A Montreal neo-Nazi who was found guilty of wilfully promoting hatred is seeking to appeal the verdict. Gabriel Sohier-Chaput, 36, authored articles in a far-right publication under the pseudonym “Charles Zeiger.” He was found guilty in the Court of Quebec on Jan. 23. The case hinged on a single article written in 2017 for a far-right online publication, the Daily Stormer, which Sohier-Chaput claimed was satire. Using antisemitic memes and editorial comments, the article entitled “Canada: Nazis Trigger Jews By Putting Up Posters On Ch–k Church,” celebrated neo-Nazi posters pasted on a bus stop in British Columbia. It also mocked a Holocaust survivor who had been interviewed about the incident, calling him an “oven-dodger,” and called for “non-stop Nazism, everywhere, until the very streets are flooded with the tears of our enemies.” Sohier-Chaput’s lawyer submitted his request for an appeal last week.
via cbc: Montreal neo-Nazi found guilty of promoting hatred seeks appeal