An Epidemic of White Supremacy in the Queensland Police?

The Queensland police have come under fire after a whistleblower leaked audio recordings, earlier this month, in which racist remarks were made about Australian minority communities, forcing an apology. However this incident cannot be viewed as an anomaly, but rather following a trend in a toxic environment that exists within the Queensland police. Audio recordings, in which a number of Australian police officers in the city of Brisbane were revealed to have openly expressed racist views about black people, Indians, aboriginal Australians and discussed Islamaphobic theories about a Muslim takeover of white majority European nations. Heard in the conversations are comments that allude to fears of minority groups that are supposedly taking over Australia, in addition to remarks about “beating and burying” black people. The comments, made by members of the Queensland Police Service (QPS), have since been condemned as “sickening and disturbing” by QPS’s acting deputy commissioner Mark Wheeler and an apology has been issued.

via usatoday: An Epidemic of White Supremacy in the Queensland Police?