The British government is set to begin lifting the lid on the dark secrets of what some have called “Little Auschwitz” — the island of Alderney, which housed the only Nazi concentration camps to have existed on British soil during World War II. For decades, official accounts have said that less than 400 of the 4,000 slave laborers shipped to the island — and among them, only a handful of Jews — perished. But, prompted by suggestions from journalists, historians and military experts that the death toll may have run into the thousands, Britain’s Holocaust envoy last week announced an expert review of evidence into the number of prisoners who died on Alderney during the Nazi occupation. The British government is set to begin lifting the lid on the dark secrets of what some have called “Little Auschwitz” — the island of Alderney, which housed the only Nazi concentration camps to have existed on British soil during World War II. For decades, official accounts have said that less than 400 of the 4,000 slave laborers shipped to the island — and among them, only a handful of Jews — perished. But, prompted by suggestions from journalists, historians and military experts that the death toll may have run into the thousands, Britain’s Holocaust envoy last week announced an expert review of evidence into the number of prisoners who died on Alderney during the Nazi occupation. Binary Options Fraud – ToI journalist Simona Weinglass’ story Pause Next playlist item Unmute Picture-in-Picture Fullscreen Close “Numbers matter because the truth matters,” Eric Pickles, a Conservative member of the House of Lords and a former senior minister, said in a statement announcing the review. “The dead deserve the dignity of the truth; the residents of Alderney deserve accurate numbers to free them from the distortion of conspiracy theorists.” “Exaggerating the numbers of the dead, or even minimizing them, is in itself a form of Holocaust distortion and a critical threat to Holocaust memory and to fostering a world without genocide,” said Pickles, who heads the UK Delegation to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.
via times of israel: ‘NUMBERS MATTER BECAUSE THE TRUTH MATTERS’ UK launches inquiry into deaths at sole Nazi concentration camps on British soil